My Best Friend

It Will Always Just Be Me

There was another silence. The day had seemed to be full of them. It wasn’t as awkward as the previous ones had been. Spencer squeezes his eyes shut and bit down on his tongue, wishing he hadn’t said it, but Ryan looked at his friend with a puzzled look on his face.

“What?” he said, as if he hadn’t heard, or more likely hadn’t understood. “Spence, what did you say?”

Spencer took a deep breath, opened his eyes and looked at Ryan. He still looked baffled, but it was obvious he was waiting for an answer. Spencer didn’t know what other people saw when they looked at Ryan, but he saw big pretty eyes, looking out from a beautiful face framed with soft hair. He couldn’t help but love him… And he was still patiently waiting for an answer, head tilted slightly…

Spencer couldn’t help himself anyway, and it seemed like a good idea. So in answer, he kissed Ryan.

Ryan sat watching his best friend, waiting for an answer. Spencer always looked so troubled lately, looking back at him intently. Had he said what he thought he just said? And suddenly, Spencer was kissing him! He was too shocked to even react, really, and as his eyes fluttered closed he realised the situation, and pulled back, pushing Spencer away.

Even though he could see the look of horror in his friends eyes; the realisation that he had just made a stupid, stupid mistake, he still looked shocked and freaked out.

“What the hell man?” he exclaimed, the look of scared confusion deepening into his face, “Spence!”

And then Spencer watched, as despite calling him Spence rather than Spencer, Ryan stood up, still looking troubled, turned around and left the room, closing the door behind him. And Spencer put his head in his hands. Now he’d really done it. He’d really lost his best friend forever, and probably broken up his band, too!

On the other side of the door, Ryan leaned against the wall, trying to stop all the thoughts in his head spinning round. He had to think about this. He needed some coffee. He needed someone else’s advice. He definitely needed that coffee…

Maybe he shouldn’t have reacted the way he did?

A tear silently rolled down Spencer’s cheek, but he didn’t even notice, because he was too preoccupied with what felt like a broken heart…