My Best Friend

Choke Back Tears

After the practise, Ryan was making himself some coffee. He had held back the emotions until he was alone; they were secret emotions. He didn’t know what he would do if Spencer found out… Spencer was straight, anyway, before even thinking whether or not he’d like him. At least all this helped him to write songs…

As the coffee machine gurgled, and made all the strange noises that coffee machines make, he sighed. At least no one else had wanted a coffee, so he would be alone for a while. He watched as the machine did its work.

In the other room, Brendon had started a paper war; they were throwing paper planes and scrunched up paper at each other. It had started when Jon had knocked over the paper bin, and its contents had fallen on Brendon. At the moment, Brendon was trying to make paper planes, but Spencer was attacking him with scrunched up paper.

Well, there wasn’t much point throwing them at Jon, he was hiding behind an upturned table, and his aim was lousy, anyway. Most of his throws were either landing near enough to Spencer for him to pick them up, or gathering outside the door.

Finally, Brendon gave up on planes, and threw his scrunched up plane, and all the paper lying around him, at Spencer. Instead of diving behind the table with Jon, where there wasn’t enough room for two people, Spencer dived into the hallway, and he attacked Brendon with all the paper that had been thrown there by Jon. Jon just peeked out from behind the table; he’d run out of ammo.

In the kitchen, Ryan sat with his coffee, the fun in the other room not reaching him. He could hear it, but he was ignoring it. He looked down at the hot liquid in his mug, and closed his eyes as he began to cry.

The table fell completely over, the legs nearly hitting Jon in the face, and Brendon was reduced to falling about laughing. There was scrunched up paper all over the room, but the paper war was pretty much over. Spencer stood up, and turned to the kitchen to see if there was any coffee to spare.

Through the door, he could see Ryan, tears slipping from his closed eyes, and the steaming mug of coffee in front of him. Was it his fault? He should have had a better excuse for messing up the drumming. Ryan wrote the lyrics; maybe the chorus had a special meaning that was key to the song? Damnit, this was all his fault… What could he do, though?

Managing to avoid looking suspicious, Spencer walked back into the room and flopped on the sofa, resting his feet on Jon, who was lying on the floor now, being poked in the ear by Brendon. Wow, was Brendon hyper today, but Spencer’s mind wasn’t really on it.

He’d made Ryan cry…