I Fell in Love with a Dreamseller

New Room

“Baaaam….I can’t see!! This is so stupid! I don’t understand why you have to cover my eyes for this.”, “Sammie don’t worry about it we’re almost there.” Samantha sighed as she was guided further into Bam’s house. She knew he was showing her the room he had made for her, but she thought it was so stupid for him to cover her eyes. “Okay I need you to cover your eyes for me so I can open the door.” “But-““just do it Sam.” She covered her eyes and heard the door open “okay open your eyes!!” she uncovered her eyes and her jaw hit the floor. The room was beautiful! It was a deep purple color with black furniture in it and behind the headboard of the bed was a mural of the word “love” in all the different types of languages and the definition. “Bam….it’s amazing. I don’t know what to say! I love it! You are the best!!! Oh my god. Bammy I love you!!!” Bam smiled as Samantha hugged him. “I’m glad you like you like it boo”

Samantha wandered around the room looking at everything. Bam smiled as he watched her. He was so glad to have her in his house now. He was so worried about her when she checked into rehab. And now here she is in West Chester living with him. He was really happy when Dunn convinced her to move into his house. Bam heard the door open downstairs and poked his head out the room when he heard “Yo! Life partner where the fuck are you?!” Bam groaned in annoyance. He had forgotten that Novak got back into town today. He wasn’t too happy about Samantha having to see Novak after he relapsed again, but he was going to have to get over it. “Novak! I’m upstairs with Sammie”

Novak walked up the stairs. When he heard bam say that Sam was there he grinned. He loved when she was in town. She had the best stories and she was an inspiration to him, because she had been to hell and back just like him, but she was doing so much better than him. She had been 4 years clean and still hasn’t touched a single drug. She wouldn’t even touch prescription drugs that doctors gave her when she was sick or hurt. Novak stood in front of the door and saw Sam smiling and laughing at Bam’s stupidity. “Hey Sam.” Samantha turned around and smiled at Novak “hey Brandon…what’s up?”

Samantha’s heart raced when she heard Novak’s voice. She had a huge crush on him for years, but she was afraid to tell anyone because Ryan would probably kick Novak’s ass…and she always felt like bam wanted more in their friendship. She blushed when Novak smiled at her “Not much…just got out of rehab again.” She looked at him in shock. “But you promised me you wouldn’t use anymore…”