I Fell in Love with a Dreamseller


Novak looked down at the floor when he heard Sam say that. It broke his heart. She sounded so upset. Bam looked between the two and pushed Novak out of the door way and shut the door. Looking at Novak bam sighed. “Man you fucked up big time. She trusted you, and you lied to her.” “I know.” “You owe her an apology” “I know” “and a hug.” Novak laughed. “A hug? Like that’s going to make things better.” “With her it does and you know that. “ “I just don’t want her to think I’m a fuck up.” “But you are! So it’s better to just tell her you fucked up and move on.” “fine.” Bam walked away and went downstairs to call his wife.

Novak opened the door to Sam’s room and peaked his head in. he saw her curled up in her bed crying. “Sam..? Can I come in?” she sat up and wiped her face off “I guess.” He came in and sat at the end of her bed. “I’m really sorry Sam. I fucked up. I broke my promise to you like it meant nothing. And really did mean something to me-““and yet you threw it away to get your next fix.” “Look I’m not to proud of myself either. And I’m not going to sit here and say I won’t do it again ‘because I might, I fuck up. That’s just who I am I guess.” “Yea but that doesn’t mean you have to keep letting it happen. Brandon I told you if you felt like you were going to relapse to call me so I could help you. I’m so tired of people like you letting me down Brandon.” He sighed and ran his hand across his face. “Look I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry.” “Apology accepted. But I don’t want you to make anymore empty promises to me. Because I’m tired of you hurting me.” His heart tightened when he heard that. He didn’t understand why it bothered him so much that he was hurting her. It bothered him more that he was hurting Sam then it did when he destroyed his relationships with his family. “Okay.” Novak got up and walked out of the room to the pirate bar, after hearing Sam say what she said he needed a drink.

Sam curled up in a ball on her bed. More than anything right now she wished she could set up some lines. But she knew better. She walked to the corner of her room and picked up her guitar. And started to play. It was the only way to get Novak off her mind. She really didn’t want to think about the fact that she really did love him.