Behind These Refuge Walls

Chapter 2

"Do you have any idea how much I hate school?"

Nate snickered beside me as we walked down the aisle and towards the cash register.

"You're not the only one."

I gave him a skeptic look. "Kid, don't go all understanding on me. At least you do whatever the fuck you like all flippin' day."

"Well, yeah, between Maths, English Literature and God knows what other crap."

I laughed deviously at his annoyed tone. "Mwhaha! Now that, my friend..." I pointed the tube of toothpaste at him, " justice."

We both started laughing. I gave the cart a once over.

"Did you get those cereals I said?" His angelic face clearly told me that he didn't. I rolled my eyes. "Alright, I'll be right back. Don't let anyone kidnap you."

He muttered something under his breath that I didn't catch. I went in the search of the lost cereals. By the time I reached the desired aisle, I had completely forgotten the brand.

"Fruit Loops are always good," I mused and began my search.

My gaze fell on the last box of Fruit Loops. I extended my arm towards them and squealed in surprise as my hand collided with another hand.

A light chuckle filled my ears. "Sorry about that."

I looked at the owner of the voice and smiled despite myself. A dark haired boy, a bit taller than myself and probably around my age, smiled back at me. He held a very...cute and naive air, like he was just trying to get adjusted to this world. His brown eyes were rather enticing and his features made me think of a football player. Perhaps an athlete.

"Uh...I think we shouldn't start a war over the last box and you have it."

I chuckled. His voice was nice, pleasant even. "It's alright. I can deal with one defeat. Besides, I guess it's time I replace take out with real food."

Getting Nate on a healthy basketball player would be a good idea, I figured.

He smiled. "Yeah, I know how that is." I enjoyed the fact that he didn't avoid looking at me. "I...uh...just moved here. From Iowa."

Iowa. Could this be the new kid Max was gossiping about?

"Really? Ha, me too...well I moved in about a week ago, but I'm still getting settled in."

He opened his mouth to say something, but the voice that sounded throughout the aisle didn't belong to him.

"Jake! Can we go already?!"

He sighed. "Coming, mom." He turned to look at me with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I have to go. Oh..." He handed me the Fruit Loops. "I would live a life filled with regrets if I kept that box. I don't think it's fair to a pretty girl like you."

I laughed as he walked away in a hurry to a blond woman and a younger boy.

"What took you so long?" Nate questioned once I returned.

"Sorry, kid. I had to fight someone for them," I explained as I put the box of Fruit Loops in the casket.

"I didn't see any paramedics rush in, so that's a lie." He snickered as I gasped. "So what happened?" He wasn't going to drop the subject.

"Whatever. I socialized." I emphasized the word 'socialized'. My brother gave me a strange look.

He got the allusion. "You talked to a guy?" Nate snickered.

"What's so funny about it? I can talk to guys. I can even flirt with guys."

"Are you trying to tell me you flirted with a guy over a box of Fruit Loops? If so, then you really need to get a grip of yourself."

Nathan never ceased to surprise me with his replies. Whether it came to my romantic (and inexistent) life or any of my thoughts, he would come up with something. I almost felt like he was more of an adult than I was.

"Whatever, shrimp. Let's go home. You have school tomorrow."

"Oh joy." Sarcastic. He learned that from me.

I watched Nate fall asleep that night. He didn't know, of course. He had fallen asleep in an instant. No doubt the intense training had worn him off. I was also extremely tired, but struggled to fall asleep greatly. Instead, my mind seemed very occupied by everything that had happened during the past week.

Moving out proved to be a bigger stress than initially predicted. It wore me off, but I didn't regret my choice. I was eighteen. I had a whole life ahead. Nate had attached himself to me, so I now felt in debt to help him out as well.

Max was annoying. A good annoying. He knew very little about me, whereas I knew so much about him from all his ranting. And Gerry...dear ol' Gerry. He was a good friend. It was his idea to move here and start over. Maybe he was right to suggest this.

I suppose one needs a few acquaintances here and there to prevent themselves from going insane.

The morning came sooner than expected, along with the despicable obligation of going to school. I was an indolent child. A rebel. A stubborn bitch. But I was also egotistical beyond powers. This meant there was a little voice inside my head that pushed me to go on. I never backed down. Ever.

School is one of those things I hate, but don't hesitate in going through with them.

"Alright...So you know the drill. If you need anything, anything at all, text me, alright? I got this shit covered. Also--"

"Charlie, calm down! I'm not five. I got this. If anything happens, I'll text you. Chillax. Enjoy your first day at school!" Nathan winked and threw me an apple.

I caught it gracefully, having just been served by a junior. "You too!"

I watched him get off the bus as another wave of students hopped on. A particular dark haired one caught my eye. A smile spread on his lips upon noticing me. He walked up to me and pointed to the seat beside me.

"Is this seat taken?"

I smirked. "Apparently it is now." I motioned for him to sit down. As he did, I got a closer look at his clothes.

He was different from the other guys I had seen in the bus. He didn't wear fancy cologne or shirts from a certain brand. He was just him.

"If we wouldn't have been on a school bus, I would have thought you were stalking me," I joked.

He laughed. "Maybe I am. Maybe I am so desperate to find out your name." He extended his arm politely. "I'm Jake. Jacob Farris."

I took it just as excited. "Charlotte Sanders. Charlie or CJ for short."

He smiled. "Yeah, you look like a CJ." I snickered. "What does the J stand for?"

The conversation didn't feel as appealing to me anymore.

"A nickname," I said. "But I don't enjoy being called by that anymore."

Jake noticed my awkwardness. He understood, too.

I decided to change the subject. There was no use in the two of us feeling so strange around each other.

"So why did you move out here?"

"My brother wants to become a professional tennis player."

A snicker escaped my lips. "Really? My brother wants to become a basketball player. Go Lakers!"

A few heads turned in my direction. Basketball lovers who probably adored another team glanced at me like I was a traitor of humanity. Jake snickered.

"Good one."

The bus parked next to an enormous black Escalade. It leaked its owner's ego, though the person was nowhere to be seen.

I exhaled. Jake followed me as I walked in the parking lot. I sensed the looks everyone was giving me. Some were curious. Others were offended. And a few others could not have cared less.

"I have a feeling this is going to be a long day," Jake whispered to me.

I nodded. I glanced at two girls as they walked passed us. A blond one, similar to a Barbie doll, only wearing blue, watched me with a look of disgust. The other one, a red head, licked her lips seductively as she watched Jake. Her smile also faded as she noticed me. It was replaced by a scowl.

Jake was wrong. It was going to be a long week. And it had barely started.

"I guess we should go get our schedules."

"Good idea," he mumbled.

His voice seemed off, which got me to turn and glance at me. In a matter of seconds, I ran straight into something. Someone, to be more correct. I nearly fell backwards.

Giggles and snickers erupted from everywhere. I looked up to my obstacle. A pretty large black guy glared daggers at me. He was taller than me. Taller than Jake. More muscular than Jake. A lot more muscular.

"Watch we're you goin', tramp!"

"Back off!" There were whistles, quite a few of them, as Jake stepped up in front of me.

I was not going to let him go there. "Look, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking. Jake, let's go."

He was taken aback by my reaction. "CJ--"

"Come on," I hissed and pushed him out of the way.

The guy huffed and walked right passed me. People talked about this at lunch, but none of them remembered who I was or how I looked.

"Jake, don't give them what they want."

"He would have stepped on you, had I not been there."

"Alright." I stopped in my tracks, my schedule held tight in my fist. "Listen carefully, Shakespeare. If there's one thing I dislike, it's guys who try to make themselves noticed by throwing some fists around!"

He watched me with a shocked face.

"But thank you," I said. The smile I gave him made Jake forget about my outburst.

"No problem." He laughed. "You really handled him well."

We began walking towards our classrooms.

"That was pretty cool, you know. Not many girls keep their stance like that."

I chuckled. "Thanks. I'll see you around, Jake. Hopefully I won't get lost in this hellhole."

"Yeah, you take care. If we don't see each other again, know that it was my pleasure to have met you."

With a small laugh, we parted. I disliked the fact that I no longer had a cover, someone who would guaranteed get as much attention as me. Yet it was a relief, too. It meant I got the chance to take a look around by myself.

The classrooms were pretty big. There was air to breathe. Well, the only problem with the air was that there would constantly be a Barbie bitch or a Ken goon to inhale my oxygen. That was a problem that could be solved.

Introducing myself in front of the class was a pain I was saved from by most of the teachers. Students barely looked at me. I was convinced they were talking amongst themselves about me, though.

"Now class. Today we have a new student." Spanish brought me on the verge of despair. "Miss Sanders, please stand up."

Dios better have a good explanation why everything was happening.

"This is Charlotte Sanders. I reckon she might not know Spanish as well as everyone else. So I will not ask her to introduce herself." The last part was good. The first part was bad. Very bad.

"There's not much we can ask for from such a low life like her." The girl who said this kept her tone to a point where I could clearly hear her.

The class started laughing. Anger boiled inside me.

"Mi nombre es Charlie. Me mudé a Orlando desde Miami. Estoy de dieciocho años de edad." I paused and turned to the girl with a sickening smile. "Y es mejor que te callas, puta, o me va a enojaro y tu cara no va a salir bien! Está claro, bruja?"

That set off a small group of boys behind the girl. Soon enough, others joined. She was confused; completely lost.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I speaking too fast for you?" I questioned.

The teacher burst into laughter. Mrs. Cromwell laughed.

"Nicely done, Ms. Sanders. I am very proud," she said. "Of course, not of the swearing part! Dear no. I would suggest that sort of behavior is kept outside of class."

I sat down quietly. It felt refreshing to look at the confused girl. With the corner of my eye I spotted a boy behind her watch me. He had blond hair cut rather shortly. No doubt his father was a general in the house.

A note flew on my desk. I looked up sharply at Mrs. Cromwell. She didn't notice. My gaze then turned to the writing.

Estoy conmocionado. Una delicada señorita como usted sabe cómo defenderse a sí misma tan bien. . .

I found the source of the note quickly. Blond boy. A pleased smirk adorned his already handsome features. I smirked bitterly and threw the note.

My sharp reply was something worth talking about a good amount of time. There were students who glanced at me every now and then. Some laughed at their classmate for not understanding my line. Others scowled at my pathetic attempt to stand out.

They all forgot about me the instant a fight erupted between two girls in the cafeteria.

Gracias a Dios!
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't speak Spanish whatsoever, so excuse me for the lame attempt.
1) My name is Charlie. I moved to Orlando from Miami. I am eighteen years of age. And you'd better shut up, bitch, or I will get angry and your face is not going to turn out okay! Am I clear, witch?
2) I'm shocked. A delicate young lady like you know how to defend herself so well...
3) Thank God