Behind These Refuge Walls

Chapter 4

I had left all my life in Miami. My friends, my family, my car, my house, my school, my money - well not my money, my parents' money.

I partially expected it to hurt, but I never thought the effects would be on a long term. My family - mainly my dad - was one you could never get bored around me. It felt strange without all that buzz around me. My car - oh, boy -, don't even get me started with that. I loved that thing a hell of a lot, but it was currently in a service in Miami or God knows where, because I had bumped in a kid's car at school - not accidentally. I came from a family with opportunities, as my mother put it. I always got what I want, I could just as well be like Paige. Then why, my parents and I wondered, was I such a rebellious brat?

The one thing that tugged at my heart was Nate. He was fourteen, with no idea of what life really is about. He loved Miami for all the attention he was getting. In my honest opinion, taking him with me was the biggest risk I had taken. What was I supposed to do if he needed a parent's signature for school or anything like that? I was insane. But I questioned myself, which one was worse: leaving your parents behind, or leaving a sibling?

"So what was it like, hanging out with Brian?"

Nate shrugged, though a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"It was cool. His house is pretty big with a pool, too. Almost like our place back in Miami. I got to meet his cousin, too."

"And you acted civil, right?" Gosh, I sounded like my mother.

"Sure. We just talked a lot. And played ball. They talk a lot about fighting, though."

My right eye twitched. "I hope you didn't take part in those conversations."

"Chillax, I know my place, Charlie."

As those words left his mouth, a familiar ring tone filled the room. I didn't have to wait for Nate to speak to realize who the caller was. At the sight of the screen, his face said it all.

I sat on the couch, an anxious look on my face.

"Yeah, mom...yeah, I know. Sure. No, she actually takes good care of me. Mom, I really don't want to hear that right now. Fine. Yeah, I will. Yes, I will."


Nate threw the phone aside with an angry huff. Slamming his bedroom door shut, he took refuge in his room, leaving me sitting on the living room couch and reading my magazine. I paid no attention to him, predicting what it was to happen.

I was right. Ten minutes later, the boy emerged from his room. Nate sat by my side in silence.

"She giving you the 'you are reckless' speech again?"

"Yup. This time combined with the proper speaking one. Yes, mother."


"Did she...ask about me?"

Hesitation. A thing I was not very fond of. It meant weakness, uncertainty, which made me angry.



Having had enough of one of the lamest conversation possible, I gladly pulled myself away from the couch and from the ridiculous Cosmopolitan and headed towards the door.

"I'm going out."

Not removing his gaze from the television, he mumbled an 'okay'.

It never ceased to surprise me how amazingly awkward Nate and I turned whenever he or I spoke to her. It was partially the reason why I avoided picking up the phone every time the screen flashed Mom.

I continued on walking down the streets of Orlando, no thoughts in mind. My destination? Gerry. As I reached the gym, I took notice that Max was nowhere to be seen, which was quite suspicious, since he took advantage of every opportunity to get on my nerves.

"Shopping with the girls, huh? Your life sucks."

"Why, thank you, Sherlock, for this fine observation." I rolled my eyes.

"No offense," Gerry continued, oblivious to my remark, "it's just that you don't really seem the type to go in a mall and squeal over transparent skirts and fluffy bras." Now that summed it all. His speech was followed by what I found the most horrifying attempt at a feminine screech ever known by man kind.

I clasped my hands onto my hears while muttering, "Oh, the horror!"

A muscled arm wildly savaged my hair in what was meant to be a gentle and friendly gesture.

"Eh, I'm sure you'll do just fine, kid. Always be open to new possibilities is my motto!"

Too bad Gerry and I never shared that optimistic view on life.


"What's a tripod?"

My gaze rose from the screen of my IPod. I gave Jake a puzzled look.

"Help me out here, Jake, because I seem to be lost. Do I strike you as a dictionary?"

Unnerved by my reply, he looked at me for a few seconds from a thoughtful pose.

"Come to think of it, you don't. How strange."

"Tell me about it."

"So what's up your muffin today?"

I could feel my eyebrow twitch. My muffin? Was he serious?

"I'm bored."

"You're the shittiest liar ever."

"Only when I want to be," I sang, returning to my Solitaire game. God has to love Apple. There was silence for a few seconds; a period of time in which Jake waited for a real answer, I figured. My patience level going terribly low, I abandon the nine of hearts awaiting for its positioning and turn to him.

"I'm just tensed, alright muffin? In case you didn't know, tomorrow afternoon I am supposed to communicate with a group of brainless girls and watch them eye-rape every guy that will pass them while debating over pink or white bras. Strangely enough, I'm not very fond of the idea."

"I wish I could help you out, but--"

"You can't," I finished for him. "No hard feelings."

Honestly, I didn't even want him to help.

"Say, if you were one of the coolest girls in school, how could a guy who is literally no one impress you?"

"I am the coolest girl in school." I quirked an eyebrow. "I don't know. Give me a second to change in my Love Doctor outfit."

Laughing, Jake shook his head. "I'm serious, CJ. I need some help here."

"What exactly do you need help for?"

"You know, there's that girl from my French class." I nod. "She's really cool. We talked for a while and we just clicked. But she seems so...out of my league. I mean, she's not like Paige, but there are dozens of guys who have an eye out for her. And I'm pretty much stuck."

In all honesty, he lost me at 'out'. My know-it-all persona failed in giving him a straight answer.

"Jake, uhm...really, I don't know what to tell you. Uh, I guess you could always try and become friends first." I scratched the back of my head, though tried not to let confusion be obvious. "Let her know you're a cool guy. If she likes you, it's done."

What was I even saying?

The bell finally rang, signaling for students to head back to their classes. Not eagerly, I stood up from my seat followed by Jake. It didn't take us fifteen seconds before receiving unwanted attention.

"Charlotte!" I winced. "Jakey! You guys, wait up!"

I was still debating whether to run away as fast as I could or drop to the floor and play dead when the strawberry blonde girl reached us. Note to self: think faster.

"Hi, Paige," Jake greeted.

The brown haired boy nudged me, demanding any sign of humanity. "Hm," was all I could give.

"Hello to you too, CJ. I just wanted to remind you about tomorrow afternoon. You better not abandon us!"

"How could I possibly?"

She took off like a model walking on a cat-walk, leaving Jake and I to our books.

"You could always just ditch them."

"Oh, and miss all fan-bubbly-tastic shopping spree with my plastic friends? Clearly you lack social skills."

He rolled his eyes as he took a seat behind me. "I simply suggested a way out."

What he didn't understand was the gravity of the situation. Back home, I would have easily ditched something like this. But here I knew no one who could cover me or help me out but Jake - who didn't count as an actual help. Here, if I ditched Paige and her super crew tomorrow, I would bring their wrath down on me. They would start gossiping over me - not that they already weren't - and I wouldn't be able to stay hidden in my own shell. The end result would be the apocalypse.

The sound of chalk scratching the blackboard brought me out of my thoughts in the most painful way possible. Mr Adams watched his class with a frown.

"I see we have quite a few skipping today." Gee, I wonder why. "Open your books at page 75. Quickly."


I threw my backpack over my shoulder, deciding to walk. My head needed some clearing.

"I'll see you on Monday, Charlie!" Jake yelled from the bus' side, a blonde girl attached to his arm. She eyed me in curiosity.

"See ya," I mumbled, waiting for another car to pass. Getting run over wasn't on my to do list yet.

It was interesting to see all the good looking cars leave the parking lot, every one of them with one or two smirking students.

"Since you're standing right in front of my car, how about I offer you a ride?"

I spun quickly to face the same boy from my Spanish class. And he was talking, actually. It seemed like such a long time since I had last seen him, yet I didn't recall him to be so handsome. I gulped. Surely, it was because of the light. He grinned and I found myself smiling lightly because of that.

"Thanks, but no thanks."

"Did I offend you that bad, miss?" he asked, but I had already started walking.

"Don't flatter yourself."

I couldn't help but feel self-conscious. This, in my opinion, could be blamed on the strangeness of the situation. And then, out of habit, I turned around, only to see the black Escalade passing me by, Blonde-Boy at the wheel. He held a distinctive smirk and nodded in my direction. So he was the owner of the SUV.

Shaking off my anxiety, I allowed my feet to carry me to my destination. The solitude was finally something I enjoyed. My only companion was music, as Scorpions blasted through my earphones.

Minutes later, the familiar surrounding of Nate's school became my ally. He also had practice today, which meant we could walk home together. I leaned against the rail, smiling at the enjoyable silence. That particular pleasure ended when the bell rand and hordes of mad children assaulted the exit door. I searched for a specific mass of brown hair.

"Dang, girl, want me to put that fire off?"

I frowned, my nerves tingling. "Excuse me?!" I barked, turning towards the person. Anger vanished instantly and was replaced by shock.

He leaned against the rail in an attempt to mimic me. I felt the mother of all laughter rise in my chest.

"Oh, I see! I'm too young for you, is that what you think? Don't worry, darlin', there are plenty other great things about me."

I stared at the boy - who must have been fourteen or so - and began laughing out loud.

"Get...lost, kid!" I managed to breathe. My eyes moved to see Nate walking towards me and - to my surprise - saluting the irritating brat before me. Not even giving them a chance to talk, I dragged Nate with me.

"You know that pervert?" I asked in disbelief when we finally made it further away from the school. Still surprisingly, Nathan laughed.

"Of course. That's Brian."

"The kid who knew all about fights?"

"Yeah. He thinks you're hot."

"He's disgusting."

"Yeah, matches with his cousin."

"Great, Nate. You've met a family of idiots. Welcome to real life!" I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, they're the second family of idiots I've met." I eyed my brother curiously. "Our family was the first."

Our full hearted laughter replaced the silence of the street.
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I initially posted this as a Never Back Down fan fiction. I am now changing it to an original fiction. Sorry, people!