Status: Completed. Its up for a sequal now.

Nothing Personal

Chapter Two

The last set had ended and it was safe to say that All Time Low were the most amazing band live. Such a stage presence.

I was rather upset that we weren’t going to go meet the guys after all the hard work I had put into trying to get us them.

“OH MY GOD HANNAH I HAD THE BEST IDEA” Zoey shouted at me even though I was merely a step a way.

I groaned holding my right ear, luckily my hearing had yet to return after the concert.

“What is it?” I asked.
“We will sneak backstage, and pretend that we are lost if anyone finds us” she answered looking rather pleased with herself.
“No” I said simply.
“Oh, c’mon do you not want to meet them? It will be fun and wouldn’t want to say in the future that you at least tried” she said while standing as if she was giving a speech.
“are you drunk?” I asked randomly. At least then this would make more sense.
“no perfectly sober, why do you ask?” she answered.
“because this would make oh so much more sense if you were” I said.

I didn’t have anymore time to argue the point as she was dragging me towards a corridor with a series of doors at the same time Zack came out to meet the fans.

We sneaked along the corridor knocking on numerous doors until we reached the last one. Only one swung open and out popped a head.

“yes” a voice asked.
Me and Zoey both looked at each other. Neither one of us had the courage to answer the mystery voice.

Well until I pushed Zoey into view causing her to have to answer. My jaw dropped it was the guys that we had waited in line for four hours for. The ones that we put our lives at risk for…well not really but you get the gist.

“well hello” answered Zoey. I wriggled my eyebrows suggestively.
Rian smirked at us both, and invited us into the room.

“RIAN, who is it?” a voice shouted from deep within the room.
“You guys never guessed what I found” Rian answered.

We stood at the door as Rian walked in, an dark brown haired lanky boy could be seen from behind the couch.
“Well what you find?” Jack asked.
“Pretty ladies” Rian answered.

I blushed and Zoey smiled widely.
“why thank you kind sir” I said in my posh British voice which curtseying.

I glanced around the room, there was a TV in the corner balancing upon a table. Two chairs and a awful green coloured couch in which a certain lead singer could be seen lounged upon. Upon his lap was the brightest blonde hair that could of ever been seen.

“Amber Leigh I swear to god that better not be you” I shouted.
A slightly bashful so called sister of mine turned her head to face me. “Oh hi Hannah, what you doing here?” she asked. Attempting to look innocent.

Zoey stood by me shooting daggers at my sister. Well she wasn’t even that she was just the daughter of my step-dad.

“Security” Zoey yelled.
Two men came running into the room. where the hell where they when we were sneaking in
Alex pushed Amber off his lap and pointed to her “Can you remove her please” he asked.
“What about these two” one of the security guys asked pointing to us.
“There competition winners, they can stay” answered Jack.

I waved to Amber as she was dragged past me and Zoey.

We walked into the room more and sat on the chairs, sharing half each. We spent a lot of time just watching the guys talking between themselves as we quietly conversed about our plan to sneak out of the room without them noticing as the stares we were gaining were becoming slightly uncomfortable.

“What?” Zoey asked.
“Have you never seen boobs before” she continued.

Somehow we go from sitting in the corner like the new girls at school to me battling Jack at Mario Kart and Alex attempting to braid Alex’s hair.

We were being dragged to a club which the after party was being held. Luckily for us we were in the UK and were more then legal to drink, not that would of stopped us before. The music was how we liked it, loud and the alcohol was flowing. Dancing was wild and everyone had already chosen their partners, except me of course as I had chosen to sit out of this love fest.

I could see Zoey and Alex showing their moves off to anyone who was paying attention, the dance floor was officially theirs. It was sweet in the dirtiest way.
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More next.
I just wanted to "bang" this one out while I was in the mood to write