Status: Complete

Autumn Chill


“Hey, Amy, wait up!”
My best friend Tammy ran up to me. I smiled at her.
“Your next class is History, right? Save me a seat for lunch, I’ll—“
Her words were cut off by the loud speaker. To my horror, the principal’s voice blasted out and mentioned my name.
I was frozen.
Tammy was white as a sheet. She turned to me.
“W-what did he say?”
“He said… that you go up to his office.”
I hefted my backpack on my shoulder. What happened? “Well, I—I better get going then.”
“Yeah,” Tam nodded. She smiled at me. “Maybe you won that sketching contest last month…”
We knew it was too soon for the announcement of contest winners. I tried to smile back, but it seemed as if my jaw muscles were stiff. I just nodded.
I started down the hallway, people glancing at me.
“Amelia, I… I have news for you.”
I’m in the principal’s office. The room looms over me, intimidating. I wonder what kind of news he was going to tell. Or did I do anything wrong?
“Amelia, your mother was rushed to the local hospital after being hit by a car.”
The breath was knocked out of me.
“She was dead on arrival. I’m sorry. You can take the day off, or…”
What is he saying?
My thoughts swirl around my head and finally quiet into a dull roar. I hear Mr. Masters in the background, but I do not understand his words. I do not want to listen to him.
I want to see my mother.
Or what was left of her.
I walked to the door, turning the knob. Masters tried to chase after me, but as I adopted a quick pace, he fell back and just shouted at me. It’s a good thing classes are starting. Nobody would see me.
I walk out, feeling the biting autumn cold on my face, on every unprotected part of my body. I hadn’t even put on my scarf, gloves, or sweater. But the numbing cold in my heart is more chilling than the cold outside.
I get to the hospital. The receptionist looks at my disheveled hair, but I get ahead of her. “Where is Maria O’Connor?” I ask.
She turns white. “Oh, are you her daughter?”
“Where is she?” I ask in a toneless voice.
“Oh, um…” She looked at her computer screen, rattling off directions. I listen and go off.
I finally reached it.
I throw open the door. MTs stare at me, but I mumble hoarsely, “Her daughter.” They nod and go out. One of the MTs opens his mouth and says, “You might freak out from the damage—“
Another MT cuts him off. “We’ll be outside, Miss, if you want to ask questions…”
I’m alone with my mother’s corpse.
I throw the white blanket covering her face.
Oh, my God.
Her face was bloodied, with scratches from colliding with the pavement, I guess. Her eyes were closed, which I was thankful for.
I felt the room go cold. Or maybe it was just me.
I walk out, leaving the MTs with their questions.
I collide with a doctor. “Shit!” he mumbles, but I pay no attention to him. I stand there, rooted to ground. I stare at his receding back. He’s wearing a frosty, faded-out green surgery robe.Mint green. Numb… I’m numb as mint green. The life leeched out of me.
My mom…
Oh, God.
It’s as if my life is crumbling.
Numb… I’m cold.
What will happen to me?
With Dad dead, too…
It’s chilling….
What will happen to me?
I mercifully black out, away from the chilling, numbing cold…
Mom’s funeral. It’s a rainy day. An aunt of mine paid for the services n’all, and offered to adopt me. She’s nice, but…
Of course, she’s not Mom. She could never be Mom. But I’m glad someone will take care of me. The grip of ice around my heart dissolves along with the rain. I don not cry as Mom’s white coffin is buried in the ground.
Mom’s death caused a lot of changes, but I can still deal, thanks to my memories of her.
The autumn air washes over me, but memories of Mom keep me warm.
I walk off to my new life after the ceremony…
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I know, it sucks... but just comment or anything and I'll be happy...