Status: The journal is finally finished.

My Heroine.

chapter; one

A lot had changed in my 3 years of high school. I developed new friendships, resulting in my self-esteem rising. My grades dropped a tad, a result of my acquired interest in cigarettes, pot, and skipping school. My appearance had changed. My face was no longer chubby, and had two new holes; one septum piercing, and one nostril stud. My hair was ever changing, with new lengths, more teasing, and lots of hair dying.

Aside from one thing, many things had changed.

That one thing hadn't changed, was the nuisance that refused to leave my thoughts. He never seemed to leave my mind, even if I was thinking of him. He'd be there, in the background, waiting for a chance to pounce and make me flip through my memories like a book. Many of the times I'd cry, wondering why nothing ever happened. Why I felt something, when there was nothing. We'd be nothing more, forever.

It was partly my fault, but partly his. Considering the fact we never got over our fears and did something about our feelings. But would it have ever worked, or were we meant to stare hopelessly at each other until we eventually parted ways and never saw each other again.

I thought many times that he was gone, like when he finally graduated and I was just finishing grade 11. I thought he was gone for good, that I'd never see him again. I was more relieved that anything, knowing the finally I'd get some time to get over him. I'd be able to move on, find another guy, and live my life peacefully again.

I should have known that he'd come back, wanting to visit his friends. And he did. First day of my grade 12 year, I was standing casually at the smoker's area, or, the pit. Turning, there he was, riding up the driveway in front of the school on his bike. At this point I'd started to puff on my cigarette so much, I was surprised it didn't combust. My hands started to shake, nervous. I wasn't expecting his appearance.

But maybe I should start from where it all began...


My face was sculptured into a frown, my fingers picking at my poofy dress, uninterested. It was the day, or night I mean, of my schools Halloween dance. I was in grade nine, with only a handful of friends at that point. A couple of them danced beside me on the dance floor as I stood on the stage steps, hoping that the world would combust and die. Shoving my black fringe out of my face, I looked up and scowled at the crowd of sweaty people.

He wasn't here, he was with his new girlfriend. Oh I hated that skank.

I wanted to go home, seeing as I felt like crap.

Too bad it was a 12 hour dance, and it was only 2 hours in.

My eyes scanned the dancers once again, hoping to find amusement, and I did. There in the crowd were two boys. One running around with something under his shirt to make it look like he was pregnant, and the other with something making him look like he had boobs. These two boys looked completely the same at this time. I didn't know them like I do now.

But my eye caught onto the one in a red shirt, or the pregnant one.

He didn't seem to notice my staring. He didn't seem to notice anything. He was oblivious, in his own world.

My eyebrow rose as he ran over to a group of girls, shaking his chest and awkwardly shoving it into the crowd. All the girls laughed, shoving him away from them as he began to grind his ass against their fronts, looking completely serious. I watched him turn to look at the girl he'd just violated, pecking her on the cheek quickly before running away, flailing his arms and screaming. A teacher followed him, yelling his name that I just didn't quite get, chasing after the ridiculous young man.

I laughed, watching him run through the cafeteria doors, his screaming being heard over the loud music.

"What're laughing at?" Started, I clutched my chest, relaxing back into my seat. My friend Lauren looked directly at me. She was short, so me sitting on 3 1/2 foot high stairs would make me as tall as she was. I smiled lightly at her, pointing my thumb behind me towards the doors the boy had run out of.

"Break!" The DJ yelled through his microphone, turning the music down to a whisper. Students started filing out of the room, filling the foyer instead. Break was a 10 minute break every hour so we could rest. Lauren and I made our way through the doors, my eyes wandering the open space, trying to find the pregnant boy. I couldn't see him anywhere.

I felt, disappointed.

"I was laughing at the guy that ran out screaming, he was "pregnant"." I answered her question, using finger quotes around the word 'pregnant'. Lauren nodded, smiling.

"That's Frank. He's rather... interesting." She giggled, pointing at the boy who had just walked through the front doors as she said his name. He looked over at her, seeming to know that people were talking about him. He smiled a dazzling smile, taking me by surprise.

Quickly he ran over and launched himself at her. He could have been atleast 6 feet, Lauren only been at 5 feet. His height sent them flying to the ground, her black hair flying out as she fell. I braced myself, waiting for a thump, and soon enough it came.

"Owwww!" I giggled. Frank stood, helping Lauren to her feet.

"Hey guys." He spoke, startling me once again. Lauren looked over at me, cocking her head to the right, questioning my expression. Frank turned and looked at me, noticing her staring. I blushed, looking towards the ground for salvation.

"Frank, this is Amy. She moved here this summer." Lauren spoke up, pushing me towards this boy that was still practically a stranger.

I couldn't help but feel that something would happen with this boy. He was vital.

"Why don't you go dance with Amy, Frank?" Lauren suggested, and my eyes grew wide. I shook my head at her when his back was turned, wishing that those words had never exited her mouth. He quickly turned to me, excitement almost seeping out of his facial expression. He stood up straight, hearing the music start up again, before grabbing my hand and dragging my lifeless body into the dark room.

Knots tied themselves into my empty stomach.

"Let's skip!"

Before I could react to what he said, I was pulled out of my daze. Frank pulled me forward as he skipped around the cafeteria, pulling me along. I was forced to follow lead, his long legs moving a lot faster than mine. I couldn't just walk beside him.

And everything was fine and dandy(besides me looking quite retarded), until we fell at least.

My foot got caught around his ankle, sending us both to the ground. I found myself underneath him, and as I grow to learn, he would take advantage of that.

Not knowing what to do, I let him jokingly hump my hip. I could hear my friends laughing, and I could feel my face growing red. I didn't know whether to push him off, or laugh along.

I did nothing.

It wasn't long before he had rolled off and I'd stood up quickly. I politely helped him to his feet. He was running off to do something more ridiculous before I had a chance to say anything.

I stared off at the strange boy as my friends giggled and rushed over to me, standing blankly in the middle of the dance floor. Our fall hadn't disturbed any of the other dancers.

I'd grow use to his antics, trust me.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you haven't, read the disclaimer for this story.

This is new, and based on my life in highschool. I don't know how I'm going to end this yet, but since this is a side story it probably won't be over until I'm finished school.
It's original.
I know, I never write original stories, but Heddy wanted me to write it.

I hope you like it if you read it, and please, comment and suscribe.
