Secrets of the Sibyl

Chapter one

I can hear the sound of crushing the dry leaves & the wind whispers through the old big trees, mist is filling this small area of the forest & moon’s light cannot pass through the top of the high trees.
A girl is walking through the middle of this dark spot of the forest, she is of a middling height, has light complexion, she has got rounded dark brown sparkling eyes, thin arched eyebrows, sharp nose, soft pink lips & straight dark hair reaches to the middle of her back, wearing a beautiful white dress.
She is trying to figure out her steps through the muddy ground within the big trees. Every step she takes, she can hear the sound of breaking the fallen leaves.
She feels that she’s lost, her breath is held, and she can hardly breathe, hearing the sound of her rising chest, she is so afraid & terrified, her eyes are sad, you can see the small slipping tears over her cheeks. She can’t forget the view of losing the best person in her life, her mom. It comes over her mind again & again, she was looking at her falling between her arms & she remembers the look on her unexpressive face & will never forget it.
She’s trying to calm herself by remembering an old memory with her singing together on her bed in sleeping time
“Child in front of the sun
Trying to have fun
Child in front of the moon
Enjoying the Gloom
Child in the middle of the dark
But she can’t remember the melody or even the words.
“I took my decision there’s no way to step back, I need to know everything” the girl said in her mind.
She continued walking slowly step by step until she found the old big tree she was looking for, the tree of salvation; this tree was not like any tree, it was exactly in the middle of the forest, it was so big full of cracks aged thousands of years, surrounded by a circle of black stones & has a sign on its trunk of an eye surrounded by a circle representing the eye of the sibyl.
The girl put her palm exactly on the eye of the sibyl, concentrating to remember the spell she’s going to say:
“Under the name of my kingdom, the magus kingdom, through the light of the moon & the light of my salvation, I ask you to show my lost soul the hidden truth, I ask you to show me the sibyl’s book” the girl said like whispering to the tree.
A so strong light pointed to the girl’s hand where it turned into a note with a leathery cover & written in the middle of it “Secrets of mysterious soul”
The girl opened the note on the first page;
“Lila, when you read this note, it means that I’m already gone. I did the same thing to you like my mother did to me.
Lila, the time has come for you to know the secrets of your kingdom, the magus kingdom, the secrets that kept hidden for thousands of years.
In this note you’ll find the answer of every question that goes through your mind.
Remember to keep the secrets of this note until you handle it to the follower.
From this time, you have to continue my path.
Your godmother, Aisha”