Status: Still writing, two updates every week

When A Smile Hurts

I Suppose.


(Jamie's P.O.V.)

Summer is here, and goddamn it's hotter than hell itself. But, beign with Seth here, it's a good distraction. My parents haven't even notied that he's been living in the loft. Dad's too busy with work, and mom's to busy worrying over everything that Dad's doing.

It's been nearly a month now, and since then, not only has the inside look of the loft improved, so has mine and Seth's relationship. Sure, we're still friends.. But I think we've gotten to know each other on a whole new different level. I've let him into my life, and he's slowly letting me into his.

I think the most biggest step was just a few weeks ago..... When he asked about Jeremy again...


"I've never been to a concert." Seth said. I looked over to him, both of us laying on the floor in the middle of my room.

"Never?" I asked.

"Nope. Haven't even seen a school band or anything." I watched him as he took a bite from a twizzler. I smiled. Maybe we could go to a concert for his birthday...

It was only the beginning of summer, school ended just one week ago. Right now, we were playing a game we made up, while eating pillowcases of candy. My parents were out to dinner with some friends, and Corey was off for the night, so it was only me and Seth at the house.

I loved this though, just as it were. Me and him, talkiing about everything and anything that came to our minds, layed back, calm. Peaceful.

"Have you?" He asked, turning to me. I moved to lay on my side, facing him, and pillowed my head on my bent arm.

I thought back to the first and last concert I had seen. I couldn't help but remember the most brutal and traumatizing parts of that night. I frowned, and Seth noticed immediately, sitting up and looking at me intently.

"What's wrong? If I said something wrong-" he began, but I quickly stopped him from finishing.

"No, no, it's not you. I'm sorry, I just kind of remembered something." I tried my hardest to cover up, so that it doesn't spoil the mood. I rushed the harsh memories to the back of my mind for now.

He slightly nodded, and I knew that he was still thinking about, but wasn't going to say anything else about it. I felt as though I could share this with him, but it was still too painful to think about alone.

But I had to. Seth was too close to me to not let him know, and he's opened himself up to me in a way that he hasn't opened up to anyone else before, and I knew how hard it was for him.

I looked at Seth, who was still looking at me, studying me for any sign of emotion. I cleared my throat, feeling very nervous and anxious. An overwhelming feeling of sadness came over me, and I wanted to cry right then and there, but I couldn't.

"It's just... The last time I went to a concert was with Jeremy... My -"

And then my phone rang.

I felt guilty for being thankful for the save, but I quickly reached for my cell and answered as Seth watched me innocently.


"James! Guess what?" Lauren's voice boomed from the other side. I pulled the phone away from my ear a little bit. Why was she being so loud? I could hear music playing in the background, followed by Oli asking her who she was talking to.

"Hello? Jamie, you still there?" She asked.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Cody Bronx is having a party at his place next saturday. You must come!" She said. I searched my brain trying to remember who the hell Cody Bronx was, but nothing came up. Saying that Lauren was in tune with everything and everyone, she probably knew every single person that walked the halls of our school.

"Wait, who's Cody?" I asked, standing up and stretching my legs. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Seth grab another twizzler.

"Cody Bronx? We've gone to school with him all through middle and high school... Black shaggy hair?" She pushed. When I remained silent, still trying to remember, she went on. "Football team, number 29? .....Oh! He nearly blew up the science lab with fireworks in 7th grade!" At that, I remembered that kid clearly. He was a goof, and very obnoxious. He had nice teeth though...

"Oh yeah, what about him?"

"Gosh, he's having a party! End of school party! Do you not listen to anything? Next saturday James, you, me, Oli and Kragen are all going." She said, chuckling at the end. "Olie stop!" She said, giggling.

It was still so odd to me to see them both together. I really never thought that two of my best friends would end up dating.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll think about it-"

"No! You are going! And so is Seth! Bye!!" And the convorsation was over. I didn't get to say a witty comeback, or a smartass remark. Damn.

I tossed my phone onto my bed and turned to face Seth, who was reading one of the books I had on the floor.

I thought about the party, and knew that Lauren would never let me miss it. What if Seth wants to go? If I did, I thing I would tag along...

"So, a friend of Lauren's is throwing a party next saturday.. Want to go?" I asked him. He glanced up at me, and then towards the floor. He seemed to be thinking about it, but it only took him a minute to answer.

"Um, sure." he said, looking back to the book he was reading.

I bit my lip, wondering if it'd be a good idea or not.

What an interesting next saturday it will be...
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Sorry for the wait ;( Forgive me? <3