Status: Done

Bleed your heart out


He makes his way through the snowy landscape, not knowing his destination. The cold bites down unmercifully on him, but he still kept on. They're coming here, he thinks nervously.
His killers are hunting him down, he knew. There is nothing to prevent it.
His heart beats crazily, careening in his chest. God, I'm going to die here?
For an answer, he hears footsteps behind him. No...
He faces the lone person.
"Monsieur..." He stiffens. That voice--
"Yes, 'tis I," says the lilting voice. Mimi...
Snowflakes fall down softly on both of them.
"You are to be killed tonight, Larson... Larry," Mimi smiled at the nickname, but her smile fades away as quickly as the snowflakes did when they settled on their heads.
"I know," he mumbles. "Spavna... He thinks I am a competitor for his throne?"
Mimi whispers fiercely, "He doesn't know you!"
He shakes his head bemusedly. "No, he does not..."
"But his own son! We can still escape--"
"No, we cannot," he interjects. He's still speaking in a low tone.
Her eyes fill with tears. "Larry... I..."
"I know."
"When will his assassins come?"
Mimi stares at him silently.
His voice shook. "I...It's you, isn't it?"
Mimi nods, hot tears spilling down her face, melting the snowflakes that had settled on her cheeks.
They stare at each other in silence.
"How?" he chokes out in a deceptively calm tone. He tries to compose himself, but the cold acts as a sedative. He feels drowsy, but knows Mimi has to kill him.
"Kill me," he says.
Mimi sobs openly.
"I don't want to!" she screamed out.
"I don't want to watch Spavna killing you."
"Do it. You have a revolver with you?"
Fighting the seductive waves of sleep washing over him, he asks, "You have a revolver with you?" He hands her a lacy handkerchief.
Her hands shaking, she produces a revolver from the folds of her cloak.
"Larry..." she whispers.
"Just do it," he says.
Her hands shaking, she levels the revolver to his chest. Larry closes his eyes, letting the cold envelop him.
"Oh, and Mimi?"
"I love you."
Mimi cries out, a note of pure anguish.
She fires.
Her aim's off, and she misses his heart. He topples over on the snow.
She rushes over to her fiance. His blood stains the snow a brilliant red, spreading out.
He gazes at her through glazed eyes. "I love you, too," she sobs out.
"I...know. Wait for me, okay? Don't leave me..."
Mimi nods.
"'ve saved you...from...Spavna..."
She waits in agony, watching his life's blood seeping out of him. She closes her eyes. She feels the blood making its way from beneath her kneeling position, still, she does not move.
She opens her eyes, seeing herself surrounded by Larry's blood. The blood is only a trickle, and Larry's eyes are closed.
She feels for his heartbeat, sobbing uncontrollably.
It's no longer there.
He died to save me, she thinks.
She gets up, and stares at his corpse. The snow settles on him, no longer melted by his body heat. He will have a better funeral here in the snow than with his father, she thinks bitterly.
She walks off, but not before kissing his cold lips.
"I love you," she whispers.
♠ ♠ ♠
...Wow. I did this in less than an hour! Yeah! For this contest...