Gone In The Wind Mitchel Musso Sequel to Falling For Cancer

Chapter 1

"I can't live on without you," I cried to Alex.

"Yes, you can..You're strong..I love you, Mitchel. I got to go now..Mitchel..I love you..Mitchel, Mitchel, Mitchel!"

Ms. Honey was yelling at me. I was in my own little world. I shock myself.
"Uh..Sorry, Ms. Honey..."

"Is there something you wish to share?"


"Good. Now let's get back to work.."

I slid down in my chair, looking in my book.

Sigh. Why did you have to leave?

I always wanted to hold you forever. Now I can't.

I started drawing a picture of a man hanging himself on the back of my test, which I didn't know. Yes, it was in pen.

"Alright, turn in your tests. No more minutes, Mitchel!"

I turned my paper over, and cleared off my desk. I handed her my test. Clearing off my desk, I thought I put the drawing of the man hanging himself in my backpack, but it was now in Ms. Honey's hands.

Ms. Honey started grading..

A couple hours, she looked up at me. With wondered eyes. I had my head down, playing with my pencil.

The bell rang for lunch..

"Alright, everyone, I'll pass back your tests when you return!"

Everyone was gone, expect for me. I took my time to find my lunch money, which was in my backpack.

I sighed..Looking at it. I decided to leave it there. Ms. Honey was observing my every move.


Tears stared falling upon my cheeks. "Oh, sorry. Ms. Honey," I said waping my tears away. "I was just about to leave."

"I--Mitchel, are you okay? Are you having a problem?"

"No, I'm fine.." I lied, I looked away so she couldn't see my tears.

"Mitchel, I'd like you to go to the counselor's office, after you eat lunch.."

"I'm not hungry."

"Very well, then..To the counselors' office then."

"But i don't have--"

"No buts, now get your butt down there.."


I slowly walked down to the counselor's office. Even if I did talk about Alex, she didn't have super magical powers to bring Alex back to life...

She was my lover...My soul mate.

No matter if she was alive or gone in the wind..
♠ ♠ ♠
Mitchel Musso is the narrator in the story =]