Gone In The Wind Mitchel Musso Sequel to Falling For Cancer

Chapter 3

I woke up..I realized I was tied up to a tree. "What's going on here?" "Dinner..That's what's going on here," shierked a voice. I turned around and saw a lady. She had pale white skin, red eyes, and black hair. She had fangs! YES, FANGS! Like vampire fangs or werewolve fangs.

"Don'tcha wanna see you're beloved Alex again," she asked?

"Who are you, and how do you know about Alex," I cried, struggling to break free?


But I contuined, my wrists started to feel numb. So I finally stopped.

"My name is Laura Moonlight, and I'm a vampire..."

"So what are you..."

"I hope you have good tasting blood..." Laura made an evil laugh, that echoed in the room.

"HELP," I yelled, but it sounded dry! "HELP!" She grabbed my lips. Forcing them fowards. "Don't make me do stuff that we both know is illegal."

I stared at her my eyes glaring at her. "Now, if you want to see Alex. You have to trust me."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because Alex's isn't dead."

"That's not true. I saw her die!"

"Silly boy. I gave her medince that made her fall asleep, and make it look like she died. Then I transformed her into a vampire."

"So, why did you tie me to a tree!"

"Because I know Alex would find you..You have two chooses Mitchel. One you can turn into a vampire, see your beloved Alex, and not be killed by her. Or you remain a human, see alex, and possibly, just possibly, she might try to kill you!"

"But, Alex isn't like that! She loves me!"

"She doesn't have the capably to control her hungier, she could kill you, or turn you into a zombie. Believe me, I know everything about girls who can't control their hungier problems."

"I'm going to see her, I'm not becoming one of you."

"Your suicide.."

I glarred at her. She bite off the ropes, and told me to follow her, together we walked down the road towards an abandon home.