Happy New Year

Happy New Year

"Gabe, you sure this is agood smart idea?" William raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"You already preformed and aren't going back on stage. So let's go!" He whined, pouting despite being obviously frustrated.

What was Gabe's plan? Go home, get drunk, and watch South Park with his boyfriend. After his surgery, he still wasn't feeling 100% party ready.

But Will did like the idea of spending time alone with Gabe. They rarely got alone time anymore.

"People find out I left to go watch South Park in your apartment, and you'rescrewed dead meat," William stated, lacing their fingers together as they snuck off to find a cab to take them home.

Meanwhile, back at the studio, the guys looked around curiously for their lead singer.

"Anyone else notice the lack of Saporta, too?" The Butcher pointed out.

They all sighed and shook their heads. They would kill Will for thistomorrow next year, when he was hungover.

Back at Gabe's apartment, he flicked on a light, showing the champange glasses out and ready.

"I had really hoped you'd come," Gabe grinned sheepishly.

"You know me too well," Will smiled, kissing Gabe's cheek.

So, they sat for a few hours, watching South Park together, cuddled on Gabe's bed. (They were completely clothed, so don't even think about it.)

The clock said that it was 11:58, so they switched to a news channel in hopes to see the ball drop.

"10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Happy New Year!" The TV roared.

Both boys glanced at each oter, before Gabe leaned forward, pressing his lips to Will's.

"Happy New Year, Bilvy," he whispered, and clicked their champange glasses together.
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Yeah. i was lame. didnt go out for New Years Eve. instead, i watched South Park. and MTV. (only for ATL, TAI, and Metro Station. Miley can just fucking burn.)
and at about 2 AM, i was bored, so i started writing drabble and fluff. It's cute, though....