Summer Rain

Summer Rain

The sounds of night creatures leaked quietly through the window, drowned out slightly by the summer rain pounding on the rooftop. It cooled off the stuffy upstairs guestroom James left Sirius and Remus to fight over the bed in. Truth be told, they were far too old to be sharing a bed, but neither of them would allow the other to take the floor.

With less than an inch between them, they were facing the same way; Remus looking at the wall, Sirius looking at Remus’ bare back. He had the urge to wrap his arm protectively around Remus’ waist, but didn’t want to seem clingy.

Restlessly, Remus turned over and faced Sirius. Even the room, almost pitch-black, until lightening struck and lit the whole room, their eyes locked. They had never behaved the way two boys should around each other, always touching any chance they got and blushing when one caught the other staring at him.

Remus searched for Sirius’ hand, and when he found it, he laced their fingers. Sirius found more comfort in simply this than anything else.

“Can’t sleep?” Sirius asked, giving Remus’ hand a squeeze.

“I was too busy thinking about the boy lying next to me,” Remus replied.

Smiling, Sirius moved his hand from Remus’, only to place it on his cheek. He placed a small kiss on his lips.

“I was thinking about you too, Moony.”

Their kisses were still slightly awkward, because they hadn’t told their friends yet and they knew it wasn’t exactly right. Still, their lips met and lingered. Sirius’ teeth snagged Remus’ lip, their tongues danced affectionately as their hands explored one another’s half-naked bodies.

Anything past heavy-touching became less awkward and more of a reflex due to their raging hormones. Sirius moved his hands down the Remus’ waist and pulled his briefs off of his hips and down to his mid-thighs. He pulled his own off and moved on top of the other boy, kissing his neck, as their erections twitched pressing against bare skin.

As Sirius nipped and sucked on his neck, Remus moaned quietly under his breath. He grabbed Sirius’ hips and bucked against his stomach.

The friction of their stomachs and their cocks cause Sirius to move his hips too. They were already sweaty and sticky, and their hormones were raging. This wasn’t going to take long.

Remus leaned forward and moaned into Sirius’ shoulder before sinking his teeth into it. In turn, Sirius was having trouble keeping himself quiet as he became closer to his climax. By the feel of Remus’ hardness and desperation, he was likely at the edge as well.

“Moony, I’m gonna…” Sirius hissed, as hot sticky liquid released from him.

This caused Remus to moan out loud, as he grabbed his own erection and spilled his seed onto Sirius’ stomach.

Breathing heavily still, Sirius collapsed on top of Remus and softly kissed his cheek. He rolled beside Remus, and they faced each other again. He reached behind him and grabbed his wand.


The little “mess” they’d made disappeared.

Blushing, Remus chuckled. Sirius started laughing quietly, as he placed his wand back on the table.

Sirius put his hand of Remus’ cheek, and kissed him softly. With foreheads touching, they fell asleep listening to the sounds of the summer rain.
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Inspired by sitting in my room at 4 o'clock in the morning with an opened window and it started pouring the rain. Oh, how lovely it would be to snuggle in that weather...
Soooo, I decided to make Sirius and Remus do so. haha (: