Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Twelve

There were 5 fan girls wearing the same shirt.

"Gross. Who is she?" The Blondie said rudely to the other girls. Alex let me down and placed his arm around my shoulders. The girls crowd around the both of us.

"Hey. This is Krissiee McCoy the singer of All for Nothing." Alex introduced me to the girls. They gave me a shirt to sign, so I did.

"Oh my god Alex you are so hot!!" One girl said. All of the girls were going at that for at least 10. It seems like the Weightless video all over again. I'm starting to feel all awkward and uncomfortable.

"Hell ya. I want your babies." Another one said.

"Well you can't have them. It is for someone." Alex said.

"See what I told you. He is saving it for that slut there." The Blondie whispered to the other girls; pointing at me."I knew it from when he came in with her. She probably is already knocked up." That is the last time she will say that.

"Why are you so rude?" Alex asked her.

"I'm not rude." She said defending herself.

"Sure you are not." Alex said taking my hand. "She has been through more shit than you ever will."

"Yeah right. Like fucking around with other guys."

"She got fucking raped and threatened to get killed!!" Alex really shouldn't be doing this for me.

"Alex stop. Please." I spoke.

"krissiee." He looked my into the eyes. "You don;t need to be treated like shit any longer." I kiss his cheek. "Why don't you go and get another disease Blondie whore." Alex said leaving.

"Oh hell no!!! Hold my shit!!!" She gave her friend or whoever her hoop earing's. She punched Alex in the face. Oh hell no!!!! I grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled it up. I made a fist with the other hand and punched her a few times. The Blondie tried to punch back but she scratched and bit me instead.

"Krissiee stop." Alex said pulling me away.

"Nobody treats by friends like that." I punched her again, this time she punched back full force. I punched her in her fake boobs. She immediately placed her hands over them.

"Bitch you popped 'em." I laughed a little, she pulls out a small knife and cuts my arm deep. Next my chest, on my real boobs.

"Security!!!!! Now!!!!!"Alex shouted. Two guys came over, one took the Blondie away and the other looked at my cuts. He opened his cell and dialed 911. I feel realty dizzy. Then it went black.

{Alex pov}

Krissiee's eyes rolled back and she was out. I went over to her body and tried to wake her up. She was loosing a lot of blood. No she can't be.. No... don't... The ambulance comes and puts her on a stretcher.

"Are you family?" The paramedic asked. I nod and get in with her. I grip her hand and start to cry. This is the first time I have cried in a long time. During the ride I sang her favorite song of mine. Soon we got to the hospital, they took her away and I called Jack.

"Hey butt buddy!!!" Jack said.

"Uh... Jack... I'm at the hospital..."

"What!!! Why?!"

"Just get over here. And bring Emily." I hung up and sat in the chair. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I look like crap. I fixed some of myself up and walked out. An hour later I was in her room. Emily and Jack just got in. I told them the story.

{Krissiee pov}

I hear some voices, two men and a girl. I open my eyes slowly and saw Alex, Jack, and Emily.

"Alex...." I trail off. Emily looks at him then leaves with Jack.

"Yes, Krissiee I'm here." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"How am I?"

"Alright. The doctor said that you can still do the show. And If you don't want to, William said he would."

"I will see." I noticed his eyes were red. "Alex, were you crying?" He answered with a nod. "Lay with me."

"But you can't do that. They will get pissed."

"I wanna be in your arms." He smiled at me and climbed in. He wrapped his arms around me and I soon fell back asleep.
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