Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Twenty-One

My mom once again insisted to take the bags with her. She pushed Jamie slightly to me and Alex.

"You three, go to deck three in the rout 66 area. I will check the bags in and get our room settled. The family is gonna meet there." My mother said handing us the tickets.

"Mom are you sure you don't need help?" I asked.

"No dear I will be fine."I gave her a kiss on the cheek and head off.

*Almost an hour later*

"Finally!!" Alex shouted as we entered the room. I looked around for my family but saw nobody. There was a long golden yellow couch in front of the TV. Jamie hopped up and watched the movie that was on. Cars.

"Jamie darling. Stay right here. Me and Alex will be back in a minuet."

"Okay!!" I kissed her head and left with Alex to talk.

"Alright. I am giving you a heads up. These bitches are crazy!!!! Now, there is Kathy, Rick. Caleb, Cody, Korly. Jeff, Lisa, Paije, Taylor. Fat fuck George, Amber. Keri. Alex, and gay nick." I said pointing them out in a picture I had of them.

"Alright. Lets do this!!!" We made our way back to Jamie. I lifted her up and sat her down on my lap. Alex sat next to me with his hand laced with mine. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Pick up DA phone!!!!!!! It's your best friend Gaybie baby!!!!!!! Pick upp my white Latino sister!! Come on. Pick up pick up pick up pick up!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I grabbed my cell and answered Gabe's call.

"Hey Gabe."

"HI!!!!!!! I miss you sooooo much!!! I am gonna see William right now. In fact I'm at his house right now.!!!"

"Really?? That's good. Well I have to go. My family here. Tell Genevieve that Aunt Krissiee loves her and misses her." Paije and Taylor walked in with their parents behind them.

"Alright Bye!!!!!!!" I hung up and put my cell in my bag. They looked around and saw me. The girls came running over to me.

"Paije Taylor!!!' I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek. I got up and went over to Jeff and Lisa. I gave each a big hug, Alex stood up behind me.

"This is Alex, from All Time Low."

"Hello." Alex said shyly askingtheir hands. The adults made their way to the bar. Now Nick and his family. I gave each of them a hug while Alex shook their hands.

"Who'ss he?" Amber asked rudely.

"Alex. Now fuck off!" I wrapped my arms around Alex's neck and placed my head on his chest. Keri and her boys were next.

"Caleb Cody!!" I gave each of them a big hug. Also one for Keri.

"I'm Alex!" He said happily hugging Keri and the boys. Now the bitch witch, her husband, and the whore. I just looked at Kathy, gave Rick and Koryl their love.

"Damn girl he finee!!!" She shouted bout Alex. Finally my mother came in. We talked there for hours till it was an hour before dinner.

"Here are your room Key's. We got the room next to yours." My mom said handing Alex the keys. I said goodbye ans Alex and I went off to our room. We decided to walk up the two more floors to our room.

"Sooo.. How do you like them??"

"They are alright. I mean I just met them. So it this dinner like formal or what??" He asked walking up to our room.

"Formal. Just wear a button up and skinnies." We swiped the key in and walked in. "This room is perfect!!" Alex was speechless. I ran over to the bedroom and looked into the closet with all of our clothes hanging.

"Alex I'm gonna get ready, you should too." I said pulling out my outfit. I stripped down and go into my dress. I looked over at Alex who was pulling on his shirt.

"Could you help me?" I asked.

"Sure darling." He came over and zipped up my dress, I buttoned his shirt.

"Thanks." I gave him a small kiss. I went over to the curling iron and plugged it in.

"You look so pretty." Alex said with his famous smirk.

"You too Mr. Gaskarth. So there is a movie tonight in the pool area. We should go." I said curling my hair.

"Yeah what movie?"

"The Little Mermaid." I said finishing up my hair.

"I'd love to."
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Finally!! ive been grounded hopefully i wont soon