Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Twenty-Two

We got two large tables in the back of the room. Good cause I have never liked the front. Or center. I noticed all of the family already there sitting in two halved. The grand children and the adults. Ant Caleb and Cody were at the adult table to make it more even. Even though Alex would be considered an adult I didn't want his to put up with this shit. He pulled out my chair like a true gentlemen.

"How did you get a cute guy like him?" Korly asked.

"Because I didn't walk around like a slut and had.....uh fun, with everyone." I said remembering to keep It PG for Paije and Taylor.

"Whatever. I have my boyfriend." I laughed.

"Nick. What does he look like? What is he like?" I asked him, Alex taking a hold of my hand.

"Oh well. He looks like Ronnie from escape the fate. But with short hair. He does drugs and smokes. And he is a prick." Nick said in his slightly higher pitch voice.

"Oh well that sucks. So Nick do you have a lover yet?" I asked him.

"Uhhh......... no."There was a definite lie in that statement.The waiter came by and took our order then left.

"Alex tell us about yourself." Paije asked. I felt my phone vibrate and took it out.

"Well I am Alex. I sing in the band all time low. I was born in England then moved to Maryland when I was 7. I don't do drugs ore smoke. I am 21. I guess that's it." He said.

"Alex read this." I handed him my phone. It read: I still love you. I want your pussy again. It felt so good. Nice and tight. Your breasts, oh how I dream of them. Your nippled in my mouth. I love you. -NAS

"Fuck. I am going to kill that mother-"My hand cut him off from the rest of the sentence. Alex saved the message and handed me back the phone.

"What was that about?" They all asked. The food got placed on our table.

"Nothing. now come on lets eat." I looked at my plate. I called the girl back. "Um hey did the chef know I was here?"

"Yes he did." She said smiling.

"Could you tell him I said thanks and that he is great?" she nodded her head and left.

"what was that about?" Alex asked.

"I always go on the Disney cruises and the chef knows I like my things in the shape of mickey mouse's head." His eyes grew wide.

"Do you have an obsession about Mickey?" He asked scared.

"No. Not like Matt." He laughed and continued to eat. I tuned out the family and just thought about the text. How did he get my number. Why did he text me. Will he find me. After eating I looked at Alex.

"Alex, I am going to call Gabe or William. Whoever. I will be outside waiting." i gave him a kiss goodbye and went out. I dialed Gabe's number. I need him.

"hi love how is it going." He asked.

"Alright. Hey is William there?"


"Can you get him I need to talk to you about something and I need you two to hear it." I said taking a seat on the floor.

"Okay. WILL GET OVER HERE NOW!!! KRISSIEE!!!" He shouted. Moments later I heard his voice.

"Hi love whats wrong." William asked.

"Nick. he texted me. He said and I quote "I still love you. I want your pussy again. It felt so good. Nice and tight. Your breasts, oh how I dream of them. Your nippled in my mouth. I love you." I read to them.

"Holy fuck that is creepy." Gabe said.

"I'm scared. What if he is here and..." i told them crying.

"Is Alex there staying with you? If he is you will be safe." William said.

"True but I don't know. Do you think someone can go and find Nick and keep an eye on him?" I asked.

"Yeah Ryland knows him pretty well. I will get him to watch." Gabe said.

"Okay well Alex is here. I have to go. I love you both."

"Love you too." They both said. Hanging up the room was surrounded again. I wiped some tears away and composed myself.

"Baby?" I looked up where Alex was standing. He helped me up and gave me a tight hug. "It's okay baby. I got you. I'll never let him get you." He whispered in my ear.

"Thanks Alex." I took his hand, Kathy came up to me and Alex.

"Whats wrong?" Oh wow, now she cares?

"Now you care? Oh wow. Just fuck off." She made a face and left. He moved his hand to the small of my back.

"Sweetie what are you doing tonight?" My mom asked walking up to me.

"There is a movie might at the pool. I was thinking about going with Alex. What about you?"

"Just let Jamie walk around. Oh wile you and Alex get ready I will reserve a hot tub for you two." I went to my mom and gave her a hug.

"Thanks mom. I love you." She kissed me and left with Jamie to walk.

"Do you want to get ready? For tonight?" I nod and walk. "Hey sweetie. He isn't going to get you. Not while you are with me."

"I just hope Ryland stays with Nick while I am gone. So I know where he is." He smiled at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too Alex." I gave him a simple kiss. We pulled up to the room. Alex walked in first then me behind him. nobody here, good. Alex walked up to the closet wondering what to wear. I laughed and picked up my yellow swim suite. I carried it to the bathroom changing in there. When I came out Alex was talking to someone on his phone.

"Okay. That's good....... I have to go man.... I'll tell her." He hung up and looked at me. "Come here my little bumble bee." I walked to him smiling.

"Who was that?" I asked a bit worried.

"Ryland. He said that he found Nick and is keeping a close watch on him. And Genvieve said she loves you." I laughed and laid on the bed. he laid next to me.

"I am so happy knowing where he is."

"Me too. Now you are safe." I roiled over and looked at Alex. I rested my head on his chest and played with the tie on his shorts. "You better not knot it so I can't take them off."

"I won't." i pulled them lower and traced his V line. "Am i turning you on?"

"Yes. But not like a ton. Why you ask?" He asked with a smirk.

"Oh Mr. Gaskarth. I don't want your penis to be erect." He laughed, I climbed on top of him and laid down so I can face him. I moved my hand to his face and poked his nose. He twitched it like a bunny. Stop making me giggle!!

"I just love your laugh." He said smiling. I stuck my tongue out.

"Come on. Let's get there." I hopped off the bed and put my cardigan on. Alex slipped an old button up and took my bag. I slipped the shoes on and walked out the door. I took the bag and took his hand. We went up to the 9Th deck and found the pool area where the movie just barely begun. We walked up to the hot tubs. The person working there let us in ours, we stripped down the over clothes and hopped in. Alex pulled me close to him wrapping his arm around me. There was a tap on my shoulder. I looked around and saw Nick and Koryl.

"Hey can we join you?" She asked. I laughed.

"Should have reserved the other one. And no." I continued watching the movie with Alex. Every now and then we kissed and cuddled. This is one of my favorite movies. he moved his hand to my thigh running it up and down. Every time one of his fingers touched me. i moved my hand down his shorts and rubbed him some. Then stopped. I noticed him pouting.

"Later Alex." I whispered in his ear. he moved his hand to go around me.

"Tonight?" He asked.

"Maybe." I gave him a kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry. I'm still grounded!!!! And it's summer!!
But I am gonna hopefully be able to get on for like a hour or so.
Mabey at night?