Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Twenty-Seven

In the cab I rested my head on his shoulder. Really, why can't we be like a regular family?All we do is argue and fight about really nothing. I would love for this side to be like my dad's side. They all got along, well me and my uncle Alex doesn't. Why the fuck are there so many Alex's in my family? Couldn't someone be creative? Why am I just going on on random shit?

"Oh God.." I mutter. Alex grabbed my hand.

"What?" I looked up at him and scooted closer.

"I am starting to think about random stuff like Jack. I think it is because I miss him." Alex laughed a bit.

"Yeah I miss him too." I pulled out my phone and went on twitter.

"They are saying you are fat again. Just because that bitch started it. You aren't fat. You are just pregnant with Jack's baby."

"Really now? I just read that I have a beer belly or that I am skinny. That's a first." I typed into my cell what I just said, @AlexAllTimeLow you aren't fat. You are just pregnant with Jack's baby. Soon Alex pulled out his phone and replied back to me.@kmcfan Yeah!! I'm not fat!! Go bother Jack about having safe sex!

"Nice. Come on we are here." Alex said pulling me out of the car. We were at the boardwalk. I took his hand and walked close to him. There weren't that many people there, It was pretty cold outside. There were a lot of people on the water though. He moved his arm and wrapped it around my waist. "You are really short Krissiee." I stopped in my place and crossed my arms over my chest.

"You are a mean man Gaskarth." He walked over and tried to give me a hug.

"Come on love. I didn't mean that, I love your height!" His hands moved to my arms.

"What do you love about my height?" I asked him looking at his dark brown eyes. Damn they just pull you in.

"Cause you are perfect to give you amazing hugs. Also I can pick you up easily. And I can protect you just by wrapping my arms around you."I smiled and kissed his lips.

"Okay Alex. I give in." He picked me up bridal style and carried me around. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"What's on your mind?" He asked kissing my nose.

"I am just wondering why my mom's side of the family can't be like my dad's side. On my dad's side we all get along, except me and my uncle Alex." Number one thing I love about Alex, he actually listens.

"Another Alex?" He asked surprised.

“Yeah I have my uncle Alex, his son is named Alex, and my little cousin is named Alexander.” His eyes got wider, he must have had a heart attack.

“That is so many Alex's in one family.” I laughed and we walked to the edge of the pier looking out into the never ending ocean.

“Why did you choose me Alex?” I asked moving my hands on top of his.

“What do you mean love?” Alex asked resting his head onto my shoulder.

“Why did you want me to be your girlfriend, why do you love me?” I asked him turning around looking up to him.

“Krissiee, I wanted you to be my girlfriend because you need a right man. Not one that hurts you or that wants you just to get into your pants. I truly think that I am the right man. Never in my life would I ever hurt a girl, never in my life would I ever use a girl just foe sex. I love you because I truly mean it. Love is a strong word illustrating your feelings to someone. When I say I love you, I mean it. I mean that I will always be ther for you, I mean that no matter what you tell me I wont think of you differently. I love you Krissiee and always will.” Alex said looking into my eyes the whole time. A few tears escaped my eyes, I moved and kissed him.

“Alex I love you too.” He left me speechless, I honestly don't know how to respond to that.

“Why did you ask me that?” He asked moving away taking my hand.

“I really just wanted to know. I got curious .” He smiled back at me and pulled me over to this boardwalk shop. It was a shell shop, there was a small Asian man sitting in the back painting a design on a shell. I spotted a shell that was about the size of my palm, it was a painted shell with this beautiful picture of a man and a woman kissing into the sunset.

“Alex I like this one.” Alex picked it up and bought it.

[8 hours later}

Alex and I had one of the most wonderful times at the beach. We walked on the sand kicking it and writing our names in it. We enjoyed looking at the beautiful sunset.
Alex stopped walking and gently placed his hands on to my shoulders.

“Sweetie, I would want you to know that you are beautiful.” He said looking into my eyes. I wraped my arms around his waist and kissed him.

“I love you so much Alex.” I told him still in his arms. We moved over to the room and opened it.

“Sweetie do you think you would be alright being alone for a bit?” I nodded and sat down on the bed.

“I have to talk with Leigh Ann. But it won't be that long.” He said kissing my head.

“Alright have fun, I will be in the bath.” He soon left, I stripped down and filled up the tub. I grabbed my phone and dialed Allie's number. As the tub water got hotter I slipped in with all the bubbles filling the water.

“Hello?” Alyssa asked.

“Hey Allie how are you. This is Krissiee.”

“Oh Krissiee! I haven't talked to you in ages. How are you doing girl?” She asked all happy, I love her being happy.

“I am pretty good. I finally have a boyfriend.”

“Oh my gosh who?”

“Alex Gaskarth, you know from All Time Low.” From the other line I heard a scream.

“Alex fucking Gaskarth? How did you get him?”

“Calm down Allie, we met on the tour. I love him so much Allie.” I told her sinking into the tub a bit more.

“Damn girl. So when are you going to come back to Maryland to see me? Austin and I miss you so much. Also you haven't seen Slade. My baby boy.”

“You two have a baby?” I asked all surprised.

“Yeah I talk to him a lot about you and how you are my best friend and everything.” I laughed about the thought of a grown women talking to her child about the crazy thing that has happened.

“That is so cute. Don't forget to tell him the stories about Brian.” We both laughed remembering those days.

“I will before he goes to bed tonight. Shit he is crying, call me back when you can.”

“Alright Allie, bye.” I hung up and moved my phone to the side. The tub water was starting to get colder, I drained the water and slipped on a towel. I walked over to the closet and picked out my clothes. I pulled them on then grabbed my glasses and book. I moved over to the couch and started to read. I slipped the blanket closest to me on and continued to read. After finishing half of the book I started to dosed off.
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