Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Thirty

{7 Weeks later, mid October}

It has been 5 weeks since I found out I was pregnant. I have a small baby bump, but it is larger that how far along I am. Alex and I have been staying at home and am going to pick my father up later today. I haven’t seen him the whole time I was home.

“Baby what if your dad doesn’t like me?” Alex asked, we were cuddling in my bed watching morning cartoons. My shirt was pulled up exposing my baby bump with him rubbing it.

“Alex he will like you. He is a great guy. It is hard to get on his bad side.” I told him kissing him. Emily busted through the door in her usual skinny jeans and a tank top.

“Hey Juno, are you going to get ready or what?” She asked jumping into bed with us.

“I will be ready in a second. I just need to get dressed. Alex do you want to come?” I asked him hopping out of the bed and walking into my closet and pulled out a dress. I pulled some new underwear and a strapless bra and changed in there. I walked out of the closes with my dress half on.

“I don’t know..” Alex said trailing off. Poor baby, he is so worried. It is so cute. I slipped on some shoes and sat on the bed watching him dress.

“Baby please come with me. You can meet him. You will love him and there will be no reason why he won’t.” I told him smiling grabbing my bag that was on the floor.

“Alright only because I love you and this baby.” He said kissing my head. I stood up and walked with Emily out of the room. Alex was walking right behind me making my hair look pretty. We went to the kitchen where mom and Jamie were eating.

“Hey mom, we are going to pick up dad.” I told her taking out a bottle of tea. Tea is great because it helps me not get sick as often.

“Alright dear. Be safe when you are on the road.” She said, I kissed her head and went off to the car where Alex and Emily were waiting. I hopped in and buckled up grabbing Alex’s hand. Emily decided to drive to the airport. Alex was in the back seat with me rubbing my tummy. I loved when he would rub it. It made me feel so happy. Making me feel more like a mother. The whole ride Alex was talking about how our father and him. Mainly nothing positive. We reassured him that he will be fine. Once we reached the airport he was freaking out. I grabbed his hand and walked with him over to where my father told us to meet him at. We were early than expected. Our father wasn't out yet. His plane wasn't out either. We sat at the chairs that were there. I noticed a blonde girl pass us and then suddenly stopped. 

"Alex that's-" He cut me off. 

"The girl that cut you. I know babe. I'll handle this." She walked over to us Emily looked like she was ready for a fight. 

"Well look who it is. The whore that I beat up." She said standing near us. Alex got up and stood in front if me protecting me. 

"Get away from us. Please we don't want to start trouble." Alex said, I stood up behind him. 

"Sis is this the girl you and mom told me about. The cutter?" She asked getting up getting close to her.

"Yeah Emily don't fight her please." I said scared for my sister. I don't want her to get cut because she was standing up for me. 

"Why so you don't want me to beat her up also. Cause I will." She said in a matter of fact tone. Alex was getting aggravated.

"Look girl leave is now or I'll get the cops on your ass again." He said getting close to her.

“Let me at least tell her something to her face.” She said. Alex pulled me in front of him but far enough so she couldn’t hit me easily. “That kid isn’t even yours.” She said spitting the words at me. I really felt like I was about to cry. That could be true, I hope not. Then the flash back of Nick came into my head. She left walking like she had a dildo up her ass. I sighed and gave Alex a big hug.

“She didn’t mean it baby, I know they are mine.” I parted and wiped a few ears. Emily gave me a hug and a kiss.

“Yeah babe, it can not be Nick’s. His ginger sperm would get denied in your body.” She joked, I laughed some and noticed people getting out. I looked around for my father.

“Krissiee, Emily!!” I heard a man shout, he was running over to us, he was young. He kinda looks like an older version of Brian Haner. My father was always like a hippie. He had shaggy hair like the young John Lennon. He wore straight leg pants and an old concert shirt. He gave us tight hugs and I pushed away some.

“What’s wrong sweetie?” He asked looking at me. I patted my tummy softly.

“Dad this is my boyfriend Alex Gaskarth.” I said pushing Alex to him.

“Hello sir.” You could hear him stutter some. They shook hands.

“Hello, I am Mark. So you are the one who impregnated my daughter.” He said in a happy tone. He usually never mad.

“Yes sir. I plan on being with her through out the whole pregnancy and after.” Alex said being through. We walked over to the luggage still talking.

“Well Alex I am glad you are planning on being with my little girl through it all. So tell me about yourself.” Alex told him pretty much his whole life biography. I could tell my father liked him. Liked him a lot. We pulled up to the house and my mother was so happy. She always gets super happy when he is home. We talked some and Alex got to know my father more. He totally likes him now. It was all good until my father asked,

“Hey sweetie where are you going to stay when you have a child?” That really put both of us in thought. We are barely into this pregnancy and we do need to find a place.

“Well I would like really to look for houses-”

“We should go now!” My father shouted, I looked over at Alex and he nodded his head.

“Yeah that sounds good.” Alex said wrapping his arms around my waist, Emily already was up in her room asleep.

“Well about that. I already called Lauren about houses like two weeks ago. And I have a list of really nice places.” My mother said running to get the list.

“Alright then! Lets get into the car!” My father said making his way over to the cars. I pulled Alex back for a minuet.

“What's up sweetheart?” He asked being all close to me.

“Are you ready for a house?” I asked his looking into his eyes.

“Krissiee, I am ready for everything right now. If you want we can even move in today! As long as you are ready babe.” He kissed my head and walked out with me, we hopped into the car then my mother drove off.

“So where are you in your pregnancy?” My father asked.

“I am 7 weeks. The baby’s hands and feet should be growing. From what I remember online. Our first appointment is tomorrow.” I told him wile Alex was rubbing my stomach. I am so glad that I am not having any morning sickness.

{*4 hours later and tons of houses later.*}

We pulled up to this yellow house with a pretty large front yard. We walked into the house with Lauren my parents friend. She was a real-estate agent and my parents closest friend. The house was beautiful, it was close to my parents house and close to the city also. It was in a great part of the neighborhood. Alex and I were in the master bedroom while my parents were in the kitchen.

“How do you like it sweetie?” Alex asked walking out to the balcony.

“It is great. I love it. Out of all the houses I liked this one the most.” I told him walking over to him. “But waht about you living in Baltimore? Wouldn’t you want to live over with your parents?” I asked him.

“Remember baby your crazy ex lives over there and I don’t want him to hurt you or the baby.” He said kissing my head.

“Yeah I guess I would be safer over here.” I said walking back in.

“Baby, lets buy this house. I like this house a lot. Also it is close to everything.” I jumped up on him and kissed him. We made our way to the kitchen and told my parents.

“Well Lauren, this is the house.” My father said pulling out his check book. “This is my gift to you guys and your soon family.” He said writing it.

“Dad thank you so much.” I told him giving him a hug and a kiss, Alex thanked him with a hug. Weird how they just met and they are like family. Alex and I signed the necessary paper and Lauren left.

“Mark thank you so much.” Alex said once again.

“No problem Alex. Now I think we should wait until we know the sex of the baby before we paint the room.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t want the baby to have a pink room when it is a boy.” We walked out of the house and into the driveway. My father locked up the house and gave me the key.

“Let’s go get Emily and get some food.” My father said hopping into the car. Alex and I have a house to start our family. How perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Front Yard