Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Thirty-One

{Alex point of view}

I honestly am so excited about the baby, even though there is a slight chance that it is Nick’s I still want to be there for her. I really want that child to be mine, that would start our family. On New Years eve I am going to propose to her even if it is Nick’s kid. I want her to be mine, forever. I will never leave her, also I could bring her on tour because everyone loves her. Even Matt, he would be alright with her staying. But after the baby comes I will have to take a break from tour. Maybe even work on an album with the guys. Hopefully the baby is a boy. I would love another little man around the house. Craigery would be a prefect name. Craigery Alexander Gaskarth, of course she would get the final say about the names. I mean she can name it whatever she wants because its out of her vagina.
We arrived to the buffet, a pizza buffet. She will be going crazy. The one thing that I learned about her was that she loved her pizza.

“Alright Alex so what are you thinking.” Emily asked.

“Everything. The baby, her, Nick, and your family. It is just a lot Emily.” I told her grabbing some pizza. Krissiee was already sitting down eating.

“If you ever need to talk about thing I am here.” I gave her a hug and sat with Krissiee eating. My mind wondered on; Am I moving too fast? I have only have known her for a few months. We just bought a house! But she is different, she is like no other girl that I have been with. She is cute, funny, small, and I like her parents.


As we were walking back into the car after a long dinner it was dark. We had one last stop, to get the paint for the house. Her father, mother, and Emily have offered to paint the rooms while we were out at the doctor’s office. Of course the baby's room last until we are sure about the sex. Please God, make it a boy I prayed in my head. Of corse a girl would be great too, but I would prefer a little man. Her parents and Emily walked off to the garden section and told us to call them when we are done. I wrapped my arm around Krissiee walking into the paint section in the hardware store. We looked aroundfor a nice light color since our house is a light color anyways. She held up a nice blue color, it looked like a grey and blue put together. Like a pair of faded light blue jeans.

"I like it." I told her moving her in front of me so I could hold her. She smiled and grabbed my hand kissing it.

"Me too, I was thinking this would be the living room, upstairs, and kitchen." She said moving over to the greens.

"Whatever you want dear, I wouldn't mind." I told her moving my hands to her stomach rubbing it gently. With one hand I reached over to a shade of green, pastel green. This would be a great color for the bathroom downstairs. "I like this one for the bathroom." I told her kissing her neck adding the pain to the pile. Next was the cream and off white colors. Most likely for the master bedroom. It was a brown color, entitled Brazilian Wood. After the wood itself. She picked a cream color and we were finished. She called her parents and they came over with some flowers picked out.

"These colors are perfect! I love them." Her mother said as she went to the person who mixes the paint.

"I love them too mom." She said hugging her mother. I love this family.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so I have been grounded and I hate it. I try to sneek on every so often to work. So here is part one of the 'Im going to try to update grounded' plan. I have some written on paper already.
I really don't like this chapter but its a good filler.

Please comment:) it will make me want to write more:D