Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Thirty-Two

After we got back home from picking out paint, driving it to the house, and dropping Emily off over at Blake's house it was late. The sun has already set and the moon rose. Jamie was already fast asleep in her car seat. 

"Mom and dad you can go in. We will take Jamie up." I told them taking her out of the car seat. My parents kissed my head and said their goodnights. Alex picked Jamie up and carried her into her room. I received a call from an unknown number. 

"Alex I'll be back. Her nightgowns are in the top right drawer." I told him walking out of the room accepting the call. 

"Hello is this Krissie McCoy?" the southern accent asked. 

"Yes it is. Who is this?" I asked. 

"This is Solomon Olds from Family Force 5. I was wondering if your band would like to go on tour with us for the Christmas Pageant tour?" 

"Of course we would love to! Do you have the other bands that will be touring?" I asked as Alex came out of her room. 

"So far we have Secondhand Serenade. We have called All Time Low but they didn't answer." 

"Well call him in about 30 minuets. He should answer. If not I might have to hurt Matt." I said with a laugh. 

"Alright. Have a good night. And welcome to the family." he said. 

"You too Soul Glow." I hung up and gave Alex a tight hug. 

"Who was that?" He asked walking to the room. 

"The singer of Family Force 5. He asked us to go on tour with him." I said happy. He grabbed my shoulders giving me a big hug.  

"Wait. What do you mean by we?" He asked as we got into my room. 

"Oh that reminds me!" I pulled out my phone and dialed Matt's number. After it rang a few times he picked up. 

"Hey Krissie. What's up?" He asked sounding happy. 


"Why though?" He asked laughing. 

"BECAUSE I TOLD YOU SO!" Alex's look was all confused. 

"Alright Krissie. Hey make sure to go on tumblr. Shit is going down." he said laughing. 

"Alright Matt. I'll call you later. I love you!" I told him pulling out my laptop. 

"I love you too." I hung up and plugged my phone to charge. Alex was already in his boxers and my outfit placed on the bed. 

"So Matt told me shit was going down on tumblr. It's probably nothing though." I told him stripping off all my clothes. 

"Like what love?" He asked touching my body kissing my bump. 

"I don't know." I pulled up my tumblr account and the first thing that came up was a picture of Zack's dick. Both of us were speechless. 

"Matt was right." Alex said shutting my laptop. 

"To be honest with you. I thought he was larger." I told him pulling some clothes on. Alex just laughed. I hopped into bed with Alex and cuddled up with him. 

"Baby guess what is tomorrow?" He asked kissing the side of my neck. 

"What hun?" I asked moaning a small bit. 

"We get to see the baby." We kissed each other and fell asleep. 


Waking up I felt a bit sick. Not enough to puke up but just enough to not want to get out of bed. I could hear Alex in the shower. Like usual he was singing. I pulled my body up and made my was over to my closet. I pulled out a pair of sweats and placed them on my bed. While walking over to the shower I pulled off my clothes so by the time I was close I was naked. I hopped in with Alex and kissed him. 

"Good morning sweetie." He said kissing my forehead. 

"Good morning Alex." He squeezed some soap on his hands massaging it on my body.

"Oh so your parents wanted me to tell you that they left to paint the house and Jamie is at a play date with one of her school friends." He said washing my stomach. He soon moved up to my breasts. I pressed my back against his chest moaning softly.

"Hey! These feel different. They feel bigger." Alex said grabbing them more. 

"Maybe because I'm pregnant sweetie." I told him laughing. He continued washing my body and my hair. After rinsing off we both stepped out and dried each other off. We walked hand in hand to our bed where he left to the closet to get dressed. I slipped on my sweatpants and my bra. I walked into the closet and picked one of Alex's button up shirts. 

"I can't wait till we see our baby." I said walking back to the bed picking up my phone and putting it in my purse. 

"Me too love. Come on now. Let's go see out baby." We walk off to the cars. Alex chose to drive.