Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Thirty-Three

After the doctor appointment we found out that we will be having twins. Great, two little creatures coming out of my vagina. I am going to love these two so much. I wrapped my arms around Alex tighter and kissed the back of his head. He was giving me a piggy back ride.

"Oh my god!" We looked over where the voice was. It was a fan, she came running up to us. "Krissiee Alex. Could you sign this?" She pulled out a piece of paper and a sharpie. I grabbed it first and used her head for a surface. She laughed some.

"What's your name dear?" I asked her.

"Dinah." I wrote on the paper 'F**K YEAH DINAH! xxoo Krissie McCoy.' I handed it to Alex next. "You two are such an adorable couple." She said.

"Awe thank you." We both said in unison.

"Here you go Dinah." Alex said giving her her paper. She pulled out a camera.

"Hey yo! Can you help us out?" I asked this stranger. She nodded and took the camera. I got of his back and stood next to her. I kissed her cheek and he kissed her other one. After the picture we said our farewells and went to the car. Tomorrow is Halloween and I am ready. We were driving off to a department store getting Alex's costume. Yeah everyone is buying their stuff but I'm making it for him.

"I know this is early Krissiee but what do you want to name the kids?" He said, this really is a good question.

"Well for a girl I like Josey or Layne. For a boy I like Alexander or Wesley." I told him putting a leg under my other leg.

"I really like Layne. I think that there are already enough Alexs' in the family. I like Stella for a lady. It's such a pretty name. And I have dreamed of having a boy named Craig. Craigery is the full name. Marie and Logan would be my other choices." he said pulling up to the store.

"You pick the first names and I will do middle. When we find out the sex that is." I told him typing it in to my phone. We got out of the car and walked hand in hand to the store.


"Alex your costume is ready!" I shouted, in a matter of seconds everyone including All For Nothing was in my bedroom. I held it up and everyone awed and laughed.

"It's exactly like the movie. It's perfect!" Alex said kissing me.

"Better not get a boner with that on Alex." Blake said laughing.

"Shut up man." Alex said punching his shoulder.All of us hung out some more talking about the twins and names and such. As it was getting closer to Jamie's bed time everyone was leaving going home. Tonight my father is leaving.

"Come on dad let's go." I said with Alex walking to the car. My dad really wanted Alex to come with us for some reason. He said good bye to my mother and gave her a kiss goodbye. We made our way to the car and I got in the back seat. On the way there Alex and dad were talking a lot. He really enjoys Alex, those two get along so well. He really likes him, one of the first guys he has ever liked that I have been either friends with or dated. They talked about the tour and the up coming tour with Family Force 5. As we got to the airport we just dropped him off.

"Bye daddy I love you." I told him getting out of the car to give him a hug.

"Bye hun and little ones. I love you too." He said kissing my head, he gave Alex a hug and I hopped into the passenger seat. we drove back.

"Alex, after tomorrow I have to go lay down some vocals for our new album." I told him placing my hand on his lap.

"Alright love, don't worry about it. Me and Leigh Ann are most likely working on the house picking out things." He said.

"Hey lets go to CVS real quick. I need to get something for your costume." I told him pointing at the nearest CVS. He made his way over there and we hurried in the store. We went to the hair dye section and looked to the reds.

"What are you going to do?" He asked kind of scared. I pulled up a bright red.

"This is perfect!" I told him holding it up to his face. "When we get home we will have to dye it."

"Alright. Wait can you dye hair?" He asked while paying.

"Yes I can Alex. I have once." He looked shocked.

"Once? You are so lucky I love you." He said laughing walking out.

"Awe I love you too." He drove off home and we hurried upstairs. My mother was dropping off the laundry while we were rushing.

"Hey I am going to bed. I love you."

"Goodnight mom, love you too." She gave us both a hug and went to her room. We went into the bathroom and started working on the dye bottle.

"Is it alright for you to dye hair?" Alex asked.

"Yeah it is dear, when you went to the bathroom thats when I asked the doctor." He smiled and sat down. I put the gloves on and put the dye on his hair.


"There it's finished." I told him drying off his hair. He looked in the mirror and smiled.

"I love it!" He shouted. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I pulled him down to kiss him.


I fixed the last bit of Jamie's costume t make it perfect. She was an Indian just like me. She had her pillow case in hand and her flashlight.

"Thank you, now lets get Alex and get going!" She said shouting pulling me.

"Jamie we have to take pictures first then we can go." I told her grabbing her hand walking to my room where Alex was helping my little cousin get ready.

"Krissiee! I need your help." Alex said as we walked in. "These shoes won't get on!" I sad down and pulled on both of their shoes.

"Great now lets go downstairs." I grabbed Alexander's hand and Baby's hand and walked down stairs with them. As we got down you heard a crown of awes'. My mother and my father's family was here. It was a tradition to have Halloween here. This theme was Peter Pan. We took some pictures and were off trick-or-treating.
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