Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Thirty-Five

A light knock on the door and one ring of the doorbell.

"I GOT IT!" Krissiee shouted loudly rushing to the door. I walked up behind her and hid behind the door. She opened it.

"Hello I am Scott. I'm here to interview Alex, is he here?" He asked. I told him that it would be best to interview here since we are packing for the tour.

"No he is not. He's dead." she said fake crying.

"Oh I'm sor-" She cut him off and let him in.

"He's right here! I'm Krissiee by the way." He came in and shook My hand.

"Come on. Is it alright if we go up to my room and do this?" I asked him, he nodded and walked up with us. Krissiee went over to the closet and kept the door open so she could be that nosey girl she is. We sat down on the couch in her room and started this.

"There are drinks in the fridge help yourself." I said pointing at the small hello kitty fridge beside him. He pulled out a water and pulled out his recorder.

"So Alex let's get this straight. Why are you living with Krissiee?" He asked.

"Well here's how it started. She's my girlfriend and wanted me to meet her parents and family. She had an extra ticket to the family cruise. I went with her and during then we had to leave early due to a fight-"

"It was a brutal brawl!" Krissiee added in.

"Anyways, after the brutal brawl we all left and I've just been staying with her and her parents." I told him ignoring the baby subject for now. We talked about that earlier and she would like the fans to know about the twins and us. I just don't really want to bring it up.

"Now that's sweet. You mentioned on twitter a while back about a house, are you two going to be living together?"

"Yes we are. We picked out a nice house kind of close to her parents so they would watch it when we aren't there during tour."

"Don't get offended or anything but are you two going to get married or something?" He whispered. I leaned close to him and whispered so she couldn't hear us.

"Soon. If you want to know watch the MTV new years eve where I host it." I leaned back over and said, "You never know!"

"And you'll never know!!" Krissiee sang shouting the VersaEmerge song. We laughed some and she came over. I wrapped my arm around her hip.

"Are you guys hungry? I was gonna go get some pizza." She said.

"I'm alright." Scott said.

"No need to be shy over here. Your friends of my good pall Shea." He laughed some.

"Alright Krissiee, I don't mind what you get." He said smiling.

"Alright. Alex I'm bringing Jamie with me." She said kissing the top of my head.

"Alright be safe I love you." I told her kissing her stomach.

"Love you too." She walked out of the room and shut the door quietly.

"Now that she is gone do you mind if I go into some personal questions?" I shook my head no. "Alright well who is Jamie?"

"Jamie is her little cousin. Her parents were murdered and Leigh Ann took her in."

"Oh god! That's horrible!" I nodded and took a sprite out of the fridge.

"You really do seem part of this family. I mean even her parents like you. That's great!"

"Yeah I really love this family. I really love her also." I told her tapping my chest over my heart.

"How are you going to propose to her?"

"I like it classic. During the count down when the ball is going to drop I'll ask her and if she says yes it will be perfect timing to midnight. If she says no well I'll have no plan for that."

"Thats cute, do you have the ring picked out?" I shook my head no.

"For the week of thanksgiving we are flying down to my family so she can meet them and my mother and me are going to look at some. While we are down there I am going to ask her father for his permission."

"You got this all planned out hu?" I nodded my head yes.

"What are these pictures over here?" He said getting up and taking them from the bed side.

"Oh those. Those are twin babies."

"Who's are they?" I just smile at him. "They are yours!?" He shouted.

"Yes they are. They should be due in May or so." He shook my hand and congratulated me.

"Would you like this to be in AP?"

"Yes, we talked last night and we decides that this interview will break the news about the twins to our fans."

"How far along is she?"

"Almost 2 months but she looks three."

"Nice! Who knows?"

"My parents, her patents, my band, her band, and that's it. We kept it down low until this. This is how we thought it would be the most professional way to break this news."

"I agree. How do you think Lisa will take it?" Oh god Lisa.

"Honestly I don't care. We are done with and we won't go back together." The door opened. Jamie comes walking in with a pizza box of course Krissiee was helping her. They made our way over to us.

"Alex and friend! I gots food!" She shouted pitting the pizza on the table. We laughed at what she said and I kissed her head.

"Thank you ma'am." She ran back into her room with her small pizza. We all took a lunch break and talked about her twins. After eating she went back to packing.

"Now serious questions. What's up with the new album?"

"When we go up to Maryland I will be recording for two days or so out of the week. We have already recorded three of the songs."

"Do you think your fans will enjoy this album."

"If they enjoy the band they will enjoy the album." I told him drinking some.

"What do you think about Rebecca Black?" He asked.

"IT'S FRIDAY FRIDAY!" Krissiee shouted loudly from the closet.

"You know I might be in love with that no talent girl." I said, I could hear Krissiee getting up and walking to me.

"You take that back Alexander William Gaskarth." She said putting her hands on her hips.

"Nope." I said smiling at her.

"Well fine then Alexander I'll just throw your suitcase out the window. Open and let the sprinklers get it." She said walking back. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I love you more than having butt sex with Jack." She smiled and kissed me.

"I love you most." She went back into the closet.

"You two are so cute together. Just saying."Scott said.

"Thanks man."

"Are you busy later this evening?" He asked I saw Krissiee pulling out the bags.

"Hun are we doing anything later tonight?" I asked.

"Hold on. MOM!?!" She shouted. A few seconds later Leigh Ann comes in.

"What daughter?" She asked smiling over at Scott and I.

"Are we doing anything tonight?"

"Well Blake and Emily are going on a date to the movies and I was thinking that we could go. Why?"

"Well I was going to get a photo shoot with them for the interview."

"Sure! Jamie and I will go. She wants to watch this kids movie." Krissiee gave her mom a tight hug.

"Thanks mom. I'M GOING TO GET DRESSED!" Krissiee shouted making her way to the closet. I joined her getting dressed into a Glamour Kills tank-top and a new pair of shoes.

"Krissiee hurry we will be in the car. I love you." I kissed her head while she was in her undies. Oh that cute butt, the cute dimples on her back, especially her cute hips that sway when she walks.

"Okay, could you get me some water?" She asked turning around fixing her bra strap.

"Of course darling." I told her placing my hands on her hips pulling her close to me kissing her lips.

"Thank you. I love you too." I left shutting the door. We walked down to the kitchen where I got a cold water for her.

"You two are so cute together." Scott said Patting my back.