Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Thirty-Six

[Alex Point of View]

“Alright Krissiee I love you. Call you when you are finished.” I told her dropping her off at the studio. She is recording today for her Christmas album.

“Alright Alex I love you too. Be safe.” She said kissing me softly. I waited until she went in till I drove off. Leigh Ann was in the car with me, today we were going shopping for the house. Today is master bedroom and living room minimum. I really wanted to surprise her with the house ready while she was recording. She told me the directions how to get around in this town. We pulled up to this furniture store. I had tons of papers in my hands of things I saw on Google this morning that I thought Krissiee would love. We talked about having nice light colors and the living room was going to be blue, green, and brown. I knew she loved large couches and especially the ones that have a long side that she can lay out on. We asked around trying to find a couch similar to the one on the picture.

“That’s the one Leigh Ann.” I told her sitting down on it. It was extremely soft and very dark brown. Dark things are easy to hide stains for when the kids come around.

“I like it. You sure Alex?” She asked, i nodded and highlighted it off the list. We walked around more and picked out a nice rocking chair for Krissiee to put in the living room. After picking out a TV it was now time to pick stuff for our bedroom. I let Leigh Ann make sure the room didn’t look horrible and make sure everything matches. I left to the mattresses to jump on all of them.
Roughly an hour later Leigh Ann came back and I had a mattress already picked out for us. She loves soft beds and I love them too. Leigh Ann has told one of the workers to what ones that we are going to buy.
Honestly I thought furniture buying was going to be long and horrible but it was actually fun. Krissiee even called me some! She doesn’t know that I am getting furniture for the house she only knows that I am going shopping for myself. So far we have completed the living room, bedroom, kitchen, and the bathrooms. Even the children’s bathroom. We talked about her recording which she did two songs out of the 5 that they are doing. Once again Emily is going home with Blake her boyfriend and everyone else was getting rides. Later today the furniture is getting delivered which means we have to be out of the house. Leigh Ann already said that she will have the furniture set up to the picture I drew that was safe for kids. I drove at a faster pace dropping her off at the house then picking up Krissiee. When I reached there there were some fans near Krissiee. She was signing some things and having conversations with them all. I parked the car and walked up next to her.

“Hey darling.” I said giving her a hug kissing her head.

“Hi Alex. These are my fans Josie, Mark, Allison, Megan, and David.” She said pointing to them.

“Hey there I’m Alex and thanks for keeping her company.” I said moving my hand to the middle of her back.

“No problem but maybe could you sign this?” Megan asked handing me the same paper that Krissiee signed. I used her sharpie and signed all of the autographs.

“Have a great night you guys. We have to go. Don’t forget to get the new issue of AP coming out next week!” I said giving the items back and the sharpie back. We gave each person a hug then went to the car. I leaned over and kissed her on her lips before starting the car. She moved her hand to my hair and pushed up closer some. After the kiss lasting for a good time I pulled away and started the car.

“How was shopping?” She asked buckling up and locking the door. That was her habit, she always locks just her door manually.

“It was good. I really didn’t find that much.” I told her backing up and driving to a place to eat.

“I really want some Taco Bell. I’m in the mood for a Crunch wrap.” She said patting her stomach.

“Alright. How was recording?” I asked. I think this was the first time that they are recording in a major studio. Before they have just used a small one.

“Pretty fun! I liked it a lot. Also we are doing Christmas songs my favorite.” She said sitting under one leg.

“Well thats great. So after recording we are going on tour. Well All Time Low is. That means you are going with us. So are you ready?” I said pulling in to Taco Bell drive thru.

“Yes I am. I am working merch with Vinny and I’m working sound with Evan.” She said laughing at something.

“Well That’s great. I know you will have fun with those boys.” I ordered the food for Krissiee and some for me, Paid, and left to home.

“I got a call today from Eric. From A Rocket To The Moon.” She said a little sad.

“And?” I said holding one of her hands.

“His sister is the one who beat me up. He said that he has never seen her before until just now. Nick and her are always together and she’s coming to everything. Practices and recording. He knows it’s not a girlfriend because they never kiss or have sex.”

“Oh wow. I guess it runs in the family.”

“Thats how she knew about me being pregnant before anyone else. Nick must have told her.” She said sad.

“Well fuck them. You don’t need them to bring you down. I am always here for you. Those beautiful children are mine and yours. Not Nick’s. We already know that ginger sperm can not make it in you. I love you forever no matter what.” I told her kissing her fingers.

“Awe thank you Alex. I love you too.”