Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Thirty-Eight

It was late when we all got back onto the bus. Everything was backed up and Alex was setting up the bed in the back lounge. We don’t fit well in the bunk since I am all huge and all, so we decided to turn our back lounge into our room. I was completely exhausted today, all this standing around and walking made my already aching body worse. I went to my bag that was in a spare bunk and pulled out some sleeping clothes. I stripped down to my undies and changed, one thing I love about this band is that we are like family now. I could walk around completely naked and nobody would want to touch me. They are my road family. After switching my clothes I waked into the area where we were sleeping. He was all cuddled up in the bed with our blanket.

“Boo I’m going to take my vitamins then I will be in soon.” He nodded and pulled more blankets on the bed. I went to the potty then took some pills. I need these babies to be as healthy as can be.

“Hey Krissiee want to watch a movie with me?” Jack asked all excited.

“No I’m sorry Jacky, I am really sore and tired. Maybe tomorrow.” I said giving him a hug. He smiled as I went to the back cuddling in the blankets.

“What are your plans for tomorrow?” He said as we were facing each other.

“I am going shopping with the boys from Before You Exit.” I said rubbing his bare chest.

“That’s great! I would like you to bring one of the crew with you okay? I want to make sure my angle is safe.” He said looking into my eyes. Oh his sweet eyes, big and brown.

“Awe baby.”

“I never want you to be alone. I would love to go with you but we have an Interview.”

“Alright, well I’m getting our four months present tomorrow.” I told him thinking about everything he likes.

“What ya gonna get me love?” He asked kissing my nose.

“NOt gonna tell you.”

“Gur. Well baby you need some sleep. I love you.” He said spooning me.

“I love you too.” I have the perfect gift idea.


I climbed out of the bed and made my way straight to the kitchen where there was some ruckus going on. I pulled out a bottle of green tea and took the morning half of my vitamins. I took them with me to the table and started taking them.

“Morning boys!” I said before I took some pills.

“I heard back scattered out the whole bus. Alex finally woke up and got the seat to my right, Jack got in on my left.

“I don’t like you Krissiee.” Alex said getting up crossing his arms over his chest.

“Why?! What did I do?” I said still sitting.

“You were mean to me last night!” He said running off to the bunks.

“well fine if your gonna be like that I will just be with Rian.” I said grabbing his hand holding it. The whole time he was laughing hard.

“Fine! Jack and I will just have some heated butt sex!” Jack ran into the bunk room with his pants around his ankles.

“Damn it Rian, lets get married!” I shouted, Alex came running back with his pants down too showing his penis.

“Don’t marry Rian love, I’m sorry I’m not mad at you anymore.” He said kissing my forehead.

“Okay I will take you back.” I said pulling up his undies and pants. It was roughly about One in the afternoon and I should be leaving soon. We went into the back room and pulled out some clothes. Alex and I got dressed and walked out together.

“Vinny I would like you to go with Krissiee to the mall today to protect her. Okay?” He said putting his hand on his shoulder. Recently Alex has been like over-protecting me a lot.

“Sure man.” He said leaving. I gave Alex a kiss and we said out ‘I love you’s and left to the Before You Exit van. I decided to drive cause I really do enjoy driving.

“So whats your plans Krissiee for this adventure?” Thomas asked.

“Do you guys actually mind if we get some food? These babies and I are hungry!” I said looking for places to eat.

“Sure we were gonna ask anyways.” Connor said putting the nearest mall address in to the GPS..

“What are you boys in the mood for?” I asked still looking.

“Girl why you asking us? YOu are the one who should be craving a lot.” The youngest Riley asked.. I laughed some and pulled up to a burger place.

“This good for you boys?” I asked turning the car off.

“Yeah!” They all said as I hopped out and walked with Vinny.

“I read that they have the best salads here.” I told him.

“I was just about to ask you why we were going here.” Vinny said laughing as we walked in. They took us to our seats and got our drinks.

“Have whatever you want boys, the foods on me.” I said before taking a drink of water.

“You don’t have to..” One of them said.

“It’s fine I don’t mind it at all! I would like you guys to get a treat.” I said thinking about what yogurt I’m going to have at the mall. I could really use a treat myself.

“Congratulations!” Jeremy said and the others chimed in.

“Thank you boys.” I said before ordering. We talked about the babies and their names. We also talked about the house and when we should be moving in. These boys are actually the sweetest boys I have ever met. They are all super cute. After talking about myself I started asking them about their love life. Riley is the only single one out of the group and also the youngest. Finally the food came and we ate. I am in love with this salad. It has the best Italian dressing I have ever had and the veggies are perfectly picked. While we were finishing up I was done.

“Hey we are going to get some frozen yogurt after this at the mall.” I said taking the check.

“You don’t have to.” Connor said trying to stop me.

“Child I am going to pay.” I love calling them names like that even though I’m close to their age. We finally left and went to the mall. We parked by the food court and went straight to the deserts. I grabbed a medium cup and got Strawberry. I put some walnuts, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, and bananas. I love putting fruit on my food cause I am crazy for fruit. After paying for the boys sweets it was time for them to get some new clothes! While we were walking around and eating I bought some new clothes too. I made sure to go to some baby stores and got some things for them too. We were finishing up and I passed a Build-A-Bear.

“Krissiee we are going here.” They said as I completely stopped in the front of the shop.

“We will be here.” I said taking vinny with me. “Do you think Alex will like a Bear?” I asked him.

“Oh yes he will.” He said smiling. I looked at all the bears and picked the one that looked the cutest.

“I like this one.” I picked him up and picked the sound that you can make. I spoke into it and waited for the other girls to finish stuffing theirs. While the lady was stuffing him she made me take a heart and do the same heart ritual that the kids do.

“Who’s this for?” She asked me.

“My fiance, it’s going to be our four months.” I said while she stitched him up.

“Awe thats cute.” She said giving him back. I went to the washing station and made him super fluffy. Vinny and I looked at all the shirts and narrowed it down to two. We picked the baseball shirt and a pair of tight jeans. I grabbed a pair of grey boxer briefs and a pair of vans. We went to the dressing area and dressed him up. We went to the naming station and filled out the information.

“What should his name be?” I asked him. Should it be first last name? First middle name?

“I like first last.” He said rubbing my shoulders. I typed it in and went to the counter. We checked out and got the certificate. After paying the boys were there waiting with their bags of clothes. I grabbed the bear and my bags. We went to the van that was parked on the other side of the mall and went to the busses.


When I got on the boys were still gone. I hid the bear in the boys van because I don’t want Alex snooping around. Our four months is tomorrow and I can not wait. Vinny stepped out of the bus and went talking on his phone. I went into some boxers and grabbed our blanket. I cuddled up on the couch watching some old movie on TV waiting for my boys to be back. Finally Vinny came in.

“They are going to be running a little late.” He said. I sighed and continued the movie. Roughly an hour later the boys came rushing in. I got happy seeing my man running to me. I stayed seated due to my sore feet. I gave him a tight hug kissing his nose. He kissed mine back and laced is fingers with mine.

“Krissiee do you wanna watch that movie with me?” He asked jumping up and down.

“Jack you have to go on stage today. How about after?” He started to pout.

“Yesterday you said that you were too tired.”

“I won’t be Jack. I pinky promise.” I told him extending my pinky. He linked his with mine.

“Alright!” Today I think I will just stay in here. I got some reading to catch up.

“Boo you better get ready for the show.” I told him patting his knee.

“Sure love.” I got up with him and hopped into the bathroom. I took a quick one making sure I am done when the boys are still here. When I finished Alex was waiting for me.

“Look at this my lady all wet!” Alex said kissing my head.

“That’s what she said!” Zack shouted.

“At least my dick isn’t tumblr famous!” I shouted back smiling. I pulled out some undies and Alex picked out the rest. I changed and put my hair up in a wet bun.

“I am excited for tomorrow.” I told him slipping on slippers.

“why love?” He said while walking out to the main room.

“Its been four months since I have been with you Alexander.” I told him smiling looking up at him.

“Yes it has Krissiee.” I kissed him before he left to play the show. I locked the door and made sure the windows were locked. I went to the back and pulled out my baby book and my notebook. I know I’m a looser since I am taking notes. Well if I have a girl then she can use these notes for her baby. And It will be passed down. I have been taking notes for about two hours before the boys came back. I placed the notebook and book back in our room and waited for Jack.

“Alex, I would love to share this movie with you but I promised Jack some us time. Maybe you can read that book I got you.” I said smiling. He sighed and smiled at me.

“Sure love.” I kissed him before everyone went to their bunks or whatever they went. Jack and I shared a blanket and he put on a movie.
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