Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Forty

When we got back from out beautiful day at the park Alex had a show to do. He told me about wanting to go out to dinner or something, I told him that I was worn out from the park and I would like to stay on the bus. Maybe if I feel better I would go out with him tonight. We walked hand in hand to the bus where the boys were doing their own stuff. I went to the back changing into sweatpants and slippers. Alex switched shirts kissing me before he goes. I locked the bus up heading back into the bunks. I went to our bed and took out my phone calling my mom.

“Hey mom!” I said after letting it ring for some time,

“Hello princess, how are you doing?” I pulled a movie out if the collection and put it in. I locked our bedroom door and got comfy.

“I am great actually, we just got back from our four months date.” I told her.

“Oh girl tell me about it!” I laughed pulling a blanket over me.

“Well as soon as we stopped the bus we gave each other our gifts. It was so cute cause we both got Build-A-Bears. Mine is just too cute. After the exchange we went to this park where he had a picnic ready for us on the hill. It was a fruit salad and some pasta for after.”

“That is a crazy combination.” she said laughing some.

“Oh yeah it is. When we were done eating we walked around the park and went to some shops by it. There was this baby store a decent walk away and we had to stop by. I let him pick out some clothes. Gender neutral ones of course! They were brown with green stitching saying “I love daddy” Alex went crazy over those. We got them for when the babies are born so they will have some swag.”

“Awe I can not wait till I see those. I can tell he is really getting ready to be a father.” I smiled wide at that looking at my stomach.

“He really is mom. He is just too perfect. I know that there is no such thing as perfect, but he is. I can't believe I have him mom. He is way too good for me.”

“Krissiee, he is what you have always needed. After ...him... I could tell that you have changed your view about many things. Especially boys and you dating them. Once I saw how you and him are together it reminds me of your father and I. I haven't seen you truly smile from when we moved to Vegas. Once you stepped out that plane with him I could tell that you have been changed. He has made you like how you were before. That child that was always laughing and smiling. You two were made for each other Krissiee so don't ever doubt anything between you two.” during that speech of hers I started to cry because it was so true.

“Thank you mom. For everything.” I said not really knowing what to tell her.

“Anytime dear. Just remember what I told you because if you get those thoughts again just remember. It will help you make your relationship stronger and better. He loves you so much Krissiee. He would do anything for you.”

“Thank you mom. Oh I wanted to run some plans with you.” I said remembering why I really called her for.

“Okay. Shoot!”

“well for thanksgiving I would like to go to see Alex's family up in Maryland. Is that alright with you?”

“Of course.”

“Okay, then for Christmas I was thinking about throwing a surprise for you and Alex's family. Well I will tell you but don't tell dad or Jamie! I was thinking about renting a cabin up in Colorado for maybe less than a week. It will be two days before Christmas.”

“That would be so wonderful!”

“It's a great way for both of the families to meet.”

“It would! I can't wait till I see the parents.”

“Me too! During New Years Alex got invited by MTV to host the show. He asked the producers if it would be alright if I could join and they are all okay with it.”

“well that's great! I can't wait for all of these good plans. I am alright with all of them and I want you to ask dad about the cabin sometime tho. I don't want to tell him.” She said laughing.

“Alright mom. Oh I will look for a cabin enough for all of us and Alex's dogs. It will be a pretty decent size. I'll also make sure that Jamie has a close room to me cause you know how she likes to fall asleep with me and Alex.”

“She loves you two. All she has been asking is when you and Alex are coming back. I would let you talk to her but she is asleep. We had a long day today.”

“What did you two do?”

“We went to an outside mall, shopped at a few stores getting her some boots for the winter, we got some lunch and frozen yogurt, we went to see a movie she has been wanting t0 see, and she helped me cook dinner. She is out!” I laughed on how she said that.

“Wow you two had a long day. Well I will let you go. I think Alex and I are getting some dinner soon. Something light. Maybe just some sweets. I love you Mom.”

“I love you too Krissiee.” I placed my phone on the charger and glancing at the time to see how much longer for Alex. I decided to get back into my previous outfit and go watch Alex. I locked up the bus as I left clipping my pass to my belt loop. I showed the guard my pass and went to the side of the stage. There were a few more songs left with their set. I listened realizing he played my favorite ones. I smiled watching them from the side. Once their last song finished they walked out Alex kissing me all sweaty. I made him change into something clean. I kept hearing the crowd chant encore. When Alex came back he smiled at the crowd.

“Alex play something they never heard.” I told him smiling.

“I can only play it...” I pulled his face to me and kissed it.

“Alex do it.” He smiled and went out with his acoustic.

“This song goes out to this special lady.” He said strumming. As he played it I remembered him humming it to me one day. I started listening to the lyrics and I could tell he wrote that song about me. More went on and I started to tear up. I felt someone behind me hug me. I looked around and it was Jack. I smiled as he wiped my tears away. I couldn't stop smiling. This song is so perfect and so relate able. Jack started swaying making me sway too. When he finished he stood up and waved goodbye. When he got back to me I was in tears still.

“Whats wrong boo?” He asked.

“I told her I wrote that song about her, she's crying because she is in love with me and wants my penis.” Jack said making me laugh.

“I'm crying because I fucking love you.” I told him kissing his hand. He smiled and kissed my head. He took my hand walking with me to this corner store across the street. It was a french bakery owned by a family. I looked at the sweets laid out. I chose this cake slice for us to share since it's pretty late already. We sat at this small table in the back of the shop.

“I've been thinking about getting a new tattoo.” He said taking a piece of frosting.

“Of what?” I asked getting a bit paranoid. I don't want him to get one of me..

“For my brother.” He said looking at the cake slice.

“That's sweet baby.” I told him lifting up his head kissing his nose.

“I was thinking a flower with his name on the side.” I fed him a piece.

“Let's get it tonight. It's a special day and it's also a special tattoo.” He smiled kissing my lips with chocolate frosting all over them.

“That's why I love you!” I wiped off the chocolate and we finished the cake. We walked down to the nearest shop finding one not too busy. It was a pretty large shop and three guys were working there. One of them was working on someone.

“What can I help you with?” One guy asked.

“I'm getting a tat. A red rose right here on my hand leaving a bit of room here.” Alex said pointing it out. The guy drew it out pretty fast and placed it on him. I sat next to Alex holding his other hand watching.

“Who is this lady of yours?” He asked.

“Oh this is my girlfriend.” He said squeezing my hand.

“sweet, you got a pretty one. How long?”

“Four months today.” I kissed his shoulder still watching.

“Sweet man. Last week was my wife and I 4th anniversary.” He is a really sweet guy. He talked about his son and how it's his life. He loves him so much and loves his wife. Soon the tattoo was done.

“Anything else?” He asked..

“Yeah I want the initials “T.E.G.” right below it.” He inked it in in blue ink.

“What do those stand for.”

“My brother.” Alex didn't go more into it and the guy understood why. He hooked us up with a cheaper price and gave us the care package. We walked back hand in hand to our bus looking at the starry night sky.