Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Forty-One

The rest of the tour went by really fast and was one of the best tours of my life. The prank war was defiantly the best part. Before You Exit won since I helped them with the most of it. We did a lot of on stage pranks so everyone could enjoy our laughs and jokes too. It's sad to be away from those boys, they are the cutest and sweetest boys I know of. I would love to tour with them again. The tour with Family Force 5 has been rescheduled to January so that means we get more time to relax and be home. I'm really excited of meeting Alex's parents. Tonight actually, we are leaving in a few hours to Maryland since it's the week of Thanksgiving. Alex has been such a gentleman to me recently, It's wonderful! Hes been doing a lot for me letting me relax and t=stay off my feet more but I do like getting up even if I am hurting.
This morning we rented the cabin we would be staying at. It's a wonderful three story cabin with 4 bedrooms each room a master bedroom with the bathroom attached. Its a pretty large cabin and it's alright that his dogs are going to join us. It always snows so there will be snow and most likely enough of it. Its in its own secluded place and nobody lives by us for at least a few miles. There is a lake in the backyard that gets completely frozen every winter. I hope that everyone will like the place I have picked.
I got up off the bed and went to the closet where Alex was packing for me. I helped him out some by grabbing my undies and socks. He had majority of it packed minus the shoes. I grabbed the ones that I thought would match and put them in a different bag.

“I love you.” He said zipping up then kissing my arm.

“I love you.” I said back kissing over his heart, He moved his hands down to my stomach that's growing larger and larger every day. He bent down lifting up my shirt kissing my stomach.

“Hi babies, it's me your daddy. I love you bugs and your momma so much. I can't wait till you get bigger and come out. I can't wait to hold you two and kiss you and love you. You are gonna have great parents that love you and will always love you no matter what.” He said, I could feel his lips right against my stomach when he talked making sure they heard him. When he finished he kissed all over and then kissed me.

“I'm so huge.” I said pulling my shirt back down.

“Your not huge. But your chest is.” I stuck out my tongue and smiled at him.

“I love you.” I told him feeling his stomach.

“I will always love you Krissiee.” He picked up my bags and carried them downstairs to the living room. His was already waiting there.

“Alex honey I washed all your clothes and they are back in your bag.” He smiled and gave her a tight hug thanking her. I saw Jamie running down the stairs in her princess pj’s from this morning.

“Oh my little princess!” I said hugging her tightly.

“I don't want you two to go.” She said frowning.

“We will be back don't worry.” Ales said picking her head up.

“Okay. I haven't heard you sing in a while. Will you sing for me?” She asked jumping up and down.

“What song. Any song.” She thought for a while.

“My favorite song!” She said, I smiled and grabbed the guitar for Alex.

“Alex I know you know this song.” I gave him the guitar. “Natives. Blink 182.” He smiled and played the song. I saw my mom take out her camera and took a video. As we were singing together she joined in for some of the verses and the chorus. When we finished Alex took off the guitar she ran up to both of us giving us a tight hug.

“She loves Blink. No joke she is like their biggest fan.” I told Alex.

“Jamie maybe one day would you like to meet Blink?” Alex asked, her eyes lit up and she started jumping.

“YES!” She screamed. We chuckled as she sat on Alex's lap.

“Only if your a good girl tho.” He told her messing her hair up. We watched a show for a little bit before we had to leave. Mom drove us to the airport where Jamie was getting all sad since we were leaving. Once at the drop off I kissed her head before getting out of the car. I grabbed his hand and went through.

[On The Plane]

“Will they like me?” I asked him before I got out of the seat in the airplane. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

“Yes, they will love you.” I finally got up grabbing my carry on and walked out. To be honest I get really nervous and shy when it comes to meeting new people. It can get bad. I shouldn't be nervous tho. They should like me right? I mean I make their son incredibly happy and make him feel loved. What if they don't like me because I am pregnant. If you think about it there is a 50/50 chance they are his! I hope and prey they are his. I really hope they approve of me.. I hope that they don't think I''m too young. There are many possibilities on why they could never like me. All I wish for is that they like me so my children can have great supportive grandparents.
We walked out the gate and headed off to baggage claim where we are going to meet them. I gripped Alex's hand tighter getting more nervous. He stopped and kissed my forehead.

“Don't worry Krissiee, they will love you.” I smiled at him with him leading the way. He looked around trying to find his parents.

“Alexander!” We both shot around hearing a female voice calling his name. Alex ran to her giving her a tight hug, I walked over to them in my normal pace.

“Mom! I missed you!” He said as I finally reached her.

“I missed you too son. Now who is this lovely girl you got here?” She asked hugging me,

“Mom this is the one.” He said smiling kissing my head. She felt my stomach get in the way during the hug making she smiled.

“Krissiee and the bugs.” I told her patting my stomach.

“Well welcome to the family! Just call me mom. Peter had to lock up and couldn't make it in time so we will see him at home.” She said waking to the bags. Alex lifted up our bags and carried them to the car. Once in the car I hopped into the back while Alex sat in the front. I pulled out my phone and texted my mother telling her that I am okay and got there.

“You were right Alex, she is beautiful.” His mom said making me blush.

“Thank you.” I spoke quietly. The ride was decent, a bit long but it wasn't horribly long. Once we reached the house I was greeted by a small puppy. I picked him up kissing his head.

“That's Sebastian.” Alex said rubbing his back.

“I highly doubt that you wanted to sleep in the guest room so I put some extra pillows on Alex's bed for you.” She smiled going into the living room where his father was. Alex kissed me before leaving to his room to put the bags away.

“Hello, you must be Krissiee.” His father said as I sat on the couch besides him. “You can call me Peter if you like.” He said smiling some.

“It's so nice of you to let me join you for Thanksgiving.”

“Anytime Krissiee your part of the family now. Would you like something to eat?” She said going into the kitchen.

“No thank you, we are pretty full still.” I said rubbing my stomach.

“Alex told me about those little kids.” Peter said making me nervous.

“I am glad that you are having two beautiful children.” His mom said bringing a glass of tea with her.

“Krissiee, I'm happy to be a grandfather.” He said smiling. Halleluiah that he wants to be one. That made me more comfortable knowing that they are happy with their son having children with his girlfriend. Not even his wife, girlfriend. Alex came back sitting right next to me on the couch wrapping his arm around me.

“Hey love.” He kissed my head placing his other head on the side of my stomach.

“I remember when we were pregnant for the first time. You two remind me of us.” That is too cute, “We were so in love like you two are.”

“I remember doing the same son, my hand must have been permanently attached to your mothers stomach.”

“That's why I love you so much dad!” Alex cut him off.

“Yes. Well kids it's been one long day, we are off to bed. Good night.” Peter said getting up going off to their room.

“Babe I think it's time too.” I told him getting up. We turned down all the lights and headed up into his room.

“Same one as a kid.” He said unzipping up my bag getting some pj’s out while I looked at all the walls. I looked at some pictures laying around seeing young All Time Low. Right by his bedside he had a picture of him and his brother with their arm around each others shoulder.

“This is a cute picture.” I told him as he sat next to me with my pj's in his lap.

“That is one of my favorite ones of us.” He said looking at it not really moving.

“I know it still hurts boo.” I told him standing up kissing his forehead. “Where is the bathroom Alex?” I asked with the pj's in my hand.

“Across the hall on the right love.” I smiled at him and walked to the bathroom locking the door behind me. It's always good to go to the bathroom before bed. After I was finished I changed in there and went back to his room. Alex was laying on the bed with Sebastian curled up on his stomach still fully dressed. I picked up Baz and kissed his head before putting him on the bed. I pulled Alex up tugging at his shirt.

“This has to go.” I told him looking up pushing it up.. “And these too.” I undid his belt and tried to wiggle his pants off. He laughed getting them completely off.

“How about you take something off yourself?” He asked me with his hand behind my neck. I bent over and took off my socks trying not to laugh.

“you like?” I asked giggling.

“Bitch.” He smirked kissing me. I kissed back before crawling into his bed.

“These better have been cleaned. I know you had plenty of lonely nights with your hand.” I wiggled up against his body while he busted up laughing.

“You know me too well Krissiee.”
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