Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Forty-Four

I never liked Black Friday shopping but today is gonna be fun. Isobel and I are hitting up all the good stores. Like three. It's good for me to have girl time because I can talk to her about Alex. I was still in his hoodie and a new pair of jeans. It's roughly 30 after midnight and the Nike store is going to open at one. I just want to get his pairs of shoes and that's it.

“Are you okay from yesterday?” She asked while in line waiting.

“Yeah. I just don't really feel safe anymore. I just want to go home and be safe.” I told her putting the hood up.

“Why don't you?”

“The reason I moved to Vegas was because this guy threatened to kill me and was really serious about it, now Lisa hates me and thinks I am a whore.”

“Well forget her cause I kinda never liked her. I'm also sorry about the boy that did that to you. If you want you can leave tonight, I wouldn't mind.”

“Alex is hanging out with my dad today so I have no clue how long that will take. After shopping he knows that I will be at Jack's house.” I saw her smile when I mentioned my father.

“I never knew he lived here till Alex told me. He's a great doctor.” I nodded.

“Do you know why Alex is seeing my dad today?” I asked checking the time.

“Oh no. He didn't tell me.”

“I was wondering if you are going to do anything for the week of Christmas.”

“Not at all. Just open gifts. That's it.” I smiled, I think I should tell her since I am going to leave soon anyways.

“I was wondering if you would like to join my parents and Alex and I up to Colorado for a log cabin Christmas. I thought it would be a great way for you to meet my parents and my little cousin.”

“That is so thoughtful, I'm up for it. I'm pretty sure Peter doesn't have to work.”

“I will also be paying for your tickets. Just an early Christmas gift.” She smiled and hugged me.

“You are so nice and thoughtful Krissiee.” I decided to call my mom wishing her a nice Thanksgiving.

“Hey mom happy thanksgiving and have fun on Black Friday. I love you. See you home soon.” I left the message before going in. We power walked into the building and grabbed the two pairs he wanted. We hurried to the register and payed as soon as we could. To be honest shopping at crowded places suck dick. We stopped at Target and another shoe store. Nothing huge that we bought just some small things on sale. After hours of shopping I was worn out. I even stayed in the car for some. Its about 9 and Alex just left to my fathers. I dropped off at Jack's house where he gave me a key the other day. I got in and looked around for his room. I texted Alex telling him that I'm there and I was going to nap. I finally got into his room where he was still in bed. I pulled off my pants and got some of his shorts on. I made my way into his bed and cuddled him.

“Jack it's Krissiee.” After that I was out.


I wiggled my way out of the bed with Jack and woke him up in the process. He made his way out and into his bathroom. I walked to the kitchen making us both something to eat. Today was a pancakes kind of day. I made a full stack for the both of us buttering them all up. I loaded the syrup on his and placed it at the table. Soon after the plate hit the table he was sitting down.

“Good morning best friend1” He shouted taking a mouth full.

“Good morning best friend.” I said taking my bites slow. I'm not too quick of an eater. After having our breakfast we put them in the sink and hopped onto the couch. I put in Home Alone and watched the one and two together.
After watching Home Alone one and two Jack offered to make some dinner. I watched over him making sure he doesn't burn stuff down. Mac and Cheese and I made sliced zucchini with some tomato sauce topped of with melted cheese.

“Oh no veggies!” Jack said looking at his plate.

“Booger you will like it. Promise.” I told him taking a bite of mine. He looked at it for a long time before taking his bite.

“Holy shit this is good! You made veggies taste good!” He said taking more in.

“Thanks Jack.” We continued to eat our good food. Alex was here before we finished. Since we had more left over I got him a plate.

“Jack are those vegetables?” Alex asked watching him eat some more.

“Bro they are so good.” Jack said holding out the o. Alex took his bite.

“Oh man they are great.” We all finished up and decided to make cookies. That was a total mess. The cookies turned out great tho. It was time to leave and Jack was really sad.

“I love you Jack. I will see you later.” Kissing his head out of the car window.

“Love you too!” We drove off and Alex seemed pretty happy.

“What did you do today boo?” He asked holding one hand.

“Went shopping and got some things for you. As soon as I got to Jack's I went to sleep. We watched Home Alone one and two. What about you?”

“We just talked and hung out. Nothing major.” The ride was pretty quick. After getting in his mom was asleep and his father was gone.

“I talked to your mom and she is okay with the cabin.”

“Good. This Christmas will be fun.” I pulled out my phone and called my dad.

“Hi daddy. I got a surprise for you!”

“Oh really baby girl what is it?” He laughed some.

“We are going to Colorado for Christmas and I got you a ticket to join us.”

“Who is all going?”

“Alex's parents. Mom and Jamie. I don't know if Emily is.”

“That's gonna be great love. Well I'm going to bed. Goodnight.”

“Night daddy.” I ended the call as we were pulling up to the house. I hopped out and went to his room. I pulled the pants off and got into bed.

“I can't wait till the babies come.” Alex said rubbing my stomach.

“What names do you like?” I asked him placing my hand on it too.

“If it's a boy Craigery. I don't know what for a girl.”

“I like Craigery Alexander.” I love your name and I really want it to be his first but I already have too many of them.”

“Oh yes you do. But I'm the most important.”

“Are you sure about that? Alexander sure is my bestest friend in the world.”

“Oh yeah, true. Him then me.” I kissed him before closing my eyes.

“Goodnight baby.”

[*Alex Pov (before picking up Krissiee)*]

“I can tell this is a really serious relationship Alex. Don't fuck it up.” He told me as we were driving back to his house from dinner.

“I take it seriously too sir. I would like to marry your daughter.” I told him my heart skipping a beat.

“I knew that was coming up soon. Well I approve. Don't hurt her Alex. She has been hurt enough already and she defiantly doesn't need more.” He said as we got out the car.

“Thank you so much. I promise she will be safe with me.” He smiled and waved walking back inside, Krissiee Noel Gaskarth. That has a great sound to it.
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