Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Five

After the son I was still awake. I moved my body so I was facing him. We looked each other in the eye for a long time. Alex moved his face closer to mine and kissed my lips. I immediately kissed back, we parted and smiled.

"Goodnight Alex." I said putting me head on his chest.

"Goodnight Krissiee." I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*In the morning*

"I'm not gonna write you a love song 'cause you asked for it." I heard a voice sing as quietly as possible. I opened my eyes and saw Alex sining. "Good morning!" He said with a huge grin on his face.

"Good morning." I replied him tapping his nose once. He moved his nose like a bunny and I laughed.

"You got a really pretty laugh."

"Thank you."

"We should get up and see when we are stopping next so you can change into some clothes and go back on your bus." I nod and get out of the bed. Alex came out after.

"Where is my bra?" I asked him, he turned around and gave it to me. I took it out of his hands and took my shirt off. I slipped my bra on and looked at Alex, his eyes were closed. "Help?" He opened his eyes and looked at the back. He placed his hands on the back and tried to clip it. His hands were so shaky, soon He got it and I pulled his shirt back on. We walked out of the bunk room and I went to get some food.

"Kayla! Could you stop eating Zac's face?" Alex shouted, I looked back and saw the girl from last night eating Zac's face. They parted and Kayla looked at Alex.

"Sometimes I hate you Alexander William Gaskarth!"

"Sometimes I hate you Kayla Marie Gaskarth!" He yelled back. She stormed off to the bunk room and Zac came running after her. Alex came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "She is my sister."

"Oh." I said looking at him.

"I will find something to eat. Could you ask the driver when the next stop is?" I nod and walk to the front of the bus.

"Excuse me but could you tell me when the next rest spot is?" I asked.

"No problem sweetie." He looked a the GPS thing. "In about less than an hour."

"Thank you." I said walking back to Alex. "Less than an hour." I told him.

"Alright. Here." He handed me a sandwich. I opened up the sides to make sure it was safe for me then took a bite. Alex and I got to know each other before we stopped. I saw a figure walk on the bus.

"Krissiee!!" She came running to me. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Alex I Will see you tonight." I said, he handed me my clothes.

"I put my number in your cell." I kissed his cheek and walked off the bus. I took a shower and got dressed into a new outfit.