Status: Completed.

All For Nothing

Chapter Nine

After the movie the band was still gone. I walked up to the kitchen and made myself some food. I looked at the gifts Alex gave me and couldn't help but to smile. I cleaned up the kitchen a little, also the mess from yesterday. Blake comes into the bus with his shirt torn.

"Damn fans." He said plopping onto the couch. "Who gave you these?" Blake asked holding up the Koala and Panda.

"Alex..."I smile and sigh.

"Did he get attacked by fans too?"

"Nope. We didn't even get stopped by one." I laugh a little.

"You and Alex have been together a lot lately. Are you two..." He trailed off. I punched his arm.

"No!!! We are friends."

"Sure. I'm going to be with Victoria. Wanna come?" I nod and put the gift on my bunk. I jump onto Blake's back. "Fat ass." I bite his shoulder in response. Blake carried me to the Cobra bus, he sets me down then goes into the bunk room with Victoria. Gabe was making a salad. I get behind him and pull his shirt up exposing his back.

"Gabe feels that his back is getting cold air." Gabe said not looking up.

"Krissiee thinks that Gabe should give her a hug since she is the one who is exposing your back to cold air." He looked up and turned around.

"Krissiee!!!!!" He picks me up and spins me around. I kiss his cheek, he puts me down and finishes his salad. He took it over to the table with two forks. He handed one to me and took a bite. We talked for a decent amount of time, mostly about Alex. We heard a loud thud coming from the bunk room. Gabe and I laughed. Emily comes running in. She took me back into our bus.