Status: hiatus RIP JAMES OWEN "THE REV" SULLIVAN you will be missed

The Past Never Dies


I woke to someone lightly poking me on my side. I could feel a cold, damp cloth on my froehead. I slowly opened my eyes and quickly closed them back.

I put my hand in front of my face. "Too damn bright! It burns!" Iheard someone lightly laugh and i reopened my eyes to a worry looking Zacky sitting right next to me. What the hell happened? I did a 360 and looked at my surroundings. I panicked. And Zacky seemed to notice.

"It's ok. Your at my house." he said gently and placed his hand on my shoulder and softly and oh so gently pushed me back on the couch.

"What the fuck?" i moaned and grabbed a pillow and smothered myself. I yelled into the pillow as loud as I could and kicked my feet. After a minute of that, I stopped. I removed the pillow and looked at Zacky. "Ok i'm good now. I just had a mini meltdown that's all."

He laughed a little and said, "It's ok after i saw what you have to live with, i'd do that too. And the meltdown here was nothing compared to the one outside your house." he added. "You broke a window, you know?" he said amused.

"Honestly, i don't remember anything after she smacked me. It all just a blur." i shook my head and closed my eyes. I felt a burning on the side of my face, so i placed my hand there. "OW!!! What the fuck?!" i screamed.

"Oh yeah that's where she hit you." he explained reluctantly.

"It's burning!" i cried out loud and tears stumbled down my face. I cried for a couple of minutes nonstop while Zacky remained silent while rubbing my back.

Once i was down i sat up and i got the biggest head ruch in the world! My head was throbbing and felt like that i haad a huge hangover. The only time i have ever felt this miserable was that time when i went to a huge party where everyone gets drunk and wasted with my best friend back home, Jax. He's my best friend but when we got back we were so wasted, his older brother grounded him for a month. We were stumbling everywhere and giggling like crazy. we were hanging onto eachother for support. He was only 12 at the time now he's 14 turning 15.

"Whoa!" i flopped back down. "Head rush!" i grabbed my head with my hand.

Zacky laughed to himself.

"What the hell happened? I don't remeber anything and it's starting to really fucking freak me out!" i screamed at the memory loss.

"Well, do you remember your meltdown outside your house?" he asked calmly.

I nodded. "That part is all started to come back and start to foat over me like a storm cloud."

"well, after that. You collapsed on the ground shaking, so i dragged you to the car. I tried to pick you up but you wouldn't let me. You were shaking and screaming and freaking out. You wouldn't stop moving and kicking me. it actually hurt." he laughed.

"Oh, sorry about that." i said and gave him a small, apologetic smile. "I wasn't in the right frame of mind at that time."

"Yeah, i know. It's fine." he said. "So after that i buckled you into your caar and i grabbed your keys and drove off. I tried talking to you, but you were mumbling to yourself saying illeterate things. I thought you lost your mind, but you soon stopped. I asked if you were alright but i guess you passed out, so i carried you in here. You slept it off for a couple of hours, and now" he explained spreading out his arms on the last part. He smiled.

I mumbled out, "Thanks, Zack. For everything." i added. "Oh, and i'm sorry."

He smiled. "You already said that." he pointed out.

"No about Madelyn and shit. I knew that she was gonna throw a pissing fit, but i kept you around anyway. That's why on the way to my house i said don't expect too much. I shoudn't of let you see that. no one should, but she scares away every kid that i take home. She makes sure of it and that my life is a living hell." i shook my head dreadfully.

I felt Zacky's arm on my shoulder. "Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault." i heard him say.

I just mumbled. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, so I fell into a deep sleep.
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Merry Christmas!