The World Where I Don't Belong

Rescuer and the trip to thier new home.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I gently pulled away from my fathers arms and he then went to my mother and brother. "Thank you so much for rescuing us, I don't know if we could've made it to the main rocket launch or if we could ever reach it." I turned around to see something shocking.

"Jamie?" I stood gob open. She let out a kind laugh. "Yes, it's me girley I saw and thought you'd need a helping hand. Well the pilot knows you and saw you knew I was your friend so asked if I'd like to help out." "Jamie!" I screamed jumping on her with a huge hug. "God stop creaming you loser of a friend Jamies name, it's annoying just like you." Wow did he not hear any of the convo before this?"Thanks Mathew, I like you too." Mathew was shocked “You where saved too?” she let out a little laugh “Silly, I wasn’t saved. This is my own chopper” this time I looked at her shocked along with my family I knew she wanted to help and the pilot i thought knew my dad but that part where this. “Jamie…What do you mean your chopper?” “Well my fathers actually he works for a very important business the Yuhalian nation so he gets these type of privileges and he gets a lot of money. So that’s why I’m here now.” “Wh…what? I didn’t know any of this… why didn’t you tell me.” I was still in shock “If…if people knew you where this rich or had connections like that you could rule the school and be in the popular crowd.” Mathew was astonished by this fact that some one would give up the chance to be popular. “Unlike you Mathew I don’t want fake friends and have people coming after me to befriend me for money. I already have a best friend whom I trust. Why would I want to ruin that?” I felt a smile creeping its way onto my face. “That’s why you kept it a secret to keep assholes and jerks away and you true besties close” “Rozan don’t swear” interrupted my moms’ voice. I hugged her again, even tighter then before not knowing that was even possible. We kept flying through the air towards the main station. “Jamie, I’m glad you’re safe and thank you so much for coming and saving us” came a heart filled thanks from my mom.
She always liked Jamie unlike my brothers friends she was very kind and thankful and was respectful while my brothers friend just said hi and bye and made her re-cook something if it wasn’t right. They blared loud music played play station and never turned it down when she asked. They also got my dearest lame brother into weed. But what ever I just didn’t like them because my brother and me used to be very close and had similar friends and ambitions. Before we both wanted to become doctors, now he wants to own a club and be a lone wolf getting girls whenever he can. Sure he’s very attractive, well I don’t see it but apparently every one else does because girls stop what they’re doing when he walks by to drool. Guys even attempted to change very thing about them selves to be like him. The scrawny guys worked out way more and kept walking by him to see if they’re anywhere near as muscular as him, actually most guys did this. They died their hair to match his if they had glasses they’d see him then tare them off their faces and go home to come back later with contact lenses. It was really ridiculous. Some even went as far to have their face’s done to look like him. My brother found it flattering/a bit annoying while I found it very ignoring and scarring. Wouldn’t you? Seeing about 40 of your brother in your own school? Yeah pretty dam startling.

I shuddered at the though and looked at my friend all smiles. “Any time Miss S. Glad to help out anytime” came her reply filled with kindness. Jamie loves my mom and visa versa. They bonded when they first met. Some guys where bulling me in grade eight because I was what people called ‘Scene Kids’. I had blond and black hair wore converses and skinny jeans band T’s thick eyeliner and had blue eyes. I looked out of place among my fellow students who all wore things that where ‘normal” i.e. pants skirts tank tops tube tops, dresses and so on, I think you get the gist of it. I was being shoved into a locked but then I felt the pressure disappear and saw her, Jamie, Standing there yelling at the people who just now slammed me into the locker and making fun of me. They left and she quickly checked to see if I was okay. I thanked her and soon after my brother showed up once he heard and I quote “a little emo girl got slammed into a locker”. He had rushed to my side. My mother was told what happened and saw a bruise appearing on my neck when I came home with Jamie by my side. I told her what happened and she automatically warmed up towards her Jamie I mean. At this point in time he wasn’t quit as good looking and he was a freshmen. We where close for all of grade eight Susan, Mat, and me always stayed with one another. Jamie was normal looking, if she actually tried or cared enough she could’ve gotten into the popular crowd right away but she stuck by me claiming she didn’t want to be with artificial people. I always smiled at this. But then the year went by we where very close and then summer came. It changed every thing well not my friendship with Jamie but our friend ship with Mathew. He went away to my Grandmas for 2 weeks and when he came back he was the same to me but when Jamie came over later that day she went slack jawed and stared. She asked "Who is that" I raised my eyebrow when she pointed at my brother. "Ummmm... you feeling alright that's my brother... you know our best friend." She just walked past me and talked to him flirting all the while.

This happened at school to all the girls started talking "Is that a new kid? Why is he with the 2 losers?" "Ignore them" came the voice of Jamie but Mathew was very confused as why every body was staring at him and even more when Heather one of the most popular girls at school came and started to talk to him. They started talking he being shocked when she found out who he was. She kept flirting and when she invited him to lunch he quickly agreed. My mouth dropped "Matt..." he gave me an apologetic look and was pulled away by Heather leaving me and Jamie all alone. It kept happining every day him saying sorry then eventually he stopped and didn't even say hi to us in the hall way. He came popular over night literally. It was weird even when his friends slammed me into lockers and he was with them he just saw me being slammed had a pained expression on his face but soon it disappeared and continued on. It crushed me I even cried sometimes. When I came home with red eyes from crying with an angry Jamie right behind me. My mother quickly became worried. When Matt came in through the doors laughing with one of his 'friends' mother raised an eyebrow. She scowled when she saw Jamie glaring at him. "What happened at school?" His friend said by quickly and left. "Good job tools you scared my friend." "Don't talk like that to your sister!" yelled mom. "Why is your sister upset?" He shrugged of his bag and looked at me. "She got bullied again." HE stated casually. "Well, why didn't you do anything? She's your sister" she put both hands on her hip now glaring at her son. "I'm not always around to help her she should be able to take care of herself god." he responded annoyed. "Well when your brother see's this bulling happening and doesn't even stop to help.." came the agitated voice of Jamie but was quickly cut of by moms voice. "You saw you sister being bullied and DIDN'T HELP?!" "She should know by now that dressing like that is going to get her bullied. And it's ruining my rep having her dressed like that! Change her and she'll be treated better" with that I got up and ran to my room Jamie right after me. I fell onto my bed crying and Jamie hugging me tight. After that night my brother never really spoke to me only to annoy or insult me. He even started being a bigger jerk at school. We where official enemies every knew it.

And now we where being sent away from our family and he can still be a dick...unbelievable.
Soon we landed at the UT station. We all got off. and walked toward the entrance. Once we got inside we got in line.
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L. more later. Sorry it sucks now trust me it'll be better. Hang on please