Show Me What I'm Looking For

To Grandmother’s House We Go

Kevin’s eyes widened to the size of dollar coins; and he instantly stopped the car, causing both of us to jerk forward. My eyes were locked on Kevin’s rigid face.

“What?!” he shouted. The blood had dried up by now from his lip and his eye looked worse that before. I didn’t flinch by the loudness and anger in his voice. “You can’t do that?”

“How are you to tell me what I can and cant do. You are definitely not my father, so you can’t. Stop the car.” He laughed, and I wondered why. Then I began to laugh. The car was already stopped.

I immediately stopped laughing when I realized that it wasn’t a laughing matter. “Come on, you really arent leaving.” His voice was still joking.

“I’m being completely serious Kevin. I need to get away from here for a little while. I’ll come back, but I just need a break from everything that’s been going on.”

“Lets not be a tad hasty.” A type of anger rose into my veins.

How could he say that. “Hasty?! Really Kevin?! I’m the one that saw my intoxicated and high mother get abused by my furious and sober father. Would that ever happen to your parents? No, because all of you are perfect. The perfect family!”

A glare came from his eyes. “We are not perfect.”

“Pretty much close to it.” He shook his head before I could even finish my sentence completely.

“Just don’t talk.” Kevin said sighing. I closed my mouth and did what I was told. It was only because he was older than me. I was taught to respect my elders, no matter how old they were from me.

Once we were in his driveway I sighed. “Can you do me the biggest favor in the world?”

“Why should I?” a smirk twisted at the corners of his mouth. “What do I get in return?”

I smiled. “The courtesy and satisfaction of knowing you did something good for your younger brother’s girlfriend.”

He didn’t smile playfully after, like I thought he would. “I’ll pass.”

“Please?” I said lowly; putting on my saddest pouting face. He groaned and in that instant I knew I would get my way.

“Fine, what do you want me to do?” he questioned.

I raised my index finger and opened the car door quickly. To my surprise the front door was unlocked. Once I entered the house, I raced up the stairs and looked for anything possible and stuffed it into a suitcase. Clothes, shoes, accessories; anything.

It had probably been about ten to twelve solid minutes before I felt the breeze hit my face and I was rushing back to the car. Kevin glanced at me suspiciously. “Where are we going?”

I am going to my grandmas and you are going to take me there?” His eyebrows were raised in confusion. “You heard me.” He groaned in frustration and re-started the engine. I smiled.

“By the way,” Kevin didn’t look at me on bit. “Thank you, for everything.”

Suddenly my eyes were closing into a blissful sleep.


There was a breeze to the outside air. I had decided to walk home today, thinking that it was such a beautiful day.

As I came up the driveway I noticed the familiar mustang in my vision. My whole body froze.

“I knew you would come here.” Jumping slightly, I stared at Nicks face. His hair was different, less curly and big. It didn’t drowned out his whole face. I smiled, looking into his deep brown orbs.

This was enough to make me smile. The months seemed to be a distant memory and now it was just Nick and I. The thought brought me to tears of joy.

“Why are you crying, Care?” he asked his voice gentle and filled with confusion.

“I’m just so happy to see you. Its been such a long time.” A hiccup erupted from out of my throat. His arms embraced themselves around my body. His scent immediately filling my open nostrils.

Tears were soaked all over his shirt, but I didn’t want to let go of him, I was afraid that he would just disappear away from me. I don’t think I could handle that so smoothly.

“Lets go inside.” He said wistfully. My eyes widened and I stiffened. It would be a really smart idea to tell him before we went inside, but I don’t think I had the voice to actually do it.

Nodding my head, I opened the door. My hands were fully shaking. “Carolina,” Kevin said walking into the living room. His eyes widened as well when he saw his younger brother. “Nick?”

I could see Nick smiling, but Kevin wasn’t. Neither was I. “Did I miss something here? Am I not wanted?”

Just as I was about to open my mouth a shrill scream came from the room three doors away from us. “What was that?” Nick asks the both of us. We didn’t answer him. The screams turned into shouts for me.

Nick took simple strides to where the screams were and opened the door. His eyes widened. “Are you babysitting someone’s kid for extra money, Kev?”

I looked like I was about to have a seizure. My whole body was fidgeting at a fast pace. “She looks a lot like you Care. Did your mom have another baby?” He seemed really calm, that is before he would find out the truth.

“No Nick,” I sighed; taking in and letting out a breath. “That’s our baby. You’re a father.”I remained silent and waited for him to speak.

He had opened and closed his mouth about a million times before his voice worked. “She’s mine?” I nodded my head to afraid to utter even a tiny breath. I couldn’t dare myself to look into his eyes. It was just him and I now in the room.

I nodded my head, afraid to open my mouth.

“Her name is Amelia Grace.” I said after a few moments of silence.

“Shes gorgeous, just like her mother.” A blush spread its way across my face. I couldn’t help it this time. He was here and excepting the fact that he was a father at the age of seventeen.

“You’re not mad, that I didn’t tell you?”

Nick sighed. I knew there was always something bad going to happen. “I’m not mad.” I looked at him curiously. “I understand why you didn’t tell me, and I respect that. If I was in your position I probably wouldn’t have told you either.” His reassuring smile made my heart leap about a thousand miles away from my chest.

“I told you I would love you no matter what happened. We are meant to be together; forever in eternity.” His smile was bright and so was mine.

“Amelia,” he breathed in looking at our angel child.

Suddenly he pulled me into a long gentle kiss. It took my breath away. Never in my life would I trade this for something else, because nothing was better than this exact moment.

The words were slipping from my mouth before I could even think. They flowed like a river. “Forever in eternity.”

Before I knew it his lips were pressed back onto mine and I couldn’t help but smile through it all.
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I think that was pretty quick to say so myself. I know this is mostly a short filler, but i mean that's really what should be expected after a big drama scene. I actually had this chapter planned out a few ways, but then I decided that this would be the easiest. The story is becoming one of my close favorites. Maybe its because I love the idea so much. Who knows. It could also be that is see alot of potential in it and have so much planned. That scene dream is important though.


Hopeless Dreamer;;