Show Me What I'm Looking For

Anger Gets the Best of us Sometimes

Immediately as I opened my eyes the scenery became familiar. The houses were lined out perfectly just like it had been before.

“Oh,” Kevin said looking down at me. “You’re up.” I nodded my head and things got quiet.

His lip was still busted open with dried blood covering every portion of his lips. His black eye appeared as if it were so swollen he couldn’t see a thing. He looked, to put it plain and simple, like a trainwreck.

“That is the one; my grandma’s house.” I pointed out. Kevin pulled up into the driveway silently. I wondered what was on his mind?

As Kevin and I were walking something came over me. Tears were welling onto the bottom of my eyes. Kevin instantly wrapped his arms around me and started tracing circles onto my back.

From a distance I could head a door opening. Alice was watching the two of us. Suddenly I pulled away from Kevin and smiled weakly. He turned around as well and blushed.

Alice waved to us and motioned for the two of us to come inside. The smile was still on my face once we got onto her porch.

Without delay, grandma Alice had her frail arms going around my small frame. She smelt of cookies and pepermint.; just how I remember a few weeks ago. “How have you been?” she asked.

Kevin was turned around so Alice couldn’t see his face. Grandma followed my gaze and smiled. “Is that the father of your child?”

My eyes widened. A nervous laugh passed through my lips. “Oh my gosh, no. He’s my boyfriend’s older brother.”

Appearing from the corner of my eye, I saw grandma Alice sigh in relief. Kevin turned around and there was some unknown expression deep inside of those hazel orbs.

Grandma Alice’s pupils widened in horror as she stared at Kevin’s newly beaten face.

“Oh lord, what happened to his face? We’ll talk about it inside.” We both looked at Alice as she shooed us inside.

The house didn’t look different; the kitchen was painted a new color though.

“Mrs. Noel?” kevin questioned. I knew by the look in her eyes that she wanted him to call her by her first name. “Can I talk to Carolina alone for a minute?” grandma nodded her head and let us be.

I was confused, had I done something wrong? “Is that all I am to you? Your boyfriends older brother.”

Where was this coming from? “Well what could I say, ‘oh yeah grandma, we met at a bar when I was trying to drink my misery and the baby away from being pregnant. Then, after I was drunk, I met this twenty-one year old and we really hit it off; literally.” Kevin had a big simle on his face as the sarcasm was evideant in my voice. He was about to open his mouth, but I cut him off before he could say anything.

“The second case senario could be that you were Graigslist and I paid you to be with me. The final option being that you are my guidance counsler, which you are, and you’re watching over me to see that I don’t do anything drasic; like suicude. Which would cause the death of both me and my baby.”

Kevin looked at me like I was crazy. His smile got wide. “You could go for the original ‘we’re friends’ line, or maybe even the ‘neighbor’ card.”

He did seem to have a point; not that I would admit it aloud. I just nodded my head and walked to the dining room table where grandma Alice was.

“So what happened? There must have been a fight.” she said guesturing to Kevin’s beatened face.

“Carolina is thinking about emancipation!” Kevin blurted out way to quickly.

I was appuled. “Kevin!”

Grandma Alice’s face showed that she was in deep thought. “Emancipation? That’s a serious thing you’re dealing with; it takes a lot. It would be nice if I knew why though.”

“Shes just being hasty, Mrs. Noel.”

“There you go again with that word! For your information, you are definitaly not my father and right now I wish he was here to punch you in the face again!” that shut Kevin up. I didn’t look at him. I could also hear grandma Alice gasp.

“My Lucas did this to him. He would never even hurt a fly. I am so sorry Kevin for my sons actions.” He put his hand up as if saying it was nothing. “Tell me the whole story; leaving out no little details.”

She was pretty blunt about it, but I think thats what made it easier. And for the next twenty minutes I explained the whole sad story.


“Well I best be going. It is getting late and I have a long drive ahead of me.” Kevin said still not looking at me. I must have really hurt his feelings.

Before he opened the front door, I grabbed his wrist. His hazel eyes boored into my brown ones. “I’m really sorry about what I said earlier. It was way out of line and I would never really say that to you. You’re like my best friend right now.”

He grabbed my chin and stopped me from rambling on like an idiot. ”Its okay Carolina, I understand you’ve been under a lot of stress and emtion rollarcoasters. I’ll see you next week.”

“Next week? What’s haoppening then?” I questioned.

“Well nothing really, but I mean you still have school to get through. You know that place where you need to get your education.” I smiled and thanked him for being supportive. With list him giving me a kiss on the forehead and just like that he was gone.

Grandma looked at me with a small smile on her face. “I think that boy Kevin likes you.”

A scoff passed through my lips. “oh please grandma Alice, he’s twenty one years old and my boyfriends brother. He cannot like me.”

“Anyone can like a certain person no matter what.” Grandmas smile told me that she was a million miles away lost in her thoughts.

Yawning, I told grandma that is was tired and wanted to go to bed. She told me where the guest room was and quickly I walked over to the bed.

I was mentally and physically exhusted from all the things that had happened today. I don’t think I could handle one more bad thing happening. Curling up into a phyto position, I cried myself to sleep.
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Oh my gosh you guys, I have worked so hard on this update its not even funny. I'd stay up till one o' clock in the morning writing in my bed. Anyone love the new banner and layout?? I know I do, actually when I first put it all together I couldnt stop looking at it. Im working on the next chapter right after this too. So do you like the chapter?? Tell me what your favorite part was. maybe ill tell you mine. *wink*


Hopeless Dreamer;;