Show Me What I'm Looking For

Reunited With the Feeling of Love

My heart was accelerating by a mile a minute. I was fidgeting in my seat as we got closer to the arena. This would be the first time I’ve actually seen Nick in about four months. What if everything has changed? What if he doesn’t love me anymore? I was becoming paranoid.

Get ahold of yourself Carolina. Nick loves you more than anything. He would jump off a cliff for you. Okay don’t make it too drastic.

I felt the car come to a stop. “We’re here mam’.”

I didn’t move for what felt like minutes. The man had said it again. Taking a deep breath in and out, I opened the car door. It took me a few seconds to get out though. All the jitters were really start to take a toll on me.

As soon as I got out of the cab, the man sped off into a dark alley. My felt felt like they were attached to the gravel and rocks. Maybe if I didn’t move, Nick wouldn’t be able to see me? and if he doesn’t see me than I can just go home and act like I never even came her. I could pretend like I was sick? But I wasn’t and I really wanted to see Nick.

Walking closer to the back of the building, my nerves started to react. Butterflies were fluttering around in my stomach. I pulled out my phone with apprehension.

It rang a couple of times, but there was finally an answer. “Hello?”

“I don’t think I can do this.” My breathing quickened. “I want to go home. Can you take me back?”

Kevin sighed on the other side of the phone. “Carolina, I am not picking you up. You can do this. You have to face this head on and just not think about it.”

“I cant though!” tears were about to fall from my face. I felt like I has asma. I tried to swallow and get a grip of myself.

“Well then, I guess you’re going to need to. I’m sorry for being so harsh, but you love Nick and he loves you. Stop being so nervous!”

Looking up at the sky, I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. “Okay, and thank you Kevin you are the best friend I always wanted.”

It was silent on the other line. I thought Kevin had hung up. he muttered a goodbye and I was all alone.

Suddenly my phone received a message. Hey, are you here yet?

My heart skipped a beat. Yeah, I'm here.

I waited about a minute or two before he responded back. I’ll get someone to get you? Are you in the back?

Looking around, I realized I was in the back. After I texted him him back a man came out through the back door. He walked closer to me with a smile on his face.

“Are you Carolina Noel?” the man was average, nothing bad about him. His smile made me feel more at ease. I nodded my head and followed him.

We were walking through a big metal like hallway. It was making me feel claustrophobic. My breathing quickened again.

“Stay right here.” the man said. I did as the man said.

About five minutes later, the man came back with a smile on his face. “I’m sorry for the wait we just had to make sure that you were all clear. My name is John Taylor, by the way.”

“Well you already know my name so I don’t really need to introduce myself.” I smiled at the man.

He laughed whole heartedly. “I know everything about you Carolina Noel.”

I stayed quiet and looked everywhere but the man’s face. his eyes widened a little. “Oh no not like that. Nick talks about you all the time, that’s why. I’m part of his back up band.”

A sigh passed through my lips. Thankfully he wasn’t a creeper.

“What does Nick say about me?” I asked out of curiosity.

John looked at me with a smile on his face. “That boy is so much in love with you. I’ve never seen someone so young so happy and in love like that. Everything that mainly comes out of his mouth involves you somehow. Nothing can make that boy frown when talking about you. You’re his soul mate. He’s actually said that before. Of course, he’s just a child, but I mean we could be wrong.”

The smile on my face covered probably more than half of my face. “I love Nick so much too. I don’t know what I would have done or who I would be without him. He is my soul mate too. Maybe we are just two teenagers, but I could spend the rest of my life with him and be happy forever.”

It was silent for a few moments. The smile still couldn’t leave my face. “What about you John? What do you like to do? Do you have a girlfriend.”

“Well I am lead guitarist behind Nick himself. I came from Pennsylvania and graduated a few places there. Then I moved here to California. I got to know Nick better because I had met his father previously. We made music together and that was basically it. Also, no I do not have a girlfriend at the moment.” John said all with a smile on his face.

“If you really want me too, I could try and hook you up with someone. I’m sure a man like you could be off the market in no time with a little of my help.” I smiled at John. There was a little blush on his cheeks.

We walked closer through the hallway. It had felt like forever walking through the path.

“I thank you for your consideration and help, but I think I can do that all on my own. I am a grown man after all.” John smiled politely.

“You know I'm just trying to help you john. You’re really nice. You deserve to share yourself with a woman and love her and vise versa.” I said

There was a weird noise coming a few meters away. “Carolina!” the person yelled.

Looking straight ahead, I saw a curly headed figure. My heart was beating a mile a minute. A smile covered literally all of my face.

Quickly, I ran forward. The hallway seemed to be shorter now. “Nick!”

Suddenly both of our bodies were colliding with one another. Tears were rolling down my face. he picked me up in the air and spun me around. I felt like I was in a teenage dream.

While I was still in his arms partially in the air, Nick kissed me. So many sparks were exploding into that single kiss. I didn’t even know if it was real. Boy, was I in love.

Slowly, he put me down. The two of us just smiled and stared into each other’s eyes. I was still appalled by his beauty. Did he get more gorgeous while he was away?

“I missed you so much.” I said as Nick wiped away a few of my stray tears.

“I love you too Carolina Noel.” The smile was shining brightly on his face as well as mine.
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I can't believe that I'm on a roll with these updates. I mean that's pretty awesome. I'm really happy with how this chapter work out too, cause I didn't want to have one big long chapter. I wanted to make it separate. I think after this I'm going to work on the first chapter of your smile, but not on the computer on paper, after I do all my chores that is. Grr Sundays. hopefully the next chapter to this will come quicker too. So what did you think of the chapter? Did you like it?


Call Me a Saint;