Show Me What I'm Looking For

Nothing Seemed More Perfect Than This Night

Minutes had passed as Nick and I just stared at each other. The large smile on my face was getting larger. It felt like Nick and I were in our own little world.

He grabbed both of my hands and kissed my lips. “You look more gorgeous than you did the last time I saw you in person.”

I forgot what I was even wearing. Looking down, I saw my hot pink dress and cowboy boots. “Really?”

“Yes. There's just this certain new glow around you that I’ve never seen before. You’re beautiful and you don’t even try.”

“I try very hard thank you very much.” We both laughed in sync; I smiled.

There was a comfortable silence between us. Nick wrapped me into his embrace.

John walked over to us. “I’m sorry to ruin your alone time together, but Nick we have a show to attend.”

Nick sighed, but smiled at me. once he agreed, he told me to follow him.

I could hear the roaring of the crowd from here where I was standing. I could hear them screaming his name. No wonder he loved doing this every moment of his life.

John was right in front of us. Nick’s arms were around my back waist. He was kissing my temple and nibbling on my ear. I tried to resist the urge of jumping him right at this moment. Nick smirked at me which didn’t make it any better. My hormones were racing.

The announcer or host whatever you called that person was calling a girl onto the stage.

“We have about twenty minutes to ourselves.” Nick purred into my ear. “What do you suppose we do?”

My eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment and slightly anger. Breathing out through my nose, I pushed his question aside and didn’t answer him. Unknowingly, my foot was tapping against the metal floor. He shrugged it off and wrapped his arms tighter around me.

I listened to the girl’s voice who was on stage and it was amazing. Her lyrics were soul grabbing. I looked up at Nick. “Who is that?”

Nick looked up at me with confused eyes and then smiled. “Her name is Melody. She’s a singer/songwriter. She is really good at what she does. I think you and her could be really good friendship you hung out together.”

“Do you two share a tour bus?” my eyes were filled with a tint of jealousy.

“No, she shares a tour bus with the rest of her band.” There was a sigh of relief passing out of my mouth and into the air around us.

I smiled at him smally and kissed his cheek. “Nick?”

Nick’s body stiffened behind me. he tried to push it off as not hearing it. I looked behind some instruments and saw this older girl walking towards the two of us.

“Didn’t you hear me talking to you, Nick?” the girl asked. She was right near us. Nick was still partially stiff.

“Oh,” his voice seemed nonchalant. “I didn’t hear you Lynn.”

I could feel my self-confidence just by looking at Lynn. Her aura though scared me a little. It was sinister even though her smile said opposite.

“This must be your girlfriend. She’s so much prettier than you described her to be.” Lynn walked closer to me and touched my hair lightly. I felt a nasty chill run down my spine.

Melody’s song was at the second chorus. Her voice was quickening and I could tell she was having an emotional moment. “Thank you.”

Nick still hadn’t said much words since Lynn had began to speak to us; I was getting worried. I put my hand on his tense shoulder.

A few seconds later, he finally looked at my questioning eyes. He looked back and forth between Lynn and I. His teeth were grinding tightly against one another.

“So whats your name?” Lynn asked me with a smile on her face.

I felt awkward right at this moment. Nick was looking everywhere but the two of us. “My name is Carolina.” I said with a smile.

The smile on Lynn’s face grew wider. “That is such a pretty name. My name is just stupid compared to yours. You seem to have the full package every guy would want.”

She wasn’t even looking at me. Nick glared lightly at her as she smirked at him. Things were just seeming to get more awkward for me.

“Its time for us to get on stage Nick. We’ve been calling for you for about two minutes.” John said, coming to the rescue.

Nick agreed and quickly kissed my forehead with a smile on his face. I watched as Lynn was staring at Nick’s rear end then smirked at me and left. She was one really aggravating girl.

Shaking my head, I watched as Nick had arrived on stage. My smile was wide when I saw that his smile was brighter than I’ve ever seen it. It must have felt amazing for him to have the two things he loved in one place. I know I would.

“Hello everyone.” The crowd began to roar louder. “So, today is going to be the best show of my life and I hope it is for all you guys too. If you’re all wondering why it’s the best day, that would be because the girl of my dreams and reality is right backstage. My girlfriend, you know the one I cant really stop talking about, is the love of my life and I don’t know what I would do without her.”

From where I was standing, I could hear the crowd yell a wave of ‘awws’. It made my heart soar a little.

“Tonight I want to dedicate this night to my girlfriend; the girl who shall not be named.” Nick laughed and I could see him sending a wink my way. I laughed with him. “This first song is called Got Me Going Crazy.

The crowd roared. Nick had wrote that song a couple of years ago. It was written when we had first started going out.

Of course I knew almost all the words to his songs. I am his girlfriend after all. My body was jumping up and down. There was this energy that made me happy to see Nick like this. Kevin was right. All I needed to do was see Nick and now I’m fine

Girl you got me going crazy, knock me off my feet. Now you got me begging baby, begging baby please. All I wanna know is do you wanna get away, get away with me'. Cause girl I don't know what to do 'cause I'm so in love with you.” Nick was looking directly at me. I waved at him with a smile.

My vision started to blur thirty minutes into Nick’s show. There was a trashcan a few feet away from me. Pacing quickly, I threw up in the trashcan. I could see Lynn looking at me with a smirk on her face.

Wiping my mouth, I walked back over to the side of the backstage. There was only fifteen more minutes until intermission. I think I could last that long; hopefully.

A few songs more, intermission had come to my rescue. My head was spinning a little but, but I was not going to put my baby in danger before it is even born.

“Hey beautiful.” Nick was right in front of me. It looked like a gallon of seat was glazed all over his body. “I would hug you, but I’m all sweaty.”

Nick grabbed my hand and dragged me to his dressing room.

Quickly, he began changing. “Whoa, whoa, whoa; I’m still in the room.”

“I know Care, it’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked before.” A blush formed its way onto my cheeks.

Nick pulled off his white shirt, grabbed a towel, and wiped the sweat off his bare chest. I closed my eyes and tried not to think of any more sexual thoughts. He didn’t know how godly created he was.

“You know I don’t think I look that bad shirtless.” Nick said putting on a navy blue v-neck and denim skinny jeans.

“Nick,” my voice was breaking off. “Do not have me do something I can’t do right now.”

He smirked at me. “What if I want you to do that certain something you cant do right now.” I glared lightly at him with my arms crossed over my chest. Nick smiled innocently at me.

There was a knock on the door and John stuck his head out of the door. “Its time to go back on the stage. Melody just finished the last of her songs.”

Nick took my hand and we walked back over to the stage. Along the way, we were kissing nonstop. Giggles were escaping past my lips. “I have to go.”

I smiled and kissed Nick fully on the lips. “I love you more than life Nicholas Jerry, knock that crowd wild.”

With that being said, Nick jogged back on stage with a smile on his face.

“Hello California!” Nick yelled at the top of his lungs. “How are you doing tonight? That’s really awesome. I’m fantastic. Not because I kissed my girlfriend a million times a few seconds ago, but because you guys are amazing fans; well maybe both. Sorry if I’m looking to my right a lot, it’s noting against you guys. Get ready for Hello Beautiful.

The soft sound of the guitar made my body want to sway. To this day and for as long as I’ve known Nick, his voice has never ceased to astonish me. He looked at me with a big smile and I returned it was a smaller one.


“Did everyone enjoy tonight?” the crowd roared louder than ever. “I’m sorry to say this, but the show is almost over. Yeah, I’m sad too. This was one of the best concerts and audiences so far. We have one more song left though. It is my favorite song that I’ve written and I wrote it for my especially for my girlfriend and I. To Be With You, featuring a special quest.”

My eyes widened as Nick walked over to me with a smile larger than the sun.

“I swear, you bring me on that stage what we have is over Nicholas Jerry Jonas.” I was fully serious. My facial expression proved it.

Nick rolled his eyes playfully; but still had a smile on his face. Not saying anything to me, he jogged back onto the stage. He laughed and began talking.

“I’ve known this girl for years and she’s never been shy to come on a stage. What makes now different? I still love her more than anything in the world.” Nick sat down on the piano bench and his fingers were playing our familiar melody.

Tears were falling down my face as I watched him. Many memories came flooding trough my head. This was Nick and I’s song. His voice was like an angel and I didn’t want to stop. He was swelling the chorus when my thoughts came back to reality.

And I can't imagine two worlds spinning apart,Come together eventually
And when we finally meet I'll know it's right
I'll be at the end of my restless road
But this journey, it was worth the fight
To be with you

Before I knew it, the song was over and my eyes were red. Good thing I had worn water-proof makeup. “Goodnight California and thank you for coming!”

Nick ran over to me with a huge smile, wrapped his arms around me, and lifted me into the air again. His body was sweating but it didn’t matter right now. I just loved that he was holding me and he was right by me.

Once he put me down, I kissed him on his lips. “That is one thing that I’ve been really missing.”

“I know me too.” I said kissing him again.

Slowly, we walked through the metal hallway. Many people were near us and congratulating Nick for a good show. Lynn was seemingly walking behind us, but when I looked back she was gone.

“That girl really annoys me.” we were outside and it was chilly. Nick wrapped his arms around me and embraced me into a hug. “Lynn whatever her name is.”

Nick shrugged his shoulders. I didn’t need to worry about her. All I needed to think about was the time Nick and I were finally spending together.

When we got on his tour bus, I gasped. It looked amazing and big for a tour bus. There were so many pictures surrounding the walls. Many of them were of him and his band and their accomplishments. He led me over to this door and opened it.

There was a bed, a desk, and a few other things inside. There were more pictures in his room than the ‘living room’. Many of them were of the two of us, but one caught my eye. It had to have been taken years ago. Joe was smiling and laughing while Nick was glaring playfully and about to punch Joe in his shoulder.

All the pictures were stuck together by an individual single inch of tape. I took the picture into my hands and smiled.

Nick came over to me from behind and kissed the side of my neck. “I still wonder every single day what happened to him and where he went.”

Biting my tongue, I didn’t answer him. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth. Nick and Joe were like two peas in a pod. His reaction would not have been as calm as Kevin’s.

Nick took the picture out of my hand and lightly tossed it on his desk. His kisses on my neck made my head spin. I tried focusing on anything but his lips on my skin.

My breathing was staggered and hallow. Slowly, I turned around. That’s when everything became heated. Our actions were slow and meaningful. My mind was becoming lost into the clouds above my feet.

Before I knew it, we were on his bed and my jacket as well as his shirt were off. “What in the world are we doing?”

Nick was quiet and just looking at me for a few minutes. I groaned and put my jacket on. Nick put his hand on me.

“Please don’t leave me. I just got to see you.” The look in his eyes were the only thing making me want to stay, well that and the fact that I love and missed him.

“Don’t you think we could go this time without having, you know? I love you, but I just don’t want to do that. That doesn’t mean that I don’t love you though, because it’s the exact opposite. I just want to spend time with you and maybe cuddle.” I said with a small smile.

He sighed but still had a smile on his face. “I understand and I love you and respect your wishes. We can do whatever you want to.”

There was something laced in his voice that I couldn’t trace. I let it go for the moment. A yawn escaped my lips. The time on his clock read a quarter till eleven o’ clock.

Nick kissed my lips and that woke me up a little bit. It was slow and lasted a couple of minutes without breath. I was the one who grabbed his collar and gave the heat. The kissing became faster and I wasn’t controlling it. Nick wasn’t obliging.

A moan passed through Nick’s lips. without thinking, I played with and took off Nick’s belt. In a breathless voice Nick asked, “Are you sure?”

I nodded my head and Nick smiled smally. He dropped his jeans and my eyes were focused on his. He played with the spaghetti straps of my dress and I shook my head.

My fingers glided from the top of his chest down to the hemline of his blue boxers. Under them, I could feel his lower area becoming stiffer and more erect.

Slowly, I let my fingers inside of his boxers. I could hear Nick gasp with pleasure as my fingertips lightly touched him. I paced myself stroking his member. His head fell back a little bit. The room around us seemed to grow hotter.

The actions to seemed to be going faster and before I knew it, it was over. I didn’t even think about what I had just happened.

Nick let out a long sigh and had a wide smile on his face. He stood up slowly and left for a few minutes. I closed my eyes slowly.

When my eyes opened again, I could see Nick fully naked. I didn’t say a word; I just stared at his godly-self.he put on clean boxers and then noticed my staring. He smiled smally and wrapped the towel around hands and started cleaning them. “I know you’re tired love, but I think you need to take a shower.”

Half asleep, I nodded my head. Nick picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bathroom. There was one shower. He put me down and I walked over to the shower and turned the water on. I waited for the water to warm up and took off my clothes. Its not like Nick hadn't seen me naked before.

The warm water hit my skin and I sighed. A few minutes in the shower and I finally got out. Nick had some of his clothes out and handed them to me after I dried myself off. I put them on and noticed that they were a little tight in the stomach area, but not bad.

Nick placed a kiss on my lips and before I could even kiss him back his lips were gone. I was too tired to do anything anyways. My mind was starting to slow down. I closed my eyes once I felt Nick’s warm arms embracing me into a protecting shield of love.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is one of my favorite top five chapters I've ever written. the word count goes to about 3,015 words. That is alot for me compared to the regular. Plus I didn't want to put this chapter into two individual ones. About the intense scene, I did change the rating to R only because this scene and a future one, but other than that its PG-13. I loved this Chapter though, and I think some things would have turned out differently if it wasn't added, but you're going to have to wait and see. I really hope you liked the chapter as much as I did.


Call Me a Saint;