Show Me What I'm Looking For

You Can Never Have Too Many Friends, But You Can Have Too Less

The late bell rang loudly as I walked over to my seat. My mind and ears were already waiting for Darcy’s exaggerated tale of how last nights’ concert went in her mind. It was silent for a few seconds and that made me really confused. The teacher was nowhere to be found. Their voices seemed to get louder and louder, but none of them consisted of Darcy; I spoke to soon.

“Oh my gosh.” I could hear her voice beginning to start. “So, the concert was so awesome. The music and energy levels were up. Also, more than half of the concert, Nick kept staring at me. I knew he wanted me. He even winked at me a couple of times.”

A loud enough laugh escaped past my lips. “Seriously Darcy? Are you that blind or just stupid?”

I didn’t even realize what I exactly said, but Darcy was mad. “How do you know? You weren't even there yesterday.”

“Actually, I was there and I specifically remember almost all of the concert him bringing up his girlfriend who he truly loves and adores with all of his heart.” People were silent, but a few whispered a ‘burn’.

“Well,” Darcy paused trying to think of something. “You know what, I don’t care. He was looking at me though. I think if it were between me and you then he would definitely pick me.”

My lips tightened before I could really say anything, but it didn’t stay that way for a long while.

“Oh, I’m not so sure about that.” A light laugh escaped my lips. “I don’t have an attitude that makes me seem like a bad person. I’m actually a likable person.”

Darcy’s eyes looked like fire was brewing inside of them. I knew she didn’t like when the tables were turned onto her; that’s just how she is. I know my ex best friend very well.

“Whatever Carolina. No one even likes you anymore.” That’s when everyone got louder and ‘burn’s were flying across the room. I rolled my eyes at all of them.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm myself. The people of the class weren't helping the situation.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and a red head girl smiled at me. I smiled back at her, but not as thrilled.

“Hey, my name is Ann,” The girl said. “but you can call me Annie; most people do.”

I nodded my head at her and she persisted on talking some more. “That girl is really mean. She seems like the popular girl in this grade.”

“Darcy is the most popular freshman in this school. As crazy as it sounds, not to long ago I used to hang out with her. We were the best of friends just until about a week or so ago.” I explained.

Annie nodded her head, but I could tell that she was really shocked. Darcy had pulled a full one-eighty on me. it really wasn’t fair the way she was acting towards me. in fact, it was purely childish. I have no friends anymore. Everyone is against me. Tears were starting to fall from my eyes.

“Well, you seem like a way better friend than she does. We are going to be the best of friends. “ she smiled at me and patted my back softy.

“I would like to think so too.” We were both smiling, mine smaller than hers. “My name is Carolina Noel, by the way.”


The last bell rand as I exited the main building entrance. Kevin had some after school stuff to finish, so I would be out her for a while.

“Hey Carolina!” I turned around to see Annie jogging toward me. She always seemed to have a smile on her face.

“Whats up Annie?” I asked her bluntly. “How was your first day here?”

She thought for a little bit. “It was okay, I mean its high school. Its not usually the greatest thing in the world. Ive made a couple new friends. Do you want to hang out at my house right now?”

“I guess I could do that. My friend wont be picking me up for a while, so I could just tell him not to show up.” I said. Annie nodded her head slowly.

Taking out my call phone, I texted Kevin telling him that I was going to hang out with a new friend and that he didn’t have to drive me to his house.

Annie smiled at me and I smiled right back at her. There was just something about her that made me feel comfortable around her. It made me also feel a little relieved.

“So,” I said, breaking the silence. “Where did you live before this?”

“I actually lived in South Carolina before this. Not a lot of things happen there. The beaches are the best I’ve seen in a long while. My dad is in the military, so we move a bit. I’ve lived here for about a week so far and its pretty average.” She replied back with the regular smile on her face.

Nodding my head, I was actually surprised. South Carolina is a really long distance from where we are now. Its all the way across the country.

We were walking at such a steady pace, that I didn’t even realize the change of scenery. I looked familiar to me, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“What about you Carolina? Who are you? What is your life like?” Annie asked me. I felt like that smile that was on her face was going to get stuck in that same position. Her eyes were questioning me softly; I hesitated for an answer.

“Right now, my life is very complicated. I don’t really want to talk about that part, but I’m a good person I think. I may not have any friends really, but I have a super amazing boyfriend while lives in another state. He is the love of my life and I wouldn’t change anything about the two of us.” I said as my eyes tried stopping the tears.

Annie nodded her head. “Whats your boyfriend’s name?”

My brain was deliberating whether or not to tell her the truth. I decided against it and lied instead. ”His name is Nick Jenkins.”

She smiled at me, opened the door of her house, and called out quickly to her mother. “Mom, I’m home.”

The two of us walked up to the kitchen to see her mother making some food. A wave of depression flashed inside of me. my mother used to do the something for me; I missed her.

“Mom, this is Carolina. She’s in one of my classes.” Her mother smiled at me and introduced herself. I was beginning to think that this family was a group of smilers.

“I’m Annie’s mom, but you’re free to call me Linda. I’m fine with you calling me that.” Smiling at her, I nodded my head.

Finally, I looked around the house and noticed some things that were similar. I knew exactly where I was.

My breath hitched inside my throat. I quickly stepped away from Annie and her mother. This felt like a nightmare. Old memories were flashing through my head.

On the living room carpet, my mind was visualizing my father beating Kevin aggressively. I noticed a blood stain on the actual white carpet. I needed to get out of here and quickly. My breathing was uneven and going into excessive hysterics. Annie was calling to me, but I couldn’t hear her.

Without hesitation, I ran out of my old house and started running. To where, I wasn’t so sure, but what I did know was that I feeling better each step I took.
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I completely am in love with this story. This is my baby. I love it with my mind, heart, and soul. I don't really have alot to talk about today. Life is okay, and I enjoy it. My brithday is coming up soon too!!! November the fourteenth. Thats about ten days. Im really excited. I hope I get the phone I want. Hope you guys loved the chapter, cause I partcially did.


Call Me a Saint;