Show Me What I'm Looking For

This Pot of Drama is Beginning to Boil Over

The next day, Monday morning, I asked Kevin the day before if we could go to school earlier. He said it was okay and here I was walking the high school halls at six forty in the morning.

My eyes were tired from the lack of sleep and crying I had done just a few hours ago. All night I had just seen Nick’s face smiling at me.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Darcy talking to Craig loudly. Its like she wanted people to hear her personal business; that was Darcy for you though.

“What are you saying Craig?” Darcy asked partially angered.

“All I'm saying Darcy is that I don’t like the fact that you’re telling your friends about our sex life.” Craig said calmly. I loved the fact that Craig was more mature about things like that. then again he is two years older than us.

The look on Darcy’s face made me want to laugh. I couldn’t even describe it. “Craig, that’s just something that girls like to talk about. You don’t think I hear about Vanessa or April’s boyfriends. Girls like to talk about boys. Its been that way for centuries.

“I could care less about how its been for centuries. It makes me feel better if some things are just private about us. I don’t want the whole school knowing about me and my sex life.” Craig said nonchalantly.

Darcy sighed. “I understand that, but I only told Vanessa and April.”

“Yeah, which reminds me, Vanessa seems to be the kind of girl who can’t shut her mouth for anyone. What ever happened to you and Carolina? You two used to talk every time I saw you. What changed?”

“Carolina changed. Before winter break everything was fine. We would laugh, hang out, spend the night at each other’s house, but I don’t know. Shes just not the same; she’s more serious about everything and uptight.” Darcy said with an expressionless face.

Craig though about what Darcy had said. “Well, maybe she’s just had to grow up because of whats happening in her life.”

“Life is not easy for everyone Craig. My mom is going through her fifth divorce. How do you think that makes me feel?” Darcy said as she tried making tears fall down her face. She’s a really good actress.

“I think her problems are way more life changing than you actually think.” Craig said.

Darcy squinted her eyes angrily at her boyfriend. “Oh Mr. big shot, how would you know? And like what Mr. ‘I know everything about Carolina’.”

Before Craig could even open his mouth, I interrupted them. “Craig, don’t.”

If Darcy was mad before she was furious now. Okay, from her point of view it didn’t seem so great, she could have thought that I was double crossing her by messing with her boyfriend. She probably thinks I am doing just that. I wasn’t even going to explain myself. I didn’t need to do that for her.

Craig just stood there with a blank expression on her face. Did we really need to explain this to her?

“So, you’re cheating on me with my ex best friend? Is that it?” Darcy said to Craig and then faced towards me. “You, Carolina, need to leave. This conversation is between Crag and I only.”

My eyebrows furrowed at her new sense of maturity. That reply was something that I was definitely not expecting. It made me curious to what she was really thinking on the inside, but I did exactly as I was told.

Before I even got to my locker, Annie was pulling me towards it. My eyes widened and I gasped in horror. The scene in front of me was a travesty. “Don’t you like it? I think its kind of sweet.”

On my locker, there were multiple heart sticky notes. They ranged from ‘I like you a lot’ to ‘I’ll help you raise the baby’ to even ‘I could be your new baby daddy’.

I was beyond furious and scared. Tears were rolling quickly down my eyes. Hastily, I ripped every each and individual sticky note off of my locker. This wasn’t a very funny joke. I was past fuming and anxious.

Quickly, I stomped over to Craig’s locker. I was was lucky that he was still there and Darcy wasn’t.

“How dare you Craig Robert Danvers! Are you trying to kill me with not funny jokes?” I whisper-yelled. The expression on his face was full of confusion.

“What in the world are you talking about Carolina?” his expression stayed the same.

Stomping closer to him, I uncrumbled one of the sticky notes. “There were these sticky pieces of paper all over my locker; you wrote them.”

Craig looked at me as if I had five heads and that he had did none of the sort. His eyes were furrowed for a long time. He read the note and shook his head. “I didn’t write that, or any of those.”

“Well, if you didn’t do it, who did you tell because most boys aren't smart enough to put two and two together.” The look on Craig’s face changed completely. He sighed a sigh of regret. I was waiting for an answer.

“I only told one person and it really wasn’t even on purpose. I didn’t know why I told him.” Craig said.

My patience was wearing out quickly. “I don’t care about that. I just want you to tell me who you told Craig.”

Craig sighed loudly. “I told Thomas Dupree.”

My eyes widened ten times out of its sockets. Out of everyone in the entire school, of course Craig just had to tell Thomas. Gosh, I feel like I could scream right now.

“Seriously? You told Thomas Dupree?” I yelled. My face was getting red and I was trying not to punch something and cry my eyes out at the same time.

“What’s wrong with Thomas?” the look in my eyes said a lot to Craig. “He’s not bad actually. He’s kind of cool when you get past some things.”

A growl passed though my lips. “Oh yeah, nothing is wrong with Thomas. Its not creepy that he wants to help me raise my unborn child and maybe be my next baby daddy. That boy is obsessed with me! God Craig, you’re so stupid!”

I’m pretty sure that I was going to regret saying that later, but right now it felt so good. People were looking curiously at us by this point. Everything was starting to get me angry. Tears were still falling down my face quickly. I didn’t know what in the world to do.

I ignored the stares and ran as hurriedly as I possibly could. My breathing was uneven and partially hallow. I didn’t know how much longer I could keep this up. Hastily, I opened the door and there were Kevin and Darcy. They looked at me with their curious gaze.
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I'm really excited about this chapter, only because it leads up to an even awesomer chapter. There is going to be so much that is going to be resolved and also things out in the open?? You're going to have to read to find out. Sorry the chapter is shorter. the next chapter will hopefully make up for it. OHH, and i wanted to say thank you for getting five stars and i hope we can get more. that would make me very happy. Hope you guys liked the chapter.


Call Me a Saint;