Show Me What I'm Looking For

Summer Vacations Are All About Friends and Fun

“School is finally over! I’m free!” I said, throwing my arms up in the air. There were no more classes, no more teachers, and no more school in general. I quickly threw my report card up into the sky and smiled widely.

While everyone was running to their cars, I saw a couple of seniors crying their eyes out and hugging each other. The sight of them almost made me want to laugh.

Kevin and I ran to his car without anyone noticing. Everyone’s mood was pumped up and they were waiting for the parties tonight and tomorrow night. Freshman and sophomore parties were tonight, while junior and senior parties were tomorrow night.

Taking out my ipod and eighties headphones, I placed them on my large stomach. Nick’s song ‘To Be With You’ was playing through the headphones. Kevin looked at me as if I were mentally insane. “What in the world are you doing?”

“The baby book that I was reading said that it was good for growing babies to hear their father’s voice. Sensing that Nick isn’t here, I’m taking the liberty for our baby to hear his angelic music. It seems very logical.” I said to Kevin with a smile on my face as we walked up the driveway.

He rolled his eyes and then looked back at the door. “Are you going to the freshman party tonight?”

“Well Darcy is hosting it so I don’t really know. It would be pretty awesome for her to see me there though. I think I am going to go.” A smile appeared its way onto my face.

Two hours later, Annie came over to get ready for the party. She had two dresses in her hand. “Are you excited to see Darcy’s shocked and mad face?”

A large smile was planted onto my face and I responded with a ‘hell yes’. Both Annie and I laughed our butts off.

“So what do you want for your birthday next month?” I asked. Immediately Annie let out a long puff of air.

“I don’t want anything Carolina. I’m content with everything that I have right now. You being here is a good enough present to me.” She said with a smile on her face. I wondered why she didn’t care for her birthday. She was turning sixteen and didn’t even want anything or to do anything.

Once our hair, makeup, and dresses were all picked out and perfected, Annie smiled at our work. We had done a really good job with ourselves. We actually looked mature and sexy, but not in a slutty way.

I told Annie that she could go down stairs and to wait for me and she did. Opening Kevin’s door, I smiled. He looked at me with very wide eyes. I bet he was shocked by my appearance.

“Carolina, you look,” he either couldn’t answer because he didn’t know what to say or either he couldn’t find the right words to say. “you look awesome.”

“Well thank you and I just wanted to tell you that Annie and I are leaving. I’ll probably be home at eleven the latest.” Kevin nodded his head and both Annie and I left with smiles on our faces.


Both Annie and I smiled at each other then looked up at the sun. There was an umbrella right under the two of us. It felt like we were in our own personal beach. We had a section with a sandbox, then a section for the kid pool, and the tanning section; which we were occupying for the moment.

“So, I know that your birthday is today and you told me that you didn’t want anything, but I couldn’t resist.” I said pulling a small box from out of my purse.

She looked at me with a not so pleased look on her face. “Come on Little Annie, its not everyday that you turn sixteen. This is supposed to be a big day for most teenagers.”

“Birthdays and I don’t mix very well. I would have been perfectly fine without a gift.” She said pushing the box away from herself.

“See that would have really hurt my feeling more if I had paid for your gift, but I didn’t. You’re going to take this gift and love it with all of your heart.” I replied with a huge smile on my face.

It was still in my hand for a few seconds. Annie took the present with slight hesitation. I watched as she slowly opened it up.

Her face became lifted when she saw the miniature picture of Nick. A blush rose onto her fair skin. Lifting up the picture, she saw her real present. The gold metal read her nickname; Little Annie.

“I love how you just had to put a Nick miniature picture above my actual present. Don’t make fun of me because I love Nick Jonas.” A loud laugh exploded from my lips. She didn’t even know the half of it.

Annie stood up from the chair and I followed her over to the kid pool I had Kevin buy for me. we were cooling off from the heat.

“Why do you insist on wearing only a sports bra and shorts?” Annie asked me with a partial smile on her face.

Shrugging my shoulders, I just smiled at her. Annie made me feel comfortable. She was the only one person I could really call a true friend.

“I’m just relaxed around you. We’re like best friends forever. Plus, I wouldn’t want to suffocate my baby in a one piece bathing suit. My baby boy or girl is very special to me.

The time on my phone said that it was one eighteen. I smiled and thought of what time it was where Nick was, night that is for sure.

“Hey, would you like to know what your other present is?”” I asked. Annie sighed and waved her hand off at me. “I’m seriously not joking. It’s the best free present in the whole entire world. You would love me for forever.”

“Presents don’t mean anything to me Carolina. You being my best friend is a good enough present, even if it is free.” She said getting out of the pool and wrapping a towel around herself.

Doing the same, we walked back into Kevin’s house and went up the stairs. “Whats the dreaded present?”

My smile widened as large as the sun. I had removed all the pictures of Nick and I before Annie had come over.

“What if I told you that you could really talk to Nick Jonas, on the phone that is.” Annie’s eyebrows furrowed, but she had a slight smile on her face.

She didn’t have to know the whole truth; white lies never really hurt anyone. “And how do you suppose that?”

“Well, I have this cousin whose brother’s friend has a sister who is his assistant. I know it’s a very complicated line of people. I’ve talked to actually talked to him before. He is a really nice person and very awesome.” I said, smiling at the thought of Nick.

Annie looked at me with sparkling eyes. Her body was jumping up and down excitedly. “Are you sure you’re not punking me?” nodding my head, her smiled widened even larger than I had ever seen it.

Pulling out my phone, I looked through my contacts and found Nick’s name. Annie’s eyes widened when she realized that she wasn’t dreaming. “I’ll call him, just give me a few minutes.”

Nodding her head, I walked into the bathroom and called him. Five rings had followed. I thought he wouldn’t answer until I heard his gorgeous voice. “Hello?”

His tone seemed agitated with everything. There were a couple of voices from the other side of the phone; they seemed to be discussing something important. I responded to Nick, but I don’t think he heard me.

“Nick? Nick, its Carolina. Are you there?” the noises on the other side all seemed to cease and I could hear only breathing. “I was wondering if you could do me a favor?”

“Care, I’m very busy right now. I have limited time to do some things that need to be done. There is a lot of pressure on me right now. Don’t you think that you just let me do what I have to do and call me later.” Nick said with a calm tone of voice, but at the moment I could that he was aggressively running his hands through his curls.

Tears started welling in my eyes and my voice was shaking slightly. “You’re too busy for me; your own girlfriend? My best friend’s birthday is today and I just wanted to do something special for her. She is the only friend I have. There is no one here that can make me happy. Without her, I would be majorly depressed. Do you want that?”

Nick sighed on the other side of the phone.”No, I don’t want that. Carolina, its after midnight here though. I have work to do.” he sighed again.

“Work? What do you even do that slightly involves any work? All you seem to do is go on a stage and live out your dreams while I’m stuck here all by myself.” My voice was loud, but not loud enough for Annie to hear me. “I’m giving the phone to Annie. You’re going to talk to her, sing her a happy birthday, and seem as cheerful as you possibly can be. I could care less if it its past midnight where you are. This is your girlfriend asking you to do something, which I never really even ask you to do anything for me anyways.”

There was a slight pause. Nick sighed and said that he would do it. I opened the bathroom door and saw Annie fidgeting while smiling. Handing her the phone, she looked at me as if I were crazy. The speaker button was immediately pushed. “Hello?”

Annie’s hello was very nervous, but I could tell she was loving the thrill and rush.

“Annie, its nice to talk to you, it’s Nick Jonas. Carolina tells me that today is your birthday. That must be really exciting. Do you think it would be alright if I sung you a happy birthday?” Annie silently squealed and jumped up and down. I smiled brightly at her.

“That would be more that alright. This is the best present I’ve ever gotten in my entire life.” Annie was trying to stay calm and not seem like a crazed fan.

When Nick sang Annie a happy birthday, I resisted the urge to smile. Nick was just the best boyfriend in the world and I couldn’t ask for anything better than him.

After a few minutes, Annie hung up the phone with a huge smile on her face. I had a feeling of happiness inside of me; Annie squealed loudly.

“Oh my gosh, you are the best friend ever! That present tops everything that I have ever received. I wouldn’t trade this friendship for anything.” I smiled widely at her as we hugged. I wouldn’t trade it for anything either.


Names filled my brain as I looked at the laptop screen. This was usually what a mother and father decided together. Just then, I saw a gorgeous name come into my eyesight.

There was a dinging noise and I saw the video chat request; I accepted it. Quickly, I put a blanket around me and smiled at Nick. “Hey.”

This had been the first time I’ve talked to him in a week. I didn’t know what he felt like right now. I nodded my head in response to him.

A silence then filled through the both of us. I couldn’t handle it anymore. “I’m sorry for what had happened last week. I was being really inconsiderate of your feelings. It was late for you. I still think you shouldn’t have gotten mad at me, but I respect and love the fact that you did what was asked of you though.”

Nick nodded his head and smiled lightly. “I am also sorry about being rude. I didn’t need to act the way that I was acting. You never really ask me for anything and it was your best friend’s birthday so I understand. I’m very curious though, what did you say to her?”

“Oh you know, just the usual. I said something like friend of a friend’s cousin or sister. You know what I’m talking about.” A laugh passed through my lips.

It made me sad to think that school was going to be starting very soon; getting up early and attending class didn’t seem like anything fun at all.

“Are you excited for school coming up?” it were as if Nick could read my mind. The look on my face made him laugh. He knew that I hated public school, but he would never let me get a private tutor like he does.

“Speaking of school, my mom signed me up for a child development class this year because she knows what happened on my birthday. They say that they’re giving out real babies. So, I was wondering what you would want to name our baby.” A smile made its way onto my lips. He was making a big decision and he didn’t even know it.

Nick smiled, but had a weird expression on his face. “She’s making you take a child development class because she knows we’ve had sex once? Wow, I understand that you told her though; your mom is cool. I don’t know what I would name it.”

“You mean the baby. Well, what are some names that you really love for a boy or girl?” I asked, not trying to seem to anxious and nit picky.

He had a look on his face that made me want to giggle. His eyebrows and smile were jutted out in the most adorable way. “Well, I like the name Cassandra or Emily. What about a Nicholas Jerry Jr?”

An obnoxiously loud laugh passed through my lips. “That would be a very interesting sight to see. I don’t like those names though, so pick some more.”

“That was a very nice thing to say. A Nicholas Jr. would be better than a Joe Jr. though. What about the name Nathaniel for a boy and Amelia for a girl?” a light went off in my head. That was a perfect name, elegant and gorgeous at the same time.

“I couldn’t even imagine a little Joe running around. That would be just pure chaos in the making. I love that girl name. it is beautiful and thank you.” I replied smiling lightly.

Nick smiled and told me that he had to go. We exchanged our ‘forever in eternities’ and then the computer screen became dark.

A small happy tear fell from my face. Our baby is going to be the best baby. I love our baby more than anything in the entire universe, the same as I love Nick.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO, this whole week is exam week. That is not a really good thing. I had a physical science exam(which I'm pretty sure that i failed on) and a chorus exam(which i think i got an A+ on). Tomorrow's exams are algebra and lunch(which doesn't have an exam, duh). This means that I may or may not be working on updates. That usually doesn't stop me though. I also want to say thank you for everything on this story. I love the comments, the readers and the subscribers. You guys are really awesome. Just to let you know the three sections are the three months of summer(June, July, August). Also, I love my Little Annie, she is very special to me and as corny as it sounds our eight month friendaversary is tomorrow. Hope you guys loved the chapter.


Runaway Heartless;