Show Me What I'm Looking For

Dreaming Up the Best Present Only to Have it Crushed in Your Face

Her brown eyes were smiling with excitement as we walked through the misty fog. The pink sun had radiated itself with warmth and love; a nice sunset. We were surrounded by green. The place was beautiful, I has to admit to myself. There were brightly colored flowers as well as an unrealistic pond that made a nice whooshing sound around the two of us. She let go of my hand with a grin still on her face.

“Come on Nick, lets go.” Carolina said smoothly. She was wearing a cream colored dress that seemed to only be made out of curtains. She appeared as if she were a Greek goddess, everything about her seemed to amount to perfection.

A large grin was spread across my face as I kept looking at her. Giggling, she danced away from me and I followed her into the peaceful forest. “Where’d you go, my love?”

“Follow the sound of my voice dear Nicholas and trust me to lead you in the right direction.” Her laugh was like a wisp air. Its cuteness made me wish that I’d seen her physically do it. Did I mind being in a dream that would most likely end soon? Yes, I didn’t want this to ever end. I wanted to be with Carolina for a long as it were possible.

“Nicholas, come on. I have a present for you. Your birthday is tomorrow and I want to thank you for having and letting us be together.” The sound of her voice was light then gradually became a deep and seductive tone.

The forest moved slightly with the cool breeze. Her voice was echoing through the green and guiding me closer towards her. In the few seconds that it had took, I had finally made it over to her.

Angels were singing lightly in the fresh background as she started to dance over to me. “What took you so long? I’ve missed you ever so dearly. Are you ready for your present now?”

“Of course I am ready for it Carolina. I’ll always have time for you, my love. Go ahead, show me my wonderful present.” The smile was evidently on my face; I could feel it. I didn’t seem to know when in the world it would go away.

“Are you sure you are ready for it? You may be too blown away.” She said smiling mischievously. Was it wrong to be a little turned on? “You have to close your eyes and promise me that you won’t go peeking at any time. Do you promise me that Nicholas?”

Promising that I wouldn’t peek, I closed my eyes and let my hands cover them. It made me worried, but more excited to see what she had planned for my present. The smile in her voice had caused me to smile. “Are you sure you’re not peeking. I’ll be very angry if you are because that’ll ruin the surprise.”

There were laughs filling the green forest and I told her that I had indeed not been peeking. A few seconds later, she had finally told me that I could open my eyes and when I didn’t there was pure amazement filling inside of me.

She was more beautiful then I had ever seen her. The long hair that went to hear mid-back was flowing peacefully in the breeze. Her attire had changed into an elegant skin colored ballet dress; she was stunning.

“I made a dance up just for you. It took a lot of time and practice and I’ve been trying to search for the right music, but its finally all done and figured out. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.” she said playing with the hem of her skirt with a nervous smile upon her face.

When the music began, her moves were light and hesitant, as if she were second guessing her movies; they were changing with the instrumental keys of the music. She moved across the grass with grace and refinement.

Her arms moved up into the air as she flexed her body outward. She leaped across the forest with tremendous distance. This performance was beyond something that I’d ever seen. Her talent was remarkable beyond belief. Did I not realize that my girlfriend had repertoire skills of her own? Was I that inside my own head to even see?

Carolina smiled at me and then began spinning around my static figure. Her eyes were filled with many things; lust, desire, hope, but most importantly love.

The music had appeared to have stopped. Her face became suddenly so close to mine. She lightly kissed my lips, leaving it lingering, causing a growl to erupt from the back of my throat. Giggling, she kissed my lips again. this time I held onto her more forcefully so that she wouldn’t move away that easily. Depth filled the warm caress filling our bodies.

Suddenly, we were both on the smooth green grass trying to find some breath or air. Our kisses seemed as if nothing could stop them from happening. “Did you enjoy the present I made for you?”

A smile had made its way across my mouth. “Of course I loved the present you made for me. it was more than perfection. I just wish I’d thought up a video camera so it could be recorded and watched over and over.”

“Nicholas, you wouldn’t need a video camera in the first place. This whole dance is in your mind right now, processing. You’re such a silly little boy.” She laughed lightly as I brushed some hair out of her face and interlaced her fingers with mine. It comforted me to know that our hands fit perfectly into one anothers. We kissed one more, this time slowly.

“I don’t think I’m a little boy anymore Carolina.” She laughed loudly this time and even tried covering her mouth with her hands to stop. The thought of her laughing made my cheeks tint pink with embarrassment.

She touched my warm cheek with the pads of her small fingers. “Oh don’t be embarrassed. I think its cute when you blush. You don’t do it often enough. I love you Nicholas.”

“I love you too Carolina; forever in eternity. I wish this moment would never end.” Her eyes were glazed lightly with tears and there was a smile on her face.

“Nick, Nick, Nick!” she began to say, but I realized that it wasn’t her voice. In the background, I could hear another name, Amelia.

Selena’s face was suddenly replacing Carolina’s. I was back to reality again. A sigh escaped past my lips. Around me, there was nothing but a lamp to reflect Selena’s slim figure. She smiled brightly at me.

There was nothing but silence as she looked at me. I was beginning to feel creeped out. “What?”

Her grin got wider than I had seen it in a while. She looked truly happy where she was at the moment. “Look at the clock. Your birthday is in a little more than five minutes.”

“You woke me up so you could tell me happy birthday at midnight?” each word seemed more snipped then the next. I didn’t mean to be that way, but I don’t get enough sleep as it was so I didn’t really want to be woken up for no reason or a silly one.

“Ah yeah! Aren't you excited for the fact that you’ll be seventeen in a matter of minutes?” she looked at me as if being a year older was the best thing in the world.

The look on my face didn’t match the one she was giving me. “No really, no Selena. Plus you’re already seventeen so you would know before I would. I don’t really care about being a year older. All I’d like for my birthday is some good ol’ sleep, not that I can get that now. I’m gonna chat with my girlfriend.”

Selena’s face slightly fell and then was turned up in a matter of seconds. “I’ll leave you to talk to your girlfriend then. Tell her I said hello.”

Nodding my head, she left the room and I went over to my little desk where my laptop was and turned it on. I texted her saying that she should get on Skype. Only seconds had passed before he were looking at each other.

“Hey there pretty lady,” her face was blotchy and tear marks were visible on her cheeks. “Wait, whats the matter? Why have you been crying?”

Her face changed in a matter of seconds. She looked very angry and sad at the same time. I could tell that she was trying to stay strong. What had I don’t wrong? “Really? You’re asking me why I’m crying. I told you that Selena was a threat to our relationship, but you ignored me.”

“What in the world are you talking about Carolina?” She looked like a completely different person to me. My eyes widened in shock to her actions.

Suddenly, there was magazine clocking my vision of Carolina. On the cover I could blantly see that there was only Selena and me on there. “Do I really have to spell it out for you? Nick you cheated on me and you’re not even going to admit it.”

She had a right to be partially angry, but I had to clear this up. There were many tears falling down her face than I had ever seen her cry. My heart was breaking at the sight of her breaking.

“Carolina, its just a publicity thing. I have no feelings for Selena at all. I love you and you should know that.” She shook her head at me and turned away. More breaks were making their way to my heart.

“How should I really know that you love me? You kissed her, full lips.” that was the one sentence that I knew I couldn’t fix. She was right about that. Selena had thought it was necessary for the video, but didn’t even have a camera rolling, but one was apparently. Carolina crying had brought small tears to fall from my eyes.

There was nothing I could say that would change her mind, that was for sure. She would forever hate my guts. Grabbing my curls, I whispered the first thing that came to mind. “My birthday is tomorrow Carolina. Don’t you think we could just get over this?”

I’d said something wrong; I could tell. There was a fire in her eyes that was now fully visible. Something inside of me just wished that I knew the right words to calm her down, but I didn’t. “You think just because its your birthday tomorrow that you get a get out of jail free card? Well you don’t! It doesn’t make what you did any more wrong. “

“I’m not saying that it is Carolina. I just wanted to let you know that nothing is going on between Selena and me. I’d never want her because I love you, but it seems like you don’t love me anymore.” I said in a certain that wasn’t meant.

“Oh no! Do not go blaming this whole thing on me! You were the one who was with another girl. And its not that I don’t love you Nick; I love you too much. You’ve just left me not knowing what to do with you!” she ran a hand roughly through her long hair as a sigh hissed through her lips.

She was just looking at me silently when something changed in her eyes. It were as if she wasn’t looking behind me, but somewhere close by. Then she said the words that broke my heart in two. “You know what, fuck this relationship Nick! I don’t need it! I’m done with this and I’m done with you!”

There wasn’t even time for me to say anything before the screen went black. She was gone; I couldn’t believe it. The two or more years we had spent together were as it had been just nothing to her. What caused her to act this way?

”Happy birthday,” Selena said lightly with a sad expression on her face. “I’m sorry about what happened with you and Carolina. You could say a clean slate. What about with me?”

Those last few words caught me off guard, but not as much as the kiss that she had planted on me. what was happening? Was I that gullible to fall into Selena’s trap? Carolina was right about Selena; she was a threat to our relationship and had now officially broken us up.

Two seconds later, I hastily broke the kiss that she had surprised me with. “Really? What are you doing to me? You broke up me and my girlfriend and then you kiss me. I thought that we were friends Selena; just friends. I quit this little job and I’ll be out by tomorrow.”

“You can’t leave me Nick, I love you more than anything.” She said. She seemed as if she were crazy at the moment.

“Watch me do just that.” I said and with that I grabbed Selena, pulled her over my shoulder, dragged her over to her little bus, and opened the door for her. “I’m going to try and get her back, just you watch. I love her more.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, how many of you are actually excited for the chapter? I was pretty excited just writing it. that and the fact that the faster I wrote this the faster I could get to the baby being born. Do you like my new username? and how did you like the chapter, honestly? This to me is actually a really good chapter, like top ten. ONLY FOUR MORE CHAPTERS LEFT!! Hopefully we get to ten stars. its not that far of a reach.


Pathetic Souvenir;