Show Me What I'm Looking For

Sleeping in Class Will Get You in Trouble

I could feel something by my legs, but I didn’t even think of moving. Then it started moving up and tickling my stomach. Suddenly a little black cat popped it’s head from out of the covers and snuggled into my neck. Before I knew it my eyes were closing again.

“Carolina!” my eyes immediately popped open to the sound of Kevin’s voice. Grabbing the pillow that was on top of my head, I threw it at his face.

“First day back at school.” I groaned which caused him to laugh. “No really, you need to get up. You don’t want to be late.” Groaning some more I sat up, put the kitten on the carpet and started walking towards the bathroom.

Suddenly my body was feeling weak. My whole body collapsed onto my knees and I was puking my entire guts into the toilet; morning sickness; my new best friend. Isn’t that just great. Kevin was then by my side and tying my hair into a bun.

After that I thanked him and found my suitcase. Before putting on one of Nick’s shirts I looked, well more like analyzed, my stomach. It would still look the same from the eyes of a friend, but to Kevin and I it was a whole new difference.

“Twenty minutes.” Kevin came came back into my room and smiled at me.

“What?” I looked at myself in the mirror and spun around. The jeans seem to fit perfectly and the shirt wasn’t too tight, maybe even a tad loose.

Kevin shook his head saying something I couldn’t really undersand, but I decided to ignore it. Lucky, the kitten I had found and saved yesterday, purred against my feet tickling my skin once more.

“Come on Carolina, hurry up!” Kevin shout from downstairs. I hadn’t even known he’d left the room.

I paced myself grabbing my bag full of school stuff and my purse, then met Kevin in his car.


The music in his car was a soft hum in my ears. Kevin seemed to be talking but my brain wasn’t paying any attention. I looked in the back seat and noticed a breifcase. I’d never know Kevin had a job.

“What do you do?” I asked Kevin. He stopped talking and gave me a confused look. I pointed to the briefcase; he just smiled at me then looked back at the main road.

“Aren’t you going to answer me?” I started getting a little agrivated at him, but he didn’t seem to mind me.

when we got to school Kevin’s smile turned into a big grin. He opened the door and I thanked him slowly.

“Get to class; I wouldn’t want you to be late.” Classes started in thirty minutes, what was he talking about? I looked at him with one eyebrow raised rgen just started walking toward the school.

Just when I got into the school i heard a girlish scream. “Carol!” Darcy Edwards was running in the hall over to me.

A laugh escaped past my lips and I put my hands up so she wouldn’t run into my body frame.

When she was just a couple inches away from me he arms embraced me.

“Darcy!” Her dark brown wavy hair complemented her bright orange shirt. She looked amazing as usual which made me feel the lowering of my self esteem.

“Oh my gosh how are you? How was your break? I missed you so much!” she was now standing in front of me with vanessa and April.

“It was good, different, but good none the less.” The lie ran smoothly off my tongue.

“Well, I called your house four days ago to see if you wanted to go on a shopping spree and she said that you were at your grandmas’. Then the day before yesterday I asked your mom if you were home so we could have a slumber party but you were with your dad. I thought you said your grandma died?”

“She never told me that.” I had actually talked to mom yesterday and she never mentioned Darcy calling. “Oh and as for my grandma I had literally just found out that I had one on my dad’s side.” That wasn’t technically a lie.

“Ohh, well then okay.” She smiled then linked my arm with hers and started walking.

People were smiling and hugging one another. It was overwhelming me with all the love that was surrounding me. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.

“Carolina, what’s the matter?” April looked at me skeptically.

“Nothing; I just really love and missed you guys.” I could hear some people ‘aww’ and Vanessa say ‘group hug.’ And we did.

When we walked into our class I took in a deep breath. The class was painted a brought blue color but not too bright.

“Class will start in two minutes.” Mr. Wilde called to all of us.

Suddenly the bell rang and everyone was in their seats. Mr. Wilde smiled to us and began.

“It’s good to see all of your pretty faces in this classroom again.” His grin didn’t falter when some of the guys ‘booed’. “Well, I’m sorry you guys don’t want to learn math, but it’s a necessity for everyday life.” He was telling us with that grin still on his face. Mr. wilde was only twenty seven and extremely gorgeous in every girls mind.

Then before I know it the class was over. Now off to biology yay; note the sarcasm in my voice.


I knocked on the door and waited for someone ot open it, but no one did. The door was unlocked which was unusual but I pushed it open then closed it.

There was music coming from a room upstairs and I started walking towards the noise; Joe’s bedroom.

His door was cracked. He seemed to be pacing around his room with something in his hand. I opened the door and he still hadn’t noticed me.

“Joe,” My voice was a whisper but I knew he heard me. There was a suitcase on his bed and a brochsure for some place in his hand. “What is going on?” I asked him nervously. He began ot pace again,

“Joe!” he immediately stopped with a shirt in his palm.

“Tell mom Claire and I are going somewhere; anywhere.” His words were going so fast and I barely understood what he meant.

“What?! Where are you going Joe?!” I yelled over the music. He sighed and then paced some more.

“I don’t have time for this.” He mumbled to himself then sighed.

Slowly I walked over to him and grabbed the brocshure from off his bed.

“The army?” by now I was really confused. He had never said anything about that. “You, why?”

“It’s what I wan to do.” His voice was serious; unlike usual. What gave him that idea. I couldn’t picture Joe with his hair cut and a stren mature look on his face, but I could picture him in front of the american flag smiling proudly.

“Well aren’t you going to tell your family and Claire.” I asked him.

“Claire already knows and she’s sad but she believes in me. Second I’m not telling them. They would flip out and then have a heart attack.” He said blintly.

“There your parents, they have the right to know! They gave you human life for god sakes!” I was starting to get really mad. His parents have gave him everything and he’s not even telling them the real reason why he’s leaving.

“Carolina, It’s not a big deal.”

“It’s a big deal when you could die and your family doesn’t even know!” Tears were falling down from my eyes. Joe stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me, trying to comfort me.

“It’s okay carolina. I’m going to be fine, I promise.” His eyes were sincere and caring.

“You really promise?” I asked. He put up his pinkie finger and linked it with mine.

“Are you going to tell them the truth?” I shook my head motioning that I would tell them that he’d gone off with claire somewhere.

Suddenly he closed his suitcaseand started walking out of the room. I followed him. When we got outside he got into his car and waved.

“See you later carolina!” He smiled and that was the last I saw of him.

Two minutess after Joe had left the Jonas’s pulled up onto their driveway. Fifteen year old Nick walked up to me in confusion.

“What are you doing here?” His eyebrows furrowed.

I smiled. “Just came here to see you.” And that would be the lie.

“Carolina, Carolina, Carolina.” Mrs. Landsman seemed to be shaking my arm. My eyes shot open to look at her worn face.

”You looked so peaceful sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you.” Her face was so qenuine it made me smile.

“Lunch?” she nodded her head.

“Oh and Carolina,” I looked back at her and waited. “your need in the guidence office.” She said. I nodded my head and started walking.

When I got to the guidence office I knocked on the door and a voice said ‘Come in’.

“Kevin,” his curly hair helped me recognize him. There was a smile on his face. “What are you doing here?”

“I come baring lunch.” He brought out two bags of food. Nothing fried of course. I can’t stand most fried foods.

“Peanut butter, milk, and poudered dougnuts.” My stomach growled in delight. I smiled then grabbed the peanut butter and spoon and popped it into my mouth.

It was good but I felt more the need to talk.

“So you’re a counsler for my high school?” He nodded his head while we smirked at each other.

“Why actually I am. Do you have a problem you want to talk about?” His tone was joking, but I really felt the need to get somethings off my chest.

“Actually there sort of is.” I was being completelty serious.

“What if I knew exactly where Joe was and what he was doing?” Kevin looked at me with confusion and a hint of suspicion.

“Joe is with Claire somewhere.”

“But why do you think that he wouldn’t tell you where?” I asked him.

“Well then where is he?” His voice was calm, but I could detect some agrivation into it.

“Do you pinkie promise that you won’t get mad or tell your parents or Nick.” He linked his pinkie with mine. Then I took in and out a deep breath. “He’s in the army; iraq.” Kevin’s face changed immediately.

“He’s in the army!?!” His eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets and he was about to punch something.

“You can’t tell anyone else though.”

“Who told you this?” He asked. His eyes were in the form of little slits.

“Joe did; I was there the day he left to leave.” The room was silent for a while.

“Goodbye Carolina.” He stood up to open the door and waited patiently for me to leave. Then suddenly I was moving out into the crowded hallway towards Government and Economics.
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U P D A T E !

well i finally got off of a writers block for this story. now all of you people know what happened and where is Joe. I hope all you readers and subscribes liked it, and pretty pretty please with a cherry and spinkles on top comment this. I'd love to see what you guys think of this story. plus is there anything you would like to see in this story happen.

p.s: just to tell you i already have chapter seven written (:


Lovesick Remedy;;