Show Me What I'm Looking For

Mixed Up Emotions Get Intense

“Where were you during lunch?” Darcy looked at me quizically.

“In the office.” I said bluntly. What had happened in the guidence office had really gotten me shaken up.

“Ohh, well thomas was worried.” She smirked.

“I already have a loving and wonderful boyfriend. Thank you very much.”

“Yeah.” She rolled her eyes. “Nick; when will we even ever meet this boyfriend of yours?” Her eyebrows raised suspiciously.

“He’s in ohio now, I think but I’m not completely sure.” Her facial expression was like saying ‘whatever’ but it didn’t seem to faze me.

“Whatever Carol.”

“Ladies is there something you would like to share with ther class.” Mrs. Venters glared at Darcy and I. We both muttered a no and she began with the lesson again.

Fourty five minutes later the bell rang. Dance; my favorite thing in the whole entire world. Mrs, clarissa was the best there was. She went to Julliard, was in a famous dance group, and has three beautiful children.

“Good afternoon ladies and gentleman.” She announced to the class. I sighed feeling the good stretching of my body and began to dance like no tomorrow.


Five minutes before the bell rang last period I got called to guidence. I told everybody goodbye and that I’d text darcy later. This was really scaring me; talking to Kevin of course.

I hesitated when I got to his door, but before I could even knock he was pulling the wooden door open.

Just then the bell rang signaling for Kevin and I to leave. He walked ahead of me so people wouldn’t suspect anything was going on between the two of us. The last thing I wanted was for Kevin to loose his job and I get called some bad names behind my back.

When we both of us buckled in Kevin spoke. “I’m sorry.” I blinked my eyes quickly to see if this was actually happening. “I understand that if you pinkie promised him that you wouldn’t tell anyone and I’m glad that you kept it for the most part.” I nodded.

“Well I had a dream about it during class and I guess it was kind of bothering me.”

Suddenly we were at his house. The two of us walked up to the door and my phone buzzed.

Hey wanna hang out today just the girls, darcy texted.

Umm…I gotta ask but I’m pretty sure it’s a yes. I replied back.

K, love ya. She texted a few seconds later.

“Kevin,” I walked into the kitchen to make a snack. “Can you drop me off at Darcy’s.”

He was in the living room with a stack of paper on his lap. He put his head up to acknowlage me. “Yes?”

“Can you drive me over to a friends house, please?” I asked him politely fluttering my eyelashes. It wasn’t necessary but it might increase the chances.

“Sure.” He smiled at me.

Ten minutes later we were in front of Darcy’s house.

“Call me when you need a ride. Don’t try to walk home, it’ll be dark in about an hour.” I nodded my head and opened the door.

I rang the bell and Darcy answered. Her house was different; colors, furniture, and styling. Darcy’s mom was a divorced room decorator for wealthy people, so they had a good bit of money. Not that it really mattered.

“Hello best friend,” she smiled, welcoming me insde. Darcy, April, and Vanessa were there.

“So what’s the latest?” Vanessa asked immediately after we all sat down. She had black flowing hair and It was tied back into a ponytail. She was also another really pretty person I know.

“Well,” Darcy began. Ohh here we go again.” Rachel Dung slept with her ex boyfriend, who is now going out with her best friend and student council president.” How would she even know that? I mean, did she even know that that truth or rumor could ruin Rachel’s life.

“Oh,” April stated. “And I saw Megan Hann, the senior cheer captin and Mr. Wilde making out in his room after the class period.” I’m sure that was probably true. I mean Megan woould do just about anything she possibly could to keep her grades up, and I mean anything. They could actually like each other though. She is eighteen and legal so theres no problem with that.

“What do you think Carolina?” I could tell that Vanessa was trying to get my attention.

“Truthfully I think gossiping is wrong, horrible, concided, and can ruin someone’s life.”

Darcy looked at me like I was a fly on the wall. “Carol, what is wrong with you?”

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Darcy smirked while standing up.

“Who’s that?” I asked slowly.

Just then four bodies enterd the room. All boys; Craig, Dracy’s boyfriend, Zac, Vanessa’s boyfriend, Stephen, April’s boyfriend, and Thomas; oh lord let the drama begin.

They all greated us while I stayed quiet on the loveseat.

“Carolina.” Craig nodded his head acknowlaging my presence. Thomas’ eyes lit up when I looked at him. It was a set up, I could tell. Darcy was holding onto Craig and looking at me with a weird expression.

“Darcy,” she shook her head as if getting rid of a thought. “Can I speak ot you outside?” my voice souned as bitter and venomous as I entened it to be. She just nodded her head and then we were walking.

When we were both outside I began talking.

“What’s the matter with you!? Setting me up, yeah I really appriciate that!”

“I just thought you need a chill pill. You’ve been very and I hate to say this but bitchy today to all of us.” She bluntly stated.

“When will you finally get it that life isn’t all fun and games. That stunt you just pulled, I have a boyfriend.”

“Whatever, I’ll believe it when I see it or should I say him, and maybe you just need a little sex, you know to keep you from going into bitch mode.” I would scream if I could.

“Leave me alone! I don’t want to talk to to you! Let alone see your face!” I screamed into her face. Her eyes widened and she quickly ran inside.

I was letting the tears fall down my face, not bothering to wipe then away.

Slowly I walked to the curb and sat down. Things were not going the way I wanted then to.

Meanwhile I decided that this would be a good time ot call Kevin. The sky was dark and stars were twinkling beautifully above my head.

He said that he’d be there soon and asked if I was okay. I said I was fine then hung up leaving him on the line.

I could hear something from behind me, but I didn’t bother turning around.

“Carolina,” Thomas whispered from behind me.

“Leave me alone! I don’t like you! Get that through your thick skull!” I would probably regret this later but right now it felt good.

From what I could tell he was crying a little. Slowly he walked away, alone at last.

Sighing, I stood up and waited patiently. Kevin’s car then came into my eye sight. Sweet tranquility;

Hopping into the car I let out a breath I didn’t even know was inside of me. Kevin’s eyes were on me, but I kept my attention on the side window.

“You want ot tell me what happened?” I shook my head while still staring out the window.

As soon as we got inot Kevin’s driveway I jumped out of the car and towards the house. It was dark inside my room as I expected.

Suddenly I was under the bed looking for that something; my laptop. I didn’t know why I need it but I just know that I did need it.

“Welcome Carolina.” My laptop’s voice siad. Sighing I sat on my bed with the laptop.

Once it started working I logged onto chat. No one was on. Just then I heard a ding. NickJ92 has logged on. Darn…

Hello. Nick typed to me. Gosh how I wish he was here just to hold me in his arms.

Hey, I typed back. Suddenly I got a request for a webcam chat. I accepted it. Suddenly his face was appering on my screen.

“It feels so good to actually see your beautiful face.” Nick said brightly. I couldn’t help but smile a little as the butterfies rumbled around in my stomach.

“What’s wrong?” His whole face changed into heavy concern. I moved my webcam to a better position. His eyes kept trying to look deeply into mine and he won in the end.

“Nothing really; just regular high school stuff.”

“Like what?” he asked.

“If you really want to know,” I sighed. “My best friend and I got into a big fight because she tried to get a guy with me and I’d already talked about my amazing, loving, gorgeous boyfriend.” His head went back and he was laughing.

“Care, I’m pretty sure if were talking about amazing, loving, and gorgeous people you would be number one.” I couldn’t stop the blush that was forming on my cheeks.

“You’re so breath-taking Care.” She shook his head but the smile still remained on his face. I thought I looked like utter crap but I guess he didn’t.

“So,” I tried to get the blush off of my face but it wasn’t really working. “What’s up in the life of a rockstar?” he laughed at my question.

“Oh,” It looked like something had dawned him. “Guess what?”


“You have to guess.” His smile got even wider.

“I don’t know Nick.” That smile of his was contagious. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

“I get see you in three months.” My whole mind freaked. Pregnant people started showing at three months.

“How?” I asked him, my voice shaking.

“I’m preforming in California. Aren’t you excited?” Now all his smile was making me feel guilty.

“Yeah.” I stated emotionlessly.

“Well I have to got to practice.” Nick said sadly.

“I love you Nick.”

“Love you too, Care.” Suddenly all I could see was his smile paused. What was I going to do.

Then before I knew it I was crying into the pillow wishing that all of this wasn’t really happening to me.
♠ ♠ ♠

YAY ME!! lol
so I would like to say I hope all you readers and subscribes liked it, and pretty pretty please with a cherry and spinkles on top comment this. I'd love to see what you guys think of this story. plus is there anything you would like to see in this story happen? i may just make it happen.

P.S. chapter eight is halfway done, maybe commenting well make it update faster *hint hint*


Lovesick Remedy;;