Show Me What I'm Looking For

Boys Have Feelings Too


“I love you Nick.” she said

“Love you too Care.” I pressed the webcam off and stood up. He was call for me, the stage director.

“Nick.” I jogged over to him and nodded my head.

“I know that you have a girlfriend and all but we do have work to be done. Practicing is important. All of us want the shows to be perfect and we know you want the same.” Daryl had said in a strict voice.

“Yes sir, where’s lucy?” He inclined his head over to the left and sighed. “You’re a good kid Nick. You also have and amazing talent that will take you really far in life. Like Paul McCarthy.” I smiled at his generousity and graciousness but even he couldn’t perdict the future. Smiling, I walked over to Lucy and picked her up. She was sleek, her black frame was beautiful. The holder said ‘Lucy, Nick’s guitar’. Somehow this amused me everytime I looked.

Suddenly I was seeing something, a figure. It was standing by the door far away to the left. The outline was standing there grinning at me. I walked towards it and she was there. Carolina Noel was here. I blinked and she was still there, maybe I was hallucinating. Drink some water it’ll help, I thought to myself.

I walked over to the refreshment table and grabbed some bottled water. She wasn’t here or anywhere, just a figment of my imagination. I sighed.

“Nick.” I jumped at the sound of her voice. Lynn stood in front of me with a smirk on her round dark cherry lips.

“Yes,” My voice shook a bit.

She walked closer to me and lightly touched my chest with the pads of her fingers. “It’s time.” I backed away from her.

“You know I have a girlfriend. Right?” I said breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth unevenly. Her fingers played with my vest then to the first button on my shirt.

“And I have a boyfriend, but you’re just so sexy and devoring.” Lynn purred against my ear. She was really freaking me out horribly at the moment.

“Stay away from the young boy.” Lynn’s older brother said walking aroung the two of us. She glared at him then stomped away. I let out a breath that I didn’t even know was inside of me.

I walked over to see Lucy and picked her up again. When she was secure I paced myself over to the lage stage.


The fans were screaming my name. Adreneline was coursing through my veins. The feeling never got tiring. There were intirely different people in the audience but they all made the same sound.

“Now everybody,” I said into the microphone. People screamed then stopped for the most part. “I’m glad you’ve all had a good time but I have to say that this is the end.” I turned my back to the crowd and heard them shriek ‘No and encore’ I turned back around to the crowd with a big smile.

“Okay; one more song.” I sat on the piano bench and started playing the familular melody. “This song goes out to my wonderful and amazing girlfriend who wants to remain anonymous to the world even though I’d love to scream it to all of America. It’s called ‘To be with you’”. The fans were screaming again as I was suddenly getting lost in the music.

After the song ended I smiled, thanked everyone for coming, and exited the stage.

Jumping into the metal hallways and into the dressing room, I took off my damp vest and nearly soaked shirt and put on a new clean one.

Once I was done I walked past Lynn’s seductive eyes lingering on my body and into the night sky. I could still hear the screaming from outside and kids telling their parents’ how awesome the show was; it made me smile.

When I got inside my tour bus there was an unopened bottle of water that just seemed to be calling my name. The water was gone in a matter of seconds.

Slowly I made my way to the back room which was also my room and grabbed my phone from the dresser. After turning it on, I pressed the number five and waited.

“Hey, you’ve reached Carolina Noel. Please leave a message after the beep, love you.” I waited for the beep and started talking.

“Hi Care, it’s Nick and I know it’s probably late there but I just wanted to say sweet dreams and I love you so good-.” I was interrupted by a clicking noise on the other end of the phone.

“Hello.” Her groggy voice rang through my ears.

“Carolina.” I gleamed.

“Your talking to her and who must I be speaking to?” It was evident in her voice that she was still half asleep.

“Nick; your boyfriend.”

“Oh you, well I got to tell you something important but I don’t want to.” She said lightly.

“What is it?” I started getting nervous. People only really told really tell the truth when A) They’re drunk or B) they aren’t fully conscience or C) they just wanted too.

“I’m-.” Suddenly she stopped mid sentence leaving me hanging.

“Care, Carolina, Carolina.” In return all I could hear was her light snoring. What was she going to say? Silently I turned off my phone and tried very hard to go to sleep for the next day.


My alarm was buzzing at six in the morning. I stood up slowly and stretched my limbs. Steadily, I walked down the stairs to make a cup of coffee. A few seconds later I heard quiet footsteps.

“Morning.” I greeted Carolina as she entered the kitchen. All I got in response was a grunt.

“Okay…Well what do you want for breakfast?” I watched as she grabbed a bag of cool ranch Doritos and cream cheese. When she put it into her mouth I felt the urge to take it out and kiss her for some odd reason.

Her eyes then widened when she swallowed the mixture. Quickly she ran into the bathroom and I knew that she was throwing up.

I paced over to the door and watched her lay head on the toilet. “You okay?” She glared.

“Do I seriously look okay.” It was a rhetorical question. She slowly stood up and left silently.

It was probably a good idea to let her be alone because I loved the thought of living. A few seconds later I picked up my cup of coffee and headed up the stairs and into my room.

After getting dressed and cleaning up some, I walked into Carolina’s room and smiled. She was in her made bed fully dressed in school clothes and sleeping. She’s an angel, I thought to myself; but it wouldn’t be right to do that to Nick.

I walked over to where she was sleeping and kissed her cheek. She stirred a little then stopped.

“Come on Carolina, it’s time to get up.” I cooed into her ear. She twitched some and blinked her eyes open.

“Hello.” she said to me. I stuck out my hand for her to grab and got a static shock. I guess she didn’t feel it because she just stretched her body.

“Ready to go?” I asked. She looked in the mirror, gave me the waiting finger, grabbed a hairbrush, and ran it through her hair.

“I’m now ready.” She said and walked downstairs to get her things. I blinked slowly and stepped down the stairs.

She looked beautiful, as usual, when the wind whipped against her hair. I just wanted to kiss her even more. God Kevin stop thinking that way about your own brother’s girlfriend, who is six years younger than you, I thought to myself.

“Kevin?” Carolina was looking me with her curious brown eyes. “Do you think Nick would still love me if I was birthing his child?” I sighed inwardly but slowly answered the question.

“Well, that’s a hard question to really answer because I’m not Nick but I know him well enough that he would always love you no matter what. Child in all.” She smiled and nodded peering back at the window.

When we were at the school Carolina instantly got out of the car and walked towards the school. I was indeed worried about her. It’s not really safe for her emotions to go out of control. Wow now I sound like an overprotective father, Smooth Kevin.


I was just about to go on my lunch break when I heard a knock on my door. Thomas Dupree opened the door with a blank expression on his face.

“Thomas, may I help you with something?” He sat down on the chair in front of me and sighed.

“I really hate girls.” Thomas sighed again then looked at me with poignant eyes.

“You do not hate girls. What made you feel this way?” he mumbled something under his breath and I asked him to speak up loud.

“Carolina Noel,” My eyes widened in shock. “It’s all her fault. I really like her and I don’t know what I did wrong but she yells in my face yesterday and today she just glared at me during class.”

Was it me or did everyone seem to like Carolina these days? I was hoping for a not, I thought to myself

“She’s just so beautiful,” Thomas said out of the blue. “I’ve been trying to ask her out since the first day I saw her but she just doesn’t like me.” we both sighed.

“Girls do work in mysterious ways Tomas.” I said. He mumbled something then stood up.

“Well, I better get going; lunch awaits.” He laughed then shut the door as the bell rung. I could see him stop and look at someone through my window. Then Carolina walked into the room.

She sat down in the seat that Thomas had gotten up from. “Hi.” Her voice broke all my sudden thoughts. The smile that was upon her face was utterly beautiful.

I thought of the first thing that came to mind. “How was your day?”

Suddenly the gorgeous smile turned into a bitter scowl.

“Darcy,” She whispered. Then her voice increased. “It went from saying hello to sharing glares. She infuriates me.” Tears were welling over her eyes. Quickly I handed her a tissue and she wiped her tears.

“I guess it’s just those mood swings I’m getting.” She smiled weakly.

Suddenly my phone started to buzz. I opened it without looking who it was.

“Hello?” I asked. Next the voice seemed to amaze me. “Oh hey nick. How are you?” Carolina’s eyes widened. I put the phone on speaker.

“I’m good; actually I called to ask you a question.” Carolina froze in her seat.

I said it was alright and he explained. “So I called Carolina last light and she was half asleep then she said that she had something important to tell me then she fell back asleep. I don’t know what to do!”

All three of us sighed at the same time. “I think,” I thought about it. “You should wait for her to tell you what’s wrong because she may freak out if she finds out that you know something.” I knew that he would agree with me and he ended up doing just that.

Abruptly I made an excuse that I had to go and hung up the phone.

Carolina looked at her hands then my face. “He’s coming here in three months.”
♠ ♠ ♠
U P D A T E ! ! !

well it seems like forever since I last posed to this story. See the thing is that I would have posted this sooner but i lost my notebook that had this story in it and was freaking out but most of it actually was pure lazyness to get on and type it. hehe. hope you like this chapter. (:


Lovesick Remedy;;