Status: active ; IF WE GET COMMENTS(:

This Silence Isn't Easy.

e l e v e n;

The next day at school was hell. I had a hangover and my head was pulsating, constantly banging on my head. It didn't help that Rian had to share the same bathroom as I did, and Jenny was as cheery as a bowl of cereal in the mornings.

I walked into gym, immediately taking the teachers orders to get changed into my uniform and meet up with my group. I slid on the short shorts slowly, leaning against the row of gym lockers behind me. I slipped on my shirt and shoes before heading out to the floor, finding Emily, Alex and Jack standing near the falling apart volley ball nets.

"Do you have to be late? We just lost participation points because of you." Alex snapped, running a hand through his hair. I shrugged my shoulders and tapped my foot aimlessly on the ground, immediately wanting the day to be over.

"Gaskarth, Barakat!" Coach Haynes shouted too loud for my liking. "You two are partners. Bright and Brock, you'll be playing them in volley ball." He said gruffly, throwing us a ball.

"You're serving." I mumbled to Emily as we got on the opposite side of the net.

"You two are going down, so hard." Jack laughed.

"Got that right." Alex nodded.

I rolled my eyes, getting my hands ready so I could hit the ball over the net and not let Alex get the satisfaction of winning. He served the ball, it rolled off the net and hit the ground.

"Foul!" I cried out. Alex shrugged and I grabbed the ball, walking back to my spot. I hit the ball toward Alex, not really caring if it hit him in the face or not. Alex let out a yelp of pain before I saw him hunch over, holding his nose.

"Do you really hate me that much, Keira?" Alex yelled walking over to me. A little bit of blood had seeped its way out of his nose and onto his upper lip.

"No, I-I didn't mean to." I stuttered, avoiding eye contact through the volley ball net.

"Brock! Detention!" Coach Haynes shouted from the other side of the gym.

This was day was going so perfect.


I sat in the ISS room for the half the day, coloring on a blank sheet of paper, writing about how much I hated this school, and Alex.

"Keira Brock, you're released for lunch." One of the secretary's told me. I let out a low sigh and slipped out of my seat, heading for the lunch room. I got my tray of food and headed towards the tables, looking for an empty one.

"Keira!" I heard someone shout. I looked around the lunch room, raising my eyebrow until I saw Emily waving her arm at me. I sighed and walked over to her, curiosity taking over me.

"Hi Emily?" I questioned more than stated. Emily patted the seat next to her and grinned at me.

"So I was wondering something.." She trailed off, I looked at her, my interest was peeked. "Could you get me a date with Alex?" She asked sheepishly.

I could hear my heart shatter into a million pieces. I glanced around the lunch room, looking for his table. She couldn't be serious. Alex? Jealousy kicked in and I felt my cheeks blush a deep red.

"He has a girlfriend already, she lives in Towson." I lied, frowning.

"Oh, well that's fine. At least I tried, huh?" Emily smiled softly.

Emily would not be going anywhere near him.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is suckish.
feedback, lovelies?