Status: active ; IF WE GET COMMENTS(:

This Silence Isn't Easy.

f o u r t e e n;

Ping, ping, ping, ping.

Bright, glowing amoebas in every color of the rainbow floated before my eyes. It was utterly black except for those shapes.

All I could hear was the constant pinging of some machine.

I couldn’t move any part of my body. Actually I didn’t even know if I had a body. I couldn’t feel anything.

Was I dead? No way. I couldn’t be. I mean, if I was dead I’d probably be in hell, and I’m sure hell wasn’t this pleasant . . .

“Keira,” I heard a soft, yet manly voice sniffle. “Please, Keira, wake up.”

The voice sounded so familiar. I was sure I knew that voice. I searched my mind for an answer but I came up with nothing.

Maybe if I saw the person I would remember.
Open up, eyes. It’s time to open up. To my utter surprise my eyes actually opened.

My blue pools were greeted by the site of paneled ceiling with large rectangular fluorescent lights in them. So obviously I wasn’t at home. Where even was home? Where was I now? Who was I?

I rolled over on my side to the direction where the voice was. A dark-haired boy with the look of exhaustion and worry etched on his face looked back at me.

His brown eyes widened when he noticed I was awake, “K-Keira?”

Alex’s POV

When I saw that Keira was awake for the first time in three weeks I almost jumped out of my chair. I would have if I wasn’t so extremely tired. Ever since that car crash I haven’t been able to get a decent night’s sleep. I’d toss and turn all night, and if I did fall asleep I was haunted my terribly awful nightmares. Me and sleep no longer coincided.

“K-Keira?” my voice was very raspy and I almost didn’t recognize it.

“Who?” the black-haired girl that lay in the hospital bed asked me.

“That’s you. . .” I told her, a little confused.

“Well, who are you?” she asked, her normally electric blue eyes looking exceedingly dull.

“I’m Alex. Alex Gaskarth. Your, um, friend . . . don’t you remember?”

“No, I'm sorry,” she looked disappointed. “I can’t seem to remember much of anything. What happened to me?”

“I-I don’t think I'm the right person to tell you. . .” I said, panicking. “Lemme page a nurse.”

My trembling hand picked up the phone that was on the table beside Keira’s bed. “Nurse? Yeah. Could you please send someone to room 325? Keira’s awake.” I hung up the phone and gazed confusedly at Keira.

She didn’t remember anything. Not me, not herself, not even what happened.

“Mr. Gaskarth?” an attractive blonde nurse knocked on the door frame.

“Y-yeah?” I replied, still a bit shaken.

“How long has she been awake?” she stepped into the room.

My hand rubbed the back of my neck, “A couple minutes. She can’t remember anything.”

The nurse nodded, scribbling on her clipboard. “I think its best you go home, Mr. Gaskarth.”

I nodded my head and wobbly stood from the chair I was sitting in, “Alright. And if anything happens, could you have someone please give me a call?”

“Of course,” she smiled sweetly at me.

If this was any other time I would’ve been flirting with her. But as long as Keira was in a hospital bed, I didn’t even think about other women.

“Thanks,” I said half-heartedly. “Bye, Keira.” I gave her a small wave and walked out of the room.

As soon as I made it to the car I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Jack’s number.

“Jack, it’s Keira—she’s awake, but I think she has amnesia,” I'm sure the words hit him as hard as they hit me.

My Keira had amnesia.
♠ ♠ ♠
sad :{
pooooooor kiera .
poor alex .
but this is a good thing for alex .
he'll take advantage of it laterr .