Status: active ; IF WE GET COMMENTS(:

This Silence Isn't Easy.

t h r e e;

I didn’t think it was possible to hate school anymore than I do—but alas, it is. I have a reason though; gym class.

Oh, how I despise that class! I don’t see the point in it anyway. I mean, all you do is run around, play some sport you fail miserably at, get made fun of by other classmates, all the while wearing a skimpy gym uniform.

But before this semester I didn’t have to take gym class. I had too many other extra curriculars to take gym. But as soon as my dad found out he had it immediately changed. And that just pisses me off. I mean, my dad doesn’t care about any other part of my life, so why would he care if I had PE or not? It’s down right absurd.

“Keira Brock!” my last period PE teacher, Coach Haynes, calls out. I nearly jump when the words hit my ears.

I slink across the gym and to over to Coach Haynes.

“Here’s your uniform,” he hands me a black T-shirt with the words DULANEY HIGH SCHOOL emblazed in red across the front of it, and a short pair of red shorts. My eyes widened at the shorts.

“I c-can’t wear these,” my voice was soft.

“You allergic to the material, Brock?” he questioned. But he wasn’t asking because he was concerned. It was more to make fun of me.

“No,” I mumble before walking away and into the locker room.

I shed my over-sized hoodie and loose fitting jeans and squeeze into the tight fitting uniform.

Before leaving the locker room I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes bulged out of my head when I saw my appearance. Too tight. I pulled at the saran-wrap fabric that adorned my torso.

Ever since Alex left me I haven’t cared too much about my appearance. I usually just wear baggy jeans and an even baggier hoodie. Tight was definitely not a word used to describe my clothing. Ever.

I couldn’t help but sigh as I gazed into the mirror longer. I throw my lengthy black hair into a sloppy bun at the top of my head and walk out of the locker room.


“Gaskarth, Barakat, Bright, and Brock!” Coach hollers, startling me yet again. Does he honestly not know how to speak normally?

I sulk over to him. I only sulk because he said one of my least favorite last names: Gaskarth.

Once Alex, Jack, Emily, and I are all standing before Coach Haynes he says, “You four are a group. For the rest of the year. No complaining.”

Alex eyes both me and Emily, “No complaints here, Coach.” He winks at us.

I am half-tempted to slap him across the face, but I don’t. Instead, I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

“Good, Gaskarth. That’s what I like to hear,” he claps Alex’s shoulder. Alex is such a kiss-ass. “Alright; get active!”

We all walk to another part of the gym so we can start stretching.

Since I've never been in a gym class before I don’t know what else to do but stretch. Which is apparently the wrong thing to do because Alex and Jack start laughing at me.

“Keira, you know we don’t actually stretch before gym—we just stand around checking out girls,” Alex informs me.

Jack high fives him, “I know that’s right.”

“But, when you bend over like that I do get a very nice view of your ass. Who knew Keira Brock had such a nice body under all those baggy clothes?”

“Not me,” Jack licks his lips.

I glare at them both, “You guys are pigs.”

“I agree,” Emily speaks up and also gives them a dirty look.

“Hey, we can't help it. We’re just two normal teenage boys,” Jack laughs.

“No, I'm sorry, but there is nothing normal about you two,” I grumble.

“Like it ever bothered you before,” Alex says.

I send him the foulest of all looks, “Forget about the past.”

Wow, I am such a big hypocrite.

“Seriously? I think that’s kinda impossible to forget everything that happened between us.”

“Seems like you’ve done a pretty job of that, Alex,” I snarl.

His defensive look changes, “Keira, I didn’t—”

Coach Haynes blows his whistle, cutting off Alex’s words.

Damn, I really hate that man.
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sorry this took forever D:
i've been MUCHO busy :'(

comments would be rad(: