Status: active ; IF WE GET COMMENTS(:

This Silence Isn't Easy.

s e v e n;

The dinner seemed to drag on. Alex kept placing his calloused hand on my knee, and I kept shoving it off. He thinks he can just walk into my house, and treat me like the whores at school, it wasn't going to fly; not mention, we weren't friends, not even remotely close to being so.

"Keira, clean up the dishes." My dad ordered, getting up from the table. Jenny, Rian, Jack and Alex all followed suit, going into the living room. I sighed loudly and picked up all the plates, bringing them into the kitchen, I threw them into the sink and turned on the water, squeezing soap across them all.

"Need help?" I turned around, seeing Alex. I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment, grabbing the sponge. I scrubbed at the plates and rinsed them off, placing them in the strainer.

"Well, gee, ignore me." Alex mocked, walking over. I turned to him, grabbing the spatula.

"What don't you get about I don't want to talk you? Let alone be within ten feet of you?" I asked, angry.

"Nothing. I don't understand." Alex shrugged.

"Would you like me to spell it out for you? Write it on your arm? Your forehead? Should I say it more slowly?" I paused, "I do not like you. Get that through your big fat fucking ego and leave." I spat, turning back around.

"Keira, we use to be best friends, and because I fucked up, I want to apologize." Alex said sadly.

"No. Don't apologize. Your fault, not mine. You left me to go hang out with the popular kids, and now because I'm wearing a short dress you want to suddenly apologize? Yeah right." I scoffed, drying my hands off with the towel.

"Keira, please don't do this. I'm sincerely sorry. I fucked up, like I said, but you don't have to treat me like I'm a piece of shit." Alex pressed.

I got closer to him, our faces inches apart. Alex smirked.

"It's because you are a piece of shit." I said lowly, and backed away. I quickly went up the stairs and locked myself into my bedroom, frantically searching for my fix; anything to make me feel better. I found my other hidden needle in my nightstand.

I quickly wrapped a piece of cloth tightly around my upper arm and found an open vien that I could put the needle into. I pressed down the plunge, biting my lip as the substance entered my blood stream, instantly feeling the high.

I smiled to myself and threw the needle back into the drawer. I fell onto my bed, letting it all sink in.

Alex wouldn't get any sympathy out of me. He made the mistake. He left me so he could go fuck other girls. He left me so I wouldn't bring him down on the popularity scale. He left me, so he wouldn't have to deal with me.

I have my own problems. I don't need him to add onto it.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh my goodness, it has been so long.
i finally got over the writers block in this story.

comment goal: 23

Jamie is still grounded. I have to write alllll our stories alone. D: