Endless, Meaningless, ***s

The Final ***

The wind moved each inch of grass patches towards the left. It was as if they were about to float away, but they stood their ground. A woman lied in the only patch of unmoving grass and watched the clouds relentlessly flutter by.

She had gorgeous, bright, hazel, eyes. Her hair was as red as fire burning up a forest. She wore a shiny, long, turquoise dress. She seemed peaceful and looked just dashing in the noon sunlit sky. The sun shone brighter than ever, and she felt as if she was as light as a feather and could be whisked away by the breeze. You couldn’t even tell everything what she had been through in the past few weeks. Although…

She had been waiting for him.

She glanced over her shoulder to check for his presence. He appeared from behind the hill. The woman sat up with her legs crisscross and her arms reaching the ground below her to hold herself up. His existence came closer and finally reached her. She turned her head and stared at him face to face. It was, the adorable dogface she would always keep in mind….

Of course, it didn’t take much to commit it to her memory. She had that dog for thirteen years. And it was the only friend she had left. Ever since the accident, when her crazy ex boyfriend murdered her family and friends. Life couldn’t get much worse. Or could it? Yes, it could. And she knew that. She knew what was coming. And there was no way she could bring an end to the rain or terror.


She grasped the dog around its neck, its fur as soft as cotton. She caressed the dog’s coat along its back and down to its tail. The dog had good judgment and sensed her sadness, so he stood his ground. The dog didn’t want to ruin the woman’s moment. Especially since he had known what had occurred. He was there for the whole thing. The dog knew her way of thinking, for her sorrow.

“Mary, I have found you.”

The woman, whom was concentrated on as Mary, now looked up from her gaze at the animal. A man no more than 6 feet tall stood nearly a foot from her. His hair was a sick black, and his eyes were an evil green. In his hand was a shotgun aimed at her head.

“Yes, it seems you have, Cal.”

The male became anxious and stiffened his shoulders.

“You have one last chance, do what I say, or I blow your brains out. And I’ll kill your little dog too,” the man known as Cal whispered.

“So then you would of done all those murders for, what? Hmm?”


“What was your reasoning in the first place? If you murder everyone I love, what makes you think I will then obey you?”

The man didn’t answer her.

“Exactly Cal, you have ended the lives of my dearest friends, family, and the only man I ever loved. Wait makes you think I would listen to you? WHAT?” Mary said with an unresponsive look on her face.

“What do you mean, as far as you know, the man you loved, is right here with you now? I haven’t changed, nor have I ever killed myself.”

“Excuse me? The man I loved was kind and was not a killer. But you are nearly correct. His name was Cal, and he was exactly like you. Except he wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

“False! I am standing right here. I love you, but I would go to great lengths to make you obey me. Even if it involves killing everyone you love, I am all you have left.”

“But because of you, I feel I have no one.”

“You have me!”


BAM! Mary lie there on the ground with her brains scattered across the picture perfect field. And it just wasn’t the same flawless image anymore. What started as Mary’s serene day, ended up being her last, and Cal stood there with tears forming in his eyes. What was he to do now? He knew…

Cal then turned the gun on himself and fired…
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, for the contest. I think it came out good.